اذهب الي المحتوي
شرح حل مؤقت للتحميل من دومين مازاكوني نت للروابط لحين تحويل روابط المتدي ×

! DaReDeViL ! ™

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كل منشورات العضو ! DaReDeViL ! ™

  1. One Last Breath Please come now I think I’m falling I’m holding on to all I think is safe It seems I found the road to nowhere And I’m trying to escape I yelled back when I heard thunder But I’m down to one last breath And with it let me say Let me say Hold me now I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking That maybe six feet Ain’t so far down I’m looking down now that it’s over Reflecting on all of my mistakes I thought I found the road to somewhere Somewhere in His grace I cried out heaven save me But I’m down to one last breath And with it let me say Let me say Hold me now I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking That maybe six feet Ain’t so far down Sad eyes follow me But I still believe there’s something left for me So please come stay with me ‘Cause I still believe there’s something left for you and me For you and me For you and me Hold me now I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking
  2. Signs This is not about age Time served on the earth doesn’t mean you grow in mind This is not about God Spiritual insinuations seem to shock our nation Come with me I’m fading underneath the lights Come with me Come with me Come with me now This is not about race It’s a decision to stop the division in your life This is not about sex We all know sex sells and the whole world is buying Come with me I’m fading underneath the lights Come with me Come with me Come with me now Can’t you see the signs? See the signs now Can’t you see them? See the signs You see them All the signs we see them Can’t you see them?
  3. Who's Got My Back Run…hide All that was sacred to us Sacred to us See the signs The covenant has been broken By mankind Leaving us with no shoulder… with no shoulder To rest our head on To rest our head on To rest our head on Who’s got my back now? When all we have left is deceptive So disconnected So what is the truth now? There’s still time All that has been devastated Can be recreated Realize We pick up the broken pieces Of our lives Giving ourselves to each other… ourselves to each other To rest our head on To rest our head on To rest our head on Who’s got my back now? When all we have left is deceptive So disconnected So what is the truth now? Tell me the truth now… Tell us the truth now Who’s got my back now? When all we have left is deceptive So disconnected So what is the truth now?
  4. Freedom Fighter The mouths of envious Always find another door While at the gates of paradise they beat us down some more But our mission’s set in stone ‘Cause the writing’s on the wall I’ll scream it from the mountain tops pride comes before a fall So many thoughts to share All this energy to give Unlike those who hide the truth I tell it like it is If the truth will set you free I feel sorry for your soul Can’t you hear the ringing ‘cause for you the bell tolls I’m just a freedom fighter No remorse Raging on in holy war Soon there’ll come a day When you’re face to face with me Face to face with me Can’t you hear us coming? People marching all around Can’t you see we’re coming? Close your eyes it’s over now Can’t you hear us coming? The fight has only just begun Can’t you see we’re coming? I’m just a freedom fighter No remorse Raging on in holy war Soon there’ll come a day When you’re face to face with me Face to face with me
  5. ! DaReDeViL ! ™


    Bullets Walking around I hear the earth seeking relief I’m trying to find a reason to live But the mindless clutter my path Oh these thorns in my side I know I have something free I have something so alive I think they shoot ‘cause they want it I feel forces all around me Come on raise your head Those who hide behind the shadows Live with all that’s dead Look at me…look at me At least look at me when you shoot a bullet through my head Through my head Through my head Through my head In my lifetime when I’m disgraced By jealousy and lies I laugh aloud ‘cause my life Has gotten inside someone else’s mind Look at me…look at me At least look at me when you shoot a bullet through my head Through my head Through my head Through my head Hey all I want is what’s real Something I touch and can feel I’ll hold it close and never let it go Said why... why do we live life With all this hate inside I’ll give it away 'cause I don't want it no more Please help me find a place Somewhere far away I'll go and you’ll never see me again
