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! DaReDeViL ! ™

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كل منشورات العضو ! DaReDeViL ! ™

  1. Big Weinnee *********** I don't understand Why are you being so mean? You're mean mean man [Chorus] You are just jealous of me Cuz you, you just can't do what I do So instead of just admitting it You walk around and say All kinds of really mean things About me cuz you're a meanie, a meanie But it's only cuz you're Just really jealous of me Cuz I'm what you want to be So you just look like an idiot When you say these mean things Cuz it's too easy to see You're just a really big weenie, big weenie [Verse 1] Alright listen, I need you to focus I need you to go dig deep in your mind, this is important We are going to perform an experiment of the sorts I'm going to have to ask you to bear with me for a moment Now I need you to open your mind-your eyes close them You are now about to be placed under my hypnosis For the next four and a half minutes We are going to explore into your mind To find out why you're so ######' jealous Now why did they make Yoo-Hoo? Hippity ga-ga boo-boo Psych, I'm kidding I just wanted to see if you're still listenin' Ok, now I need your undivided attention Sir I have a question Why do I always sense this undeniable tension From the moment that I enter into the room It gets all quiet and whispers Whenever theres conversation, why am I always mentioned? I've been dying to ask, it's been itchin' at me Is it just because [Chorus] [Verse 2] Alright now I, I just flubbed a line I was going to say something extremely important But I forgot who or what it was, I ###### up Psych, I'm kidding again you idiot, no I didn't That's just what you wanted to hear from me Is that I ###### up ain't it? But I can bust one take without lookin' at no paper It doesn't take a bunch of takes Or me to stand here in this booth all day For me to say the truth, ok? You're droolin, you have tooth decay Your mouth is open, you're disgusting What the ###### you eat for lunch A bunch of sweets or something, what? You munch a bunch of Crunch 'N Munch? Your tooth is rotten to the gum Your breath stinks, wanna chew some gum? Yes I do sir, what am I on? You sir are on chew syrum Marshall I'm so jealous of you ******************************************************
  2. walahi enty 7'osara fel balad deh .. :Mazakonia (92): .. wut a big luck for the one who will got your hurt
  3. Ich will dass ihr mir vertraut Ich will dass ihr mir glaubt Ich will eure Blicke spأ¼ren jeden Herzschlag kontrollieren Ich will eure Stimmen hören Ich will die Ruhe stören Ich will das ihr mich gut seht Ich will dass ihr mich versteht Ich will eure Phantasie Ich will eure Energie Ich will eure Hände sehen in Beifall untergehen Seht ihr mich Versteht ihr mich Fأ¼hlt ihr mich Hört ihr mich Könnt ihr mich hören Könnt ihr mich sehen Könnt ihr mich fأ¼hlen Ich versteh euch nicht Wir wollen dass ihr uns vertraut Wir wollen dass ihr uns alles glaubt Wir wollen eure Hände sehen Wir wollen in Beifall untergehen Könnt ihr mich hören Könnt ihr mich sehen Könnt ihr mich fأ¼hlen Ich versteh euch nicht Könnt ihr uns hören Könnt ihr uns sehen Könnt ihr uns fأ¼hlen Wir verstehen euch nicht
  4. Klavier Sie sagen zu mir schliess auf diese T黵 die Neugier wird zum Schrei was wohl dahinter sei hinter dieser T黵 steht ein Klavier die Tasten sind staubig die Saiten sind verstimmt hinter dieser T黵 sitzt sie am Klavier doch sie spielt nicht mehr ach das ist so lang her dort am Klavier lauschte ich ihr und wenn ihr Spiel begann hielt ich den Atem an Sie sagte zu mir ich bleib immer bei dir doch es hatte nur den Schein sie spielte f黵 mich allein ich goss ihr Blut ins Feuer meiner Wut ich verschloss die T黵 man fragte nach ihr Dort am Klavier lauschte ich ihr und wenn ihr Spiel begann hielt ich den Atem an dort am Klavier stand ich bei ihr es hatte den Schein sie spielte f黵 mich allein Geé°‚fnet ist die T黵 ei wie sie schreien ich hé°ژe die Mutter flehen der Vater schlé‹‘t auf mich ein man lé°ڈt sie vom Klavier und niemand glaubt mir hier das ich todkrank von ###### und Gestank Dort am Klavier lauschte ich ihr und wenn ihr Spiel begann hielt ich den Atem an Dort am Klavier lauschte sie mir und als mein Spiel begann hielt sie den Atem an (Translation: Piano ----- They say to me Open this door Curiosity screams Whatever could it be Back behind that door A piano The keys are all dusty The strings are all untuned Back behind that door At the piano But she plays no more It is so long ago On the piano She's who I hear She began to play She took my breath away She said to me too That I'll stay with you But it just seemed to be She played alone for me I poured her blood In the fire of my rage I locked up her shrine They questioned in time At the piano She's who I hear She began to play She took my breath away At the piano I stand by her But it just seemed to be She played alone for me They opened up the door And how they cried I heard her mother plea Her father struck out at me They tore her from her chair No one believed me there I was so insane With the stench and the pain At the piano She's who I hear She began to play She took my breath away At the piano She's who I hear As I began to play I took her breath away )
