اذهب الي المحتوي
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! M@ro@mD !

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مشاركات المكتوبه بواسطه ! M@ro@mD !

  1. (21): 5th : Stormbringer (1997) (10):




    Burning fields behind me

    The ground is soaked with blood

    The sun has lost its power

    Destruction is my name

    Prophecies announced my coming

    Sorcery has given me strength

    Invoking this spectral dusk

    Calling the end of the world


    Visions guided my way

    Once so vague, now so clear

    Once I saw their downfall

    Now I ride

    Within the storm

    The ground is breaking up

    Their nightmare is unchained

    Vast wings at the horizon

    These wings of death are mine


    Iron winds of darkness

    Invisible force from below

    As a phantom I ve become

    As the stormbringer I will go


    Unite my winds, unite

    Approach from the unknown lands

    Their world will fall in ruins

    As your silhouette rises aglow


    I swear you in the deeps

    Open the gate in the distance

    When daylight has disappeared

    I await your arrival



    Iron winds of darkness

    Invisible force from below

    As a phantom I ve become

    As the stormbringer I will go


    The misty air starts to clear

    The last screams die away

    My spiteful eyes reflect (and follow)

    Your devastating trace

    When flames aspire to Heaven

    All holiness deprived

    A kingdom born from our belief

    Satan s work is done

  2. Castleland


    Screams of war and vengeance

    Battles rage before my eyes

    I hear the call of warriors proud

    Who once ruled this land


    Foreign prophets came to praise

    Only a pack of lies was brought

    Men lost values, tribe and pride

    And murdered were the wise


    The wounds have never healed

    The shame is never forgotten

    Foreign gods, castleland

    They all don't belong here


    Legends, myths and sagas

    Still surround your timeless throne

    Casteland, majestic fatherland

    Here where i'm one with you


    They tried to kill the cults

    But your spirit cannot die

    May the truth be buried

    But your glory will alway survive


    When the ancient gods return

    Then the circle of time is closed

    Casteland then I know

    We must raise our swords for you

  3. Past...Present...Forever...


    Dark gloryful night witness

    The power of our unholy might

    As I feel the ancient force

    Standing within the old castle walls



    Here where my memories and visions unite

    Here where my mysteries never died

    Sights and dreams of evil are formed

    Here where revenge will be reborn


    Still I return to these places

    Of dark magical powers

    And a proud medieval spirit

    Which never really passed


    [repeat chorus]




    We are the fire which burns

    Without an end

    We are the warriors of a time

    Which never ended

    We are the voice of the past

    Which is present forever


    We are soul of immortal rites

    We are the force which never died

    We will enthrone a past

    Which is present forever....


    [repeat chorus]

  4. Hellfire's Dominion


    Flames are dancing in my eyes

    Firey glance shows no disguise

    The devil's mark is shining clear

    Fullmoon lurks, now hell is near


    With eyes of evil now I can see

    The darkside opens it's gates for me

    I feel the and burning pain

    See flames who shall domain



    Ruler of infernal fire

    Light my eyes with dark desire

    Words of wisdom calling for hell

    Words of holy can't break my spell



    Hellfire's dominion [x4]


    [repeat bridge]


    [repeat chorus]


    Evil voices summon the night

    For the one to spread his wings

    Souls of black eagerly awaiting

    The coming of the horned


    And in the depths of the underworld

    Our unholy chants will be heard

    Master rise with horns of death

    And we will be prepared

  5. Thou Shalt Be King


    Ravens announce that there's no mercy left

    Embrace the fate of that dark hour

    Treason between the dark castle's walls

    The king's murdered by traitor's hand



    The fatal bell announced it, for it is a knell

    That calls you to heaven, or to unholy hell

    Blood on the blade, the deed is done

    Honour is lost, the sceptre is won


    Thunder and lightning, fill the filthy air

    Now tyranny reigns this land

    Three witches upon the battles heath

    "A bloody crown won't deserve the throne"


    [repeat chorus]