  6. استقيظت مبكرا كعادتي .. بالرغم من ان اليوم هو يوم أجازتي ,صغيرتي ريم كذلك اعتادت على الاستيقاظ مبكرا, كنت اجلس في مكتبي مشغولة بكتبي واوراقي. ماما ماذا تكتبين ؟ اكتب رسالة الى الله هل تسمحين لي بقراءتها ماما ؟؟ لا حبيبتي , هذه رسائلي الخاصة ولا احب ان يقرأها احد. خرجت ريم من مكتبي وهي حزينة, لكنها اعتادت على ذلك , فرفضي لها كان باستمرار.. مر على الموضوع عدة اسابيع , ذهبت الى غرفة ريم و لاول مرة ترتبك ريم لدخولي... يا ترى لماذا هي مرتبكة؟ ريم ماذا تكتبين ؟ زاد ارتباكها .. وردت: لا شئ ماما , انها اوراقي الخاصة.. ترى ما الذي تكتبه ابنة التاسعة وتخشى ان اراه؟!! اكتب رسائل الى الله كما تفعلين.. قطعت كلامها فجأة وقالت: ولكن هل يتحقق كل ما نكتبه ماما؟ طبعا يا ابنتي فإن الله يعلم كل شئ.. لم تسمح لي بقراءة ما كتبت , فخرجت من غرفتها واتجهت الى راشد كي اقرأ له الجرائد كالعادة , كنت اقرأ الجريدة وذهني شارد مع صغيرتي فلاحظ راشد شرودي .. ظن بأنه سبب حزني .. فحاول اقناعي بأن اجلب له ممرضة .. كي تخفف علي هذا العبء يا الهي لم ارد ان يفكر هكذا .. فحضنت رأسه وقبلت جبينه الذي طالما تعب وعرق من اجلي انا وابنته ريم, واليوم يحسبني سأحزن من اجل ذلك.. واوضحت له سبب حزني وشرودي... ذهبت ريم الى المدرسة, وعندما عادت كان الطبيب في البيت فهرعت لترى والدها المقعد وجلست بقربه تواسيه بمداعباتها وهمساتها الحنونة. وضح لي الطبيب سوء حالة راشد وانصرف, تناسيت ان ريم ما تزال طفلة , ودون رحمة صارحتها ان الطبيب اكد لي ان قلب والدها الكبير الذي يحمل لها كل هذا الحب بدأ يضعف كثيرا وانه لن يعيش لأكثر من ثلاث اسابيع , انهارت ريم وظلت تبكي وتردد: * لماذا يحصل كل هذا لبابا ؟ لماذا؟ ادعي له بالشفاء يا ريم يجب ان تتحلي بالشجاعة , ولا تنسي رحمة الله انه القادر على كل شئ.. فانتي ابنته الكبيرة والوحيدة. أنصتت ريم الى امها ونست حزنها , وداست على ألمها وتشجعت وقالت : لن يموت أبي... في كل صباح تقبل ريم خد والدها الدافئ , ولكنها اليوم عندما قبلته نظرت اليه بحنان وتوسل وقالت : ليتك توصلني يوما مثل صديقاتي . غمرة حزن شديد فحاول اخفاءه وقال: ان شاء الله سيأتي يوما واوصلك فيه يا ريم.. وهو واثق ان اعاقته لن تكمل فرحة ابنته الصغيرة.. اوصلت ريم الى المدرسة , وعندما عدت الى البيت , غمرني فضول لأرى الرسائل التي تكتبها ريم الى الله بحثت في مكتبها ولم اجد اي شئ.. وبعد بحث طويل .. لا جدوى .. ترى اين هي ؟!! ترى هل تمزقها بعد كتابتها؟ ربما تكون هنا .. لطالما احبت ريم هذا الصندوق, طلبته مني مرارا فأفرغت ما فيه واعطيتها الصندوق ..يا الهي انه يحوي رسائل كثيرة ... وكلها الى الله! يارب ..يارب... يموت كلب جارنا سعيد لأنه يخيفني!! يارب ... قطتنا تلد قطط كثيرة .. لتعوضها عن قططها التي ماتت !!! يا رب ... ينجح ابن خالتي , لاني احبه !!! يا رب ... تكبر ازهار بيتنا بسرعة , لأقطف كل يوم زهرة واعطيها معلمتي!!! والكثير من الرسائل الاخرى وكلها بريئة... من اطرف الرسائل التي قرأتها هي التي تقول فيها : يا رب ... يا رب ... كبر عقل خادمتنا , لأنها ارهقت امي .. يا الهي كل الرسائل مستجابة , لقد مات كلب جارنا منذ اكثر من اسبوع , قطتنا اصبح لديها صغارا , ونجح احمد بتفوق, كبرت الازهار ..ريم تاخذ كل يوم زهرة الى معلمتها ... يا الهي لماذا لم تدعوا ريم ليشفى والدها ويرتاح من عاهته ؟؟!! .... شردت كثيرا ليتها تدعوا له .. ولم يقطع هذا الشرود الا رنين الهاتف المزعج ردت الخادمة ونادتني : سيدتي المدرسة ... المدرسة !! ... ما بها ريم ؟؟ هل فعلت شئ؟ اخبرتني ان ريم وقعت من الدور الرابع هي في طريقها الى منزل معلمتها الغائبة لتعطيها الزهرة .. وهي تطل من الشرفة ... وقعت الزهرة ... ووقعت ريم ... كانت الصدمة قوية جدا لم اتحملها انا ولا راشد ... ومن شدة صدمته اصابه شلل في لسانه ..فمن يومها لا يستطيع الكلام .. لماذا ماتت ريم ؟ لا استطيع استيعاب فكرة وفاة ابنتي الحبيبة... كنت اخدع نفسي كل يوم بالذهاب الى مدرستها كأني اوصلها , كنت افعل كل شئ صغيرتي كانت تحبه , كل زاوية في البيت تذكرني بها اتذكر رنين ضحكاتها التي كانت تملأ علينا البيت بالحياة ... مرت سنوات على وفاتها, وكأنه اليوم ... في صباح يوم الجمعة اتت الخادمة وهي فزعة وتقول انها سمعت صوت صادر من غرفة ريم... يا الهي هل يعقل ريم عادت ؟؟ هذا جنون ... انت تتخيلين لم تطأ قدم هذه الغرفة منذ ان ماتت ريم.. اصر راشد على ان اذهب وارى ماذا هناك.. وضعت المفتاح في الباب وانقبض قلبي فتحت الباب فلم اتمالك نفسي .. جلست ابكي وابكي ... ورميت نفسي على سريرها , انه يهتز .. آه تذكرت قالت لي مرارا انه يهتز ويصدر صوتا عندما تتحرك , ونسيت ان اجلب النجار كي يصلحه لها ولكن لا فائدة الآن ... لكن ما الذي اصدر الصوت .. نعم انه صوت وقوع اللوحة التي زينت بآيات الكرسي , والتي كانت تحرص ريم على قراءتها كل يوم حتى حفظتها, وحين رفعتها كي اعلقها وجدت ورقة بحجم البرواز وضعت خلفه يا الهي انها احدى الرسائل يا ترى , ما الذي كان مكتوب في هذه الرسالة بالذات ولماذا وضعتها ريم خلف الآية الكريمة إنها احدى الرسائل التي كانت تكتبها ريم الى الله كان مكتوب بها, يا رب ... يا رب ... اموت انا ويعيش بابا ........ Captured By : DaReDeViL
  7. 3ala ra2yak RAWAD bash .. akl akl akl ana go3t ana kaman , bas el moshkela eni mosh bakol 7agat ba7ria wa bazat el gambri
  8. 1st thnx for that nice topic ... 2nd ra2yak tamam ya rawad basha bas dah belnesba lel fan wa el fananeen .. enama hena el moshkela baseta aw mafesh moshekla asasan ,, feha eh lama wa7da takon kateba 3ala forum aw 3ala anythin' ,, ya3ni madam forum 3adi mafesh mashakl enama el a7' 2li fel story 7asesni eno 7'atebto batkteb 3ala site 7'ale3 wala 7aga .. wana 3an ra2y akoon sa3ed gedan lama 7'atbti takon famous wa leha klmtaha (3ala nafsaha tab3an mosh 3lia) .. enma el a7' dah akeed mo3kad wa mn el nas 2li shyfa en el bent ta3'sl wa tamsa7 wa totbo7' bas
  9. Amylee ft. Seether Broken********* [seether] (Verse 1) I wanted you to know That I love the way you laugh I wanna hold you high and steal your pain …away I keep your photograph And I know it serves me well I wanna hold you high and steal your pain [seether & Amy Lee] (Chorus 1) cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome And I don't feel right when you're gone away [seether] (Bridge) You've gone away You don't feel me here....anymore [Amy Lee] (Verse 2) The worst is over now And we can breathe again I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away There's so much left to learn And no one left to fight I wanna hold you high and steal your pain [seether & Amy Lee] (Chorus 2) cause I'm broken when I'm open And I don’t feel like I am strong enough cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away [instruments] [seether & Amy Lee] (Chorus 2) cause I'm broken when I'm open And I don’t feel like I am strong enough cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away [seether & Amy Lee] (Chorus 1) cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome And I don't feel right when you're gone [seether]...away [seether and Amy Lee] (Bridge)You're gone away You don't feel me here....anymore ******************************************************** BY : DaReDeViL
  10. ! DaReDeViL ! ™


    Bye Bye Bye **************** Hey, hey Bye bye bye Bye bye Bye bye Oh, oh, oh I'm doin' this tonight, You're probably gonna start a fight. I know this can't be right. Hey baby come on, I loved you endlessly, When you weren't there for me. So now it's time to leave and make it alone I know that I can't take no more It ain't no lie I wanna see you out that door Baby,bye bye bye Don't wanna be a fool for you Just another player in your game for two You may hate me but it ain't no lie, Baby, bye, bye, bye... Bye Bye Don't really wanna make it tough, I just wanna tell you that I had enough. It might sound crazy, But it ain't no lie, Baby, bye, bye, bye (Oh, Oh) Just hit me with the truth, Now, girl you're more than welcome to. So give me one good reason, Baby come on I live for you and me, And now I really come to see, That life would be much better once you're gone. I know that I can't take no more It ain't no lie, I wanna see you out that door Baby, bye, bye, bye... Bye Bye Don't wanna be a fool for you Just another player in your game for two You may hate me but it ain't no lie, Baby Bye, bye, bye... Bye Bye Don't really wanna make it tough, I just wanna tell you that I had enough (ooh ooh) It might sound crazy, But it ain't no lie, Baby, bye, bye, bye I'm giving up I know for sure I don't wanna be the reason for your love no more Bye Bye I'm checkin' out I'm signin' off Don't wanna be