  5. ENGEL Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden den Blick 'gen Himmel fragst du dann warum man sie nicht sehen kann erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn kann man uns am Himmel sehn wir haben Angst und sind allein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Sie leben hinterm Horizont getrennt von uns unendlich weit sie mssen sich an Sterne krallen (ganz fest) damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn kann man uns am Himmel sehn wir haben Angst und sind allein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn kann man uns am Himmel sehn wir haben Angst und sind allein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Gott weiss ich will kein Engel sein Translation Angel Who in their lifetime is good on Earth will become an angel after death you look to Heaven and ask why you can not see them Only when the clouds have gone to sleep can you see us in Heaven we are afraid and are alone God knows I don't want to be an angel They live behind the sunshine separate from us an infinite distance they must kling to the stars so that they do not fall from Heaven Only when the clouds have gone to sleep can you see us in Heaven we are afraid and are alone God knows I don't want to be an angel Only when the clouds have gone to sleep can you see us in Heaven we are afraid and are alone God knows I don't want to be an angel
  6. Eifersucht Bin ich sché°ٹer Zerschneid mir das Gesicht Bin ich sté‹œker Brich feige mein Genick Bin ich kl黦er Té°گe mich und iss mein Hirn Hab ich dein Weib Té°گe mich und iss mich ganz auf Dann iss mich ganz auf Bin ich ehrlicher Beiss mir die Zunge ab Bin ich reicher Dann nimm mir alles Bin ich mutiger Té°گe mich und iss mein Herz Hab ich dein Weib Té°گe mich und iss mich ganz auf Dann iss mich ganz auf Doch leck den Teller ab Es kocht die Eifersucht Hab ich so glatte Haut Zieh sie in Streifen ab Hab ich die klaren Augen Nimm mir das Licht Hab ich die reine Seele Té°گe sie in Flammen Habe ich dein Weib dann Té°گe mich und iss mich ganz auf Dann iss mich ganz auf Doch leck den Teller ab Es kocht die Eifersucht (Translation: Jealousy -------- Am I pretty Then cut me in the face Am I stronger Break my neck in disgrace Am I smarter Kill me and eat my brain I take your wife Kill me and eat me all up Just eat me all up Am I honest Then bite my tongue right off Am I richer Then take it all Am I braver Kill me and eat my heart I take your wife Kill me and eat me all up Just eat me all up And lick the table clean We're cooking jealousy Have I such tender skin Tear it out in stripes Have I the clearest eyes Steal all the light Have I the purest soul Burn it in the flames I take your wife then Kill me and eat me all up Just eat me all up And lick the table clean We're cooking jealousy )
  7. DU HAST Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... ...... Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... Du hast mich... Du hast mich gefragt... Du hast mich gefragt... Du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab' nichts gesagt! Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet Treu ihr sein fأ¼r alle Tage. NEIN! NEIN! Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet Treu ihr sein fأ¼r alle Tage. NEIN! NEIN! Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... Du hast mich... Du hast mich gefragt... Du hast mich gefragt... Du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab nicht gesagt! Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet. Treu ihr sein fأ¼r alle Tage. NEIN! NEIN! Willst du bis zum Tod der Scheide. Sie lieben auch in schlechten Tagen. NEIN! NEIN! Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet. Treu ihr sein....... NEIN! NEIN!
  8. Bestrafe Mich bestrafe mich Stroh wird Gold und Gold wird Stein deine Gré°ڈse macht mich klein du darfst mein Bestrafer sein ja Der Herrgott nimmt der Herrgott gibt Bestrafe mich bestrafe mich du meinst ja und ich denk nein schliess mich ein in dein Gebet bevor der Wind noch ké‹–ter weht Deine Gré°ڈse macht mich klein du darfst mein Bestrafer sein du darfst mein Bestrafer sein Deine Gré°ڈse macht mich klein du darfst mein Bestrafer sein deine Gré°ڈse macht ihn klein du darfst meine Strafe sein Der Herrgott nimmt der Herrgott gibt doch gibt er nur dem den er auch liebt bestrafe mich (Translation: Punish Me --------- Punish me Punish me Straw is gold And gold is stone You are so big, make me small You're the master, make me crawl The lord does give The lord does take Punish me Punish me You say yes And I say no Lock me in all you worship Before the wind's cold hand grips You are so big, make me small You're the master, make me crawl You're the master, make me crawl You are so big, make me small You're the master, make me crawl You're so big you make him small You will punish me for all The lord does give The lord does take Does he give love to Those he forsakes? Punish me )
  9. ! DaReDeViL ! ™


    Asche Zu Asche Warmer Kأ¶rper heiأںes Kreuz falsches Urteil kaltes Grab Auf dem Kreuze lieg ich jetzt sie schlagen mir die Nأ¤gel ein das Feuer wأ¤scht die Seele rein und أ¼brig bleibt ein Mundvoll Asche Ich komm wieder in zehn Tagen als dein Schatten und werd dich jagen Heimlich werd ich auferstehen und du wirst um Gnade flehen dann knie ich mich in dein Gesicht und steck den Finger in die Asche Asche zu Asche und Staub zu Staub
  10. an ra2y en el kalam dah mytla3esh mn wa7da 3'eer lama yakoon 3andk el mowheba .. fanana ya benty :D ..
