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مشاركات المكتوبه بواسطه ZoRoCaSpEr

  1. Mohamed Fouad




    Mohamed Fouad Abdel Hamid Hasan was born on December 20th 1964, in El Abbasiya and grew up at Halwan gardens. Fouad's Family is composed of three girls and seven boys.

    Fouad got married and has 2 children Abdel Rahman and Basmala.


    Mohamed speaks about the song, cinema and politics with the same enthusiasm. He is the singer of the kind people, He sings for the hardworking, poor young men who can barely afford one trouser and a shirt. He was just like this poor young men; there was a time when he owned one trouser and a shirt, which he had to wash each night to put on in the mornings to look clean. He was happy at that time, he used to sing for the kind millionaire and not the fraud. He sings for the kind whatever standard they are, socially or economically. Only these can feel his songs, others refuse him!!


    He said in an interview: I sing for those who are alike, I suppose we have the same blood type.


    The kind people in my country believe in me, weather I sang a song or acted in a film, each one of these people would find in my work a part resembling his actual life and personal experience. I am glad for this, as this means that whatever work I do touches the audiences and that they believe in what I do.


    Mohamed fouad is a singer delight in a high sensitivity and offers a distinct kind of productions be marked by the truly meanings and the sensitive feelings, and may be this was one of the main reasons to be the first Arabian singer to invade all the Arabic television stations with his video clips without exception and open the way in the face of the other excellently acts to walk in the same way he did .....

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