the loser and I've had enough Don't wanna be your fool In this game for two So I'm leavin' you behind Bye, bye, bye... I don't wanna make it tough (wanna make it tough) But I had enough And it ain't no lie (Bye, bye baby...) Bye, Bye Don't wanna be a fool for you Just another player in your game for two (I don't wanna be your fool) But it ain't no lie Baby bye, bye, bye... Don't really wanna make it tough (don't really wanna make it tough), I just wanna tell you that I had enough (that I had enough). Might sound crazy, But it ain't no lie, Bye, bye, bye ******************************************************** It's Gonna Be Me ********************* Lance: It's gonna--be--me Justin: Oooh, yeah Justin: You might've been hurt, babe That ain't no lie You've seen them all come and go, oh.. I remember you told me That it made you believe in No man, no cry Maybe that's why Every little thing I do Never seems enough for you You don't wanna lose it again But I'm not like them Baby, when you finally, Get to love somebody Guess what, It's gonna be me.. JC: You've got no choice, babe But to move on, and you know There ain't no time to waste You're just too blind (too blind), too see But in the end, ya know it's gonna be me You can't deny So just tell me why Every little thing I do Never seems enough for you You don't wanna lose it again But I'm not like them Baby, when you finally Get to love somebody (somebody) Guess what (guess what) It's gonna be me Lance: It's gonna be me Justin: Oh yeahhhhh... Justin: There comes a day When I'll be the one, you'll see.. It's gonna-gonna-gonna-gonna-gonna Justin: It's gonna be me All that I do Is not enough for you Don't wanna lose it But I'm not like that When finally (finally) You get to love Guess what (guess what) Every little thing I do Never seems enough for you (for you babe) You don't wanna lose it again (don't wanna lose it) But I'm not like them Baby, when you finally Get to love somebody (love..) Guess what (guess what) It's gonna be me Every little thing I do (ohh...) Never seems enough for you You don't wanna lose it again (don't wanna lose it) But I'm not like them Baby, when you finally (baby when you finally) Get to love somebody Guess what (guess what) Justin: It's gonna be me.. ******************************************************** Captured BY : DaReDeViL
  11. Too Bad ************** Fathers hands were lined with dirt From long days in the field And mothers hands are serving meals In a cafe on Main Street With mouths to feed Just trying to keep clothing on our backs And all I hear about is How it's so bad, it's so bad [Chorus:] It's too bad, It's stupid Too late, so wrong, so long It's too bad that we had no time to rewind Let's walk, let's talk Let's talk You left without saying goodbye Although I'm sure you tried You call the house from time to time To make sure we're alive But you weren't there Right when I'm needed you the most And now I dream about it How it's so bad, it's so bad [Chorus] Father's hands are lined with guilt For tearing us apart Guess it turned out in the end Just look at where we are Made it out, still got clothing on our backs And now I scream about it How it's so bad, it's so bad [Chorus x2] No time, last one, let's go ************************************************ Hollywood ********* Please don't be too long while you’re gone There ain't enough to keep me here too long Not like the last time I stood in line Just enough to keep me bouncing off the walls The new day, the new tray that comes around Pills and all enough to kill him while he sleeps Is this the alley we drag him to Just off of Hollywood and Normandy If it worked like she said it would Just like living in Hollywood Just like a bad dream, or so it seems Just like I'm back in emergency Please don't be too long while you’re gone There ain't enough to keep me here too long Not like the last time I stood in line Just enough to keep me bouncing off the walls If it worked like she said it would Just like living in Hollywood Just like a bad dream, or so it seems Just like I'm back in emergency ******************************************************** Never