    The seas incarnadine

    Be bloody, bold and resolute

    Enrage your noble hearts

    Hang those who shake with fear

    Hold fast the sword and fight

    With ten thousand warlike men

    Till our banner hangs on the castle's walls

    And the usurper is dethroned


    Warriors take revenge for the infamous deed

    The tyrant's fate is sealed

    We wear the betrayer's head on our swords

    The land is settled from the plague


    All hail, brave men

    For thou shalt be king

  6. Metalized Blood



    Brothers of Metal, warriors of steel

    Bang now your heads to the sound

    Our violent is takin' command

    Together we are standing proud


    Drums are pounding, guitars are sqeeling

    Whimps and posers end we will see

    Bass is roaring, vocals scream wild

    Now metalized blood is running free




  7. Teutonic Steel


    With the power of thunder

    We are stormin' through the night

    distant battles calling us

    Damnation tolls it's bells



    Command for battle now asounds

    " Die by teutonic steel !!!"

    Command for battle now asounds



    The sky shines in crimson fire

    Now chosen is the time

    False prophets and messiah's

    shall now prepare to die


    [Repeat Chorus]


    Sword and Axe are crushing down

    The earth now drinks their blood

    The blade of death knows no mercy

    Our spears impale their heads


    Holdin' high our steal in pride

    We bear the signs of might

    The hymns of once asound again

    We reach the fields of triumph


    And when our standards are blowin'

    On the vast hills in the dawn

    Then I finally know

    That our time has just begun


    [Repeat Chorus]

  8. Expect No Realease


    Receiving the infernal urge from inside

    Satanas guides me tonight

    Deriding the laws of your so called god

    Destroyed is all hope for release


    Raping the souls of the helpless & weak

    Here is no peace for all time

    Closed are the gates of heavens above

    Profanity will now be mine



    You feel my grasp

    But can't see me

    Agony drives you to despair


    Scream out in vain

    There's no escape

    Morbid laughter - Expect no release


    Searching the truth behind the truth

    Reading between the lies

    Time has come for you now to pay

    Soon you'll face the eclipse


    Here I give life to the beast

    And cast the final spell

    Preachers, priests and pope

    I'll take you all to hell


    [Repeat chorus]

  9. (21): 4th : Hellfire's Dominion (1998) (10):


    In The Ban Of Satan's Sorcery


    In the last hours of a dying day

    When the shades hang deep & deeper

    Damnation comes upon my soul

    I know my time has come again

    I feel the growing need

    Darkness shall ascend


    Must set the night on spell

    Must feel the burning stream

    Behold the rising pentagram

    As fire fills my heart



    Obsess me, unholy shadows

    Obsess my hungry heart

    Where the flesh is only a prison

    The magic set's the spirit free


    I stare into the emptyness

    My eyes can't let of it

    His craffs fill my soul with life

    And paint my dreams bloodred


    Unveiled are my darkest desires

    The temptation knows no bound

    I feast in blasphemy

    Bewitched by the force from below


    Take me into your spheres

    Take me far from here

    Life can't please my desire

    Lead me to the throne


    Feel close to the realms of death

    Far from all earthly life

    Banned in endless trance

    Mesmerize by the other side

    The shine of evil eyes complets the scenery

    Now as I'm ready for thy infernity


    [Repeat:] Must set the night...


    [Repeat Chorus]

  10. Disciples Of Darkness


    Satanic sign of horned divine

    Mark of death

    Your wikced force we feel

    Dark secrets are revealed

    The elders key

    To wisdom and to pride

    We summon up all our might

    Army of vengeance

    The strongest of the night

    So we will burn this number

    Into flesh







    Secret order of black divine

    From beyond

    Bring malice to mankind

    Dark spirits are reaching

    Out of hell

    Out of the other side

    Hot wings of wrath spreading wide

    Spreading far

    Invade into the sky

    Wage war against the weak

    and holy






    Secret Lords, royal black host

    A thousand souls

    Are the eyes of the night

    We're all kings, of our own

    Keep the truth

    of who sits on the throne

    Apostles of the damned

    We're immortal

    Time cannot touch us

    Forever on we will be

    Blessed in fire... SATAN RULES AT LAST!