Again *********** He's drunk again, it's time to fight She must have done something wrong tonight The living room becomes a boxing ring It's time to run when you see him clenching his hands She's just a woman... never again I hear her scream from down the hall Amazing she can even talk at all She cries to me... "go back to bed" I'm terrified that she'll wind up dead in his hands She's just a woman... never again Been there before but not like this Seen it before but not like this Never before have I ever seen it this bad She's just a woman... never again Just tell the nurse you slipped and fell It starts to sting as it starts to swell She looks at you... she wants the truth It's right out there in the waiting room with those hands Lookin' just as sweet as he can... never again Seen it before but not like this Been there before but not like this Never before have I ever seen it this bad She's just a woman... never again Father's a name you haven't earned yet You're just a child with a temper Haven't you heard "don't hit a lady" Kickin' your ###### would be a pleasure He's drunk again, it's time to fight Same old ######, just on a different night She grabs the gun, she's had enough Tonight she'll find out how ######' tough is this man Pulls the trigger fast as she can... never again Seen it before but not like this Been there before but not like this Never before have I ever seen it this bad She's just a woman... never again ************************************************************* Just For ******* I want to take his eyes out Just for looking at you Yes I do I want to take his hands off Just for touching you Yes I do And I want to rip his heart out Just for hurting you And I want to break his mind down Yes I do And I want to make him Regret life since the day he met you Yes I do And I want to make him Take back all that he took from you Yes I do And I want to rip his heart out Just for hurting you And I want to break his mind down Yes I do ****************************************************** Where Do I Hide *************** Got a criminal record I can't cross state lines First on the bad list And you're last on mine Lookin' for a scapegoat Long past due Walking down the aisle Staring straight at you I still hear him screaming "where do I hide?" And all he asks and I say "hurry inside" He said, she said... No she don't Be back before morning And you know she won't Well I remember that summer Like yesterday And I remember his mother As he was dragged away I still hear him screaming "where do I hide?" And all he asks and I say "hurry inside" A whole lot of memories... yours and not mine And all he asks and I say "hurry inside" Got a criminal record I can't cross state lines First on the bad list And you're last on mine Lookin' for a scapegoat Long past due Walking down the aisle Staring straight at you I still hear him screaming "where do I hide?" And all he asks and I say "hurry inside" A whole lot of memories... yours and not mine And all he asks and I say "hurry inside, where do I hide?" ************************************************************ Woke Up This Morning ******************** I paid my last respects this morning on an early grave Already said goodbye... nothin' left to say A tiny church, a tiny town and not a tear was spent Not how I wanted it... I'm hating all of this Now I know why I hide my love from you somedays No I don't mind keeping this bottled inside me You came along and tore this wall down around me Looks like you found me... now I know why I felt like ###### when I woke up this morning I've been a loser all my life, I'm not about to change If you don't like it... there's the door... nobody made you stay There ain't a woman on the planet who can deal with it Just how I wanted it... I'm hating all of this Now I know why I hide my love from you somedays No I don't mind keeping this bottled inside me You came along and tore this wall down around me Looks like you found me... now I know why I felt like ###### when I woke up this morning ********************************************************** For ANy Other Lyrics Please Contact Me ..
  12. ! DaReDeViL ! ™


    ###### Like That ************ The way you shake it, I can't believe it I ain't never seen an ###### like that The way you move it, you make my pee pee go Doing, doing, doing I don't believe it, it's almost too good to be true I ain't never seen an ###### like that The way you move it, you make my pee pee go Doing, doing, doing The way she moves she's like a belly dancer She's shaking that ###### to that new nelly jam, I Think someones at the door But I don't think I'm gonna answer Police saying "freeze" Doing, doing, doing What do you mean freeze? Please, I'm a human being, I have needs I'm not done, not till I'm finish peeing I am not resisting arrest, I am agreeing Mr. Officer I'm already on my knees I can't get on the ground any further, it's impossible for me And do not treat me like a murderer, I just like to pee, pee, pee Yes, I make r&b, I sing song it go Ring-a-chong, a-ching-chong-chong-chong-ching Psych, I joke, I joke, I kidd, I kidd If I offend I'm sorry, please, please forgive For I am Triumph, the puppet dog, I am a mere puppet I can get away with anything I sing, you will love it [Chorus] Jessica Simpson, looks oh so temptin' Nick I ain't never seen an ###### like that Everytime I see that show on MTV my pee pee goes Doing, doing, doing Mary-Kate and Ashley used to be so wholesome Now they're getting older, they're starting to grow bum bums I go to the movies and sit down with my pop corn Police saying "freeze" Doing doing doing What do you mean freeze? Geez, I just got my seat I have ticket, look, I put away my zip-reciept Please do not remove me from this movie theater please I did not even get to see Mary-Kate shower scene I didn't mean to be obscene or make a great big scene And don't treat me like I'm pee wee herman, this movies PG Mr. Officer, I demand to see my attorney I will simply plead innocent, cop a plea and be free Free, yes, free, right back on the streets What you mean my lawyer's with Michael, he's too busy? I am Triumph, Britney Spears has shoulders like a man And I can say that and you'll laugh cuz that is a puppet on my hand [Chorus] Hilary Duff is not quite old enough so I ain't never seen a butt like that Maybe next year I'll say ###### and she'll make my pee pee go Doing, doing, doing The way she moves she dances like a go-go In that video she sings get out your poles, so I need a new boyfriend, hi my name is JoJo Police saying "freeze" Doing, doing, doing What do you mean freeze? My computers would be seized and my keys to my ranch I just baked cookies Mr. Officer, looky, take a whiff of these Here, I make Jesus juice, take a sip of this Nobody is safe from me, no not even me I don't even know if I can say the word pee pee, pee On the radio, but I think I did Janet, is that a breast, I think I just saw a tit Psych, I joke, I joke, I kidd, I kidd I don't think my joke is working, I must flee quick Get to the chopper, everybody get out I am not Triumph, I am Arnold, get down [Chorus] So Gwen Stefani, will you pee pee on me please? I ain't never seen an ###### like that Cuz the way you move it, you make my pee pee go Doing, doing, doing ###### is wrong with you? (ha!) ******************************************************
  13. nice one ya basha .. waitin' for more
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