  11. Battle Oath


    Gazing down into the vast valley

    armour shines in the last sunrays

    The battle stands before I know

    Ancient power will guide our way.



    as long as we will beware the mysteries and the pride

    as long as the magic and the instinct lead our mind

    as long the crafts of nature 're keeping our souls strong

    as long as the evil is living on


    With a spiteful look along the hills

    Still the crosses stand here on the highs

    The false sign of love and light

    Will be crushed by all our might


    Repeat Chorus.


    The Oath:

    This is the hour of all mortal agony

    This is the oath of the blackened hearts

    Satanic wisdom takes its place

    Forever we will be strong!


    A pact is made for all eternity

    All power is laid in our hands

    time will come when we will ride

    and the skies will burn at night.




  12. Call On The Beast


    Cursed rites of darkness

    Out where the oldest aoks stand

    We praise the unholy lord

    The ultimate sin we command


    "We will fight - we will win"

    The warriors around the stone altar speak



    Night shines in our eyes

    We call on the beast

    Hells raging hordes

    Call on the beast


    Blessed in the ring of stones

    Flames reach high and higher

    As blood is running warm

    Down from the altar of stone


    "Come forth infernal master

    We've lift the silver blade

    Come forth possess our souls

    Young virgins life won't be saved"


    "We will fight - we will win"

    The warriors around the stone altar speak


    Repeat CHORUS.




    Prince of darkness hear our call

    Lord of evil standing tall

    Let the heavens turn to hell

    By this rite, by this spell


    Repeat first verse & chorus.

  13. Sworn To Avenge


    "Raise the hordes from the abyss!"


    Nocturnal creatures in black armour

    Gather under a dark sky

    Spells are broken in conspiracy

    A chalice of blood held high

    Summon the spirits from down below

    To strenthen our will and our heart

    Fearsome plans for those who oppose

    We'll fight until death does us part



    Sworn to avenge

    In this night

    The hordes will rise

    For the fight

    Unleash your own beast inside

    Before the dawn will come we've sworn to avenge


    Your fear to die is our power

    So save your prayers for hope

    The freedom that you stole from us

    Turns to your own death robe

    Chosen to seek the oppressors of light

    Black coffins are waiting for you

    Your fate is sealed - there's no escape

    And there's nothing you can do


    Repeat Chorus:


    With the instict of a wolf

    We hunger for your blood

    It's to late for your regrets

    Your life will end in the mud

    Unconquerable as we are

    With impaled heads we ride

    We break the chains of slavery

    Of your false white light



    Sworn to avenge

    In this night

    The hordes will rise

    for the fight

    Unleash your own beast inside

    Swear the oath to avenge

    By these words of evil might

    The hordes will rise

    For the fight

    Unleash your own beast inside

    Before the dawn will come we've sworn to avenge


  14. Profanation


    Spawned out from the black abyss

    My name is cast with fear

    Behold my signs I feel my presence

    Then gods creations end is near


    In league with the devil

    Black magic is blazing in me

    First I'll steal your life

    Then comes with me, the blasphemy





    Silent might of an ancient race

    I triumph in their will

    Wherever I appear

    The holy blood shall spill


    I give life to the shadows

    Then demons dancing with me

    First I'll take your life

    Then comes with me, the blasphemy





    I am the inferno

    A message of the world below

    Attack the world with spite

    Dark phantom of the night

  15. Victim Of My Force


    The Day is gone, I waited so long

    The moon is round, my slaughter is on

    Like a shadow in demonic light

    I'm haunting and prowling and stalking the night


    First Chorus:

    Victim / Of my Force / I'll show no remorse /Victim of my force


    Second Chorus:

    Bleed and suffer

    Your screams come too late

    To face now my torment shall be your fate

    Must fulfil the dreams of the masters I serve

    Your bidding and praying will never be heard


    The urge so strong, no right or wrong

    Only my blade to seal your fate

    Seeking out victims to die by my hand

    I'm hunting and slashing and killing again


    Repeat First and Second Chorus!


    You feel my force in agony

    Chained in horror you shall scream

    My frenzied laughter, your helpless cries

    I'm lord of sin, no one can defy

    Crawl on your knees, all hope is gone

    Soon you will be offered to the pentagram

    I'm king of terror, an insane beast

    You bloody victim for my feast


    There's no escape, there's no return

    Out of the crypt's in which you will brun

    This horror is real and fantasy too

    I'm a priest of hell, make a slave on you


    Repeat First and Second Chorus!

  16. (10): 3rd : Tyrants Of The Netherworld (2000) (21):


    Nekropolis Karthago


    The ancient walls of Karthago

    Punic power in the Mediterranean

    Devotion to the archaic gods


    The city the state of siege

    Mass sacrifice to appease the gods

    Unborn ones were pledged to die





    The rites of their forefathers

    Sons and daughters pass through the fire

    Burning as a gift to their deity


    Infant corpses and newborn ones

    Sacrificial victims on the pyre

    At the place of dreadful shadows





    Impenetrable mysteries of ancient times

    Praying to their gods mercy

    Obtain some great favour

    Through the precious in their lives


    They burn their sons for Baal

    Godlike act of vengeance

    "I demand their firstborn

    that I might horrify them"


    Burn for me!

    The rite of human sacrifice!





    All their sons passed through my fire

    Through the rite of human sacrifice

  17. Spare No Coward


    Teeth cut with steel

    Black arrows find their mark

    Wailing priests are answered

    Head split by axe


    Gates fall to the ram

    Onslaught of evil kill

    Invoked is the command

    Death strike!!!


    Grim lord of the mound

    We call forth doom and death

    With blood, fire and spell

    We summon hell's breath


    The tower set ablaze

    Broken shields and corpses remain

    Sacrifice is slaughter

    Black winds carry the souls of the slain


    Spare No Coward x 2


    The dying are put to spear

    Flames lick at the sky

    With sword and mace attack

    Forces of devastation ride


    You can run! But you can not hide!

  18. Shadowinds


    I call to thee

    Dear, morbid one

    Unleash temptation to us all!


    Prepared in life to run with the dead

    Ensorcelled by a force beyond

    Motivated by burning darkness

    A lifetime for his master's grace

    Shades of filth - Arise!


    Coldest winds raised in the north

    A hymn to the creatures of the frost

    Nocturnal spectre hunts the light

    Hellfire easily wins the fight


    Arise Shadowinds!

    Strike Back! Shadowinds!


    Darkest clouds paint black the sky

    Your feeble lifes are worthless - Die

    Can't withstand the forces of the moon

    Purgatory soon shall rule


    Arise! Shadowinds!

    Strike Back! Shadowinds!

    And now step into this burning infernity!


    Embraced by winds of blazing fire

    Blown by storms - A truth beyond

    This is existence without sin and damnation

    A fallen kingdom to conquer again

    Take this hand! Lead by Shadowinds!

    Take this hand under command of the Shadowinds!


    Prepared in life to run with the dead

    Ensorcelled by a force beyond

    Motivated by burning darkness

    A lifetime for this masters grace


    Screams of anguish filled the night

    Last daylight forever died

    Eternal frost covers this earth

    Frightened souls forever lost

    Cause praying masters at any cost

    Nocturnal winds stir up my soul

    I call to thee not kneel before

    Not afraid to stand before Death's door

    Trapped By The Burning Impurity

  19. Nighthawk


    Dwelling beneath the ancient Stones

    Deep down in The mist

    A black Creature dressed in Feathers

    Secret King of a dying race

    In The Shadow of a Thousand Stars

    Upon whirling Clouds he Rides

    His flight echoes across the sky

    Gently he flies....


    NIGHTHAWK - spreads devil's might

    NIGHTHAWK - see with evil eyes

    NIGHTHAWK - death by sight

    Beware of the NIGHTHAWK

    Lead by the rays of the Moon

    Touching the Horizons

    Reigns With Supremacy

    In utter darkness

    Messenger from a World Beyond

    Of old Wisdom that still prevails

    On the Hills he is sitting proud

    Watching you - Nighthawwwkkkkkkkk

    NIGHTHAWK - spreads devil's might

    NIGHTHAWK - with see him fly

    NIGHTHAWK - death by sight

    Beware of the NIGHTHAWK

    Black are his eyes

    That stare at you

    to Crack your Will with a threatening delight

    Feel his power and feel his might

    Winged king from a blackened sky

    Spread your mighty wings again!

    The end now's come for you!

  20. Alliance To The Powerthrone


    Blessed be within the beauty of the night

    On furious wings of anger

    On victorious wings we ride

    We command the claw of death

    The hate of war we bare

    To protect this forgotten shrine

    A journey through all lakes of fire

    Through all those freezing deserts

    But that's the way we rule supreme

    Refreshing the flame eternally x 2

    Save your lousy powers!


    Behind these walls of doom we dwell

    Beneath the frozen flames of hell

    Our weapons forged with purest might

    To kill with power and easily win the fight

    The devil taught us a long time

    To reign the beauty and the fine

    The signs of hell we carry on

    It's the of death we are addicted to x 2


    Save your lousy powers!

    This is not the way it was meant to be

    Naturally forged in purest ecstasy

    The hell it owns you can't control

    It's just alliance to the powerthrone x 2


    This is the command of blazing metal

    This is the essence of it all

    There is no way of satisfaction

    Without the beauty of this storms


    - In Command Of Violent Fate

    - The Powers Of Death To Keep

    And That's The Way! It Was Meant! To Be!


    Blessed be within the beauty of the night

    On furious wings of anger

    On victorious wings we ride

    We command the claw of death

    The hate of war we bare

    To protect this forgotten shrine

    A journey through all lakes of fire

    Through all those freezing deserts

    But that's the way we rule supreme

    Refreshing the flame eternally x 2

  21. Necrolord


    [bonus track only on vinyl version]


    You shall burn in Hell!

    Demons raise their glory blades

    The fireblast of night awaits

    We storm the gates to crush them all

    All those feeble ones shall fall

    Nocturnal sign leads the way

    We love hunting so you pray

    The end of all soon to see

    Devastation violently


    Mine is the throne

    To the eternal centuries



    The Throne is ours can't you believe

    We bring plague and strange disease

    As violent as my armies march

    So silent we bring the day dark

    Total death just rapes the land

    I touch the stargate with cold hand

    To spread our powers to all time

    And reign it all - Grand and divine


    And our kingdom soon to come!


    We unite our forces

    Stronger than in times before

    In darkness we shall dwell forever


    You shall burn in hell!

  22. ...Of Impurity


    Await in silence

    Calling the dogs for war

    Pure denial of life

    Preaching cheap holy law

    Resurrection by demonic blackness

    Infinity rapes their minds

    As disease to crawl on the earth

    As disease embracing us all

    Holy curse:embracing us all!


    Foolish saints, feeble leaders

    Their idols enslaved to a cross

    Fallen victim your roots betrayed

    Damned to receive the plague of gods


    Holy curse:embracing us all!


    Prepared to meet thy entity

    To reign not serve the eternity

    Forget about immortality

    Inner strength as true infinity

    Within The Fires Of Impurity

    Within The Fires Of Impurity


    Wasted years laid to rest

    But now our eyes can see

    Blinded but healed

    Evolution takes supreme


    Forgotten wisdoms drowned in sin and fear

    Lost in joking losers play

    In blood maybe equal but in heart we are not

    Damned by the sons of fear

    I deny to serve a lie

    I deny this eternal life

    I deny your path of following

    And we will not pay for your self imposed sins

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