  11. ya rab yahdi kol el nas .. wa yag3l rasoloh fel makam el ma7mood insha2 alah ...
  12. thnx ya basha .. w ya rab eg3lna ma3 ahl 7a2 fe ganatak ..
  13. Thnx Ya bAsha 3ala el kalam el gamed dah kolo ..
  14. Know Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth, Cursed Earth. I will never feed off the evergreen luster of your heart all because we all live in the valley of the walls when we speak we can peak from the windows of their mouths to see the land the women chant as they fly up to the sun. You never think you know why, Know, You never think you know why, Know, You never think you know why, Know, Ever think you know why, Know. Books all say different things while people flap their yellow wings trying to soar by being a ###### of life and almost everything the sheep that ran off from the herd may be dead but now's a bird able to fly able to die able to break your cursed earth You never think you know why, Know, You never think you know why, Know, You never think you know why, Know, Ever think you know why, Know. On the other side, on the other side, the other side, Do you ever try to fly, Do you ever try to fly? Have you ever wanted to die, you ever want to die? Don't ever try to fly, don't ever try to fly, Don't ever try to fly, unless you leave your body on the other side, Never try to die, you ever try to die. Know, You never think you know why, Know, You never think you know why, Know, You never think you know why, Know, Ever think you know why, Know. Watch them all fall down, Revolution, the only solution, The armed response of an entire nation, Revolution, the only solution, We've taken all your ######, now it's time for restitution. The plan was mastered and called Genocide (Never want to see you around) Took all the children and then we died, (Never want to see you around) The few that remained were never found, (Never want to see you around) All in a system , Down~
  15. P.L.U.C.K. Elimination, Elimination, Elimination Die, Why, Walk Down, Walk Down A whole race Genocide, Taken away all of our pride, A whole race Genocide, Taken away, watch them all fall down. Revolution, the only solution, The armed response of an entire nation, Revolution, the only solution, We've taken all your ######, now it's time for restitution. Recognition, Restoration, Reparation, Recognition, Restoration, Reparation, Watch them all fall down. Revolution, the only solution, The armed response of an entire nation, Revolution, the only solution, We've taken all your ######, now it's time for restitution. The plan was mastered and called Genocide (Never want to see you around) Took all the children and then we died, (Never want to see you around) The few that remained were never found, (Never want to see you around) All in a system of Down......Down.....Down.......Down........Walk Down...........
  16. Sugar The kombucha mushroom people, Sitting around all day, Who can believe you, Who can believe you, Let your mother pray, (sugar) Well I'm not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play Russian roulette everyday, a man's sport, With a bullet called life, yeah mama called life,(sugar) You know that every time I try to go Where I really want to be, It's already where I am, Cause I'm already there?.(sugar) The kombucha mushroom people, Sitting around all day, Who can believe you, Who can believe you, Let your mother pray, (sugar) I got a gun the other day from Sako, It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket, Yeah, right in my pocket, (sugar) My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes, And I just kick her, and then she's O.K. ,she's O.K.(sugar) People are always chasing me down, Trying to push my face to the ground, Where all they really want to do, Is suck out my mother ###### brains, my brains (sugar). The kombucha mushroom people, Sitting around all day, Who can believe you, Who can believe you, Let your mother pray~, I sit, in my desolate room, no lights, no music, Just anger, I've killed everyone, I'm away forever, but I'm feeling better, How do I feel, What do I say, ###### you, it all goes away, How do I feel, What do I say, ###### you, it all goes away, How do I feel, What do I say, In the end it all goes away, How do I feel, What do I say, In the end it all goes away, How do I feel, What do I say, In the end it all goes away, How do I feel, What do I say, In the end it all goes away, How do I feel, What do I say, In the end it all goes away, How do I feel, What do I say, In the end it all goes away, In the end it all goes away, In the end it all goes away, In the end it all goes away, In the end it all goes away.
  17. War? Dark is the light, The man you fight, With all your prayers, incantations, Running away, a trivial day, Of judgment and deliverance, To whom was sold, this bounty soul, A gentile or a priest ? Who victored over, the Seljuks, When the holy land was taken We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens Was it the riches, of the land, Powers of bright darkness, That lead the noble, to the East, To fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We must call upon our bright darkness, Beliefs, they're the bullets of the wicked, One was written on the sword, For you must enter a room to destroy it, International security, Call of the righteous man, Needs a reason to kill man, History teaches us so, The reason he must attain, Must be approved by his God, His child, partisan brother of war, Of war, we don't speak anymore, Of war, we don't speak anymore, Of war, we don't speak anymore, Of war, we don't speak anymore, We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
  18. Suite-Pee I had an out of body experience, the other day, her name was Jesus, and for her everyone cried, everyone cried, everyone cried. Try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try. You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy, die her philosophy die. Crossed and terrored ravages of architecture, lend me thy blades, we're crossed and terrored ravages of architecture, hoist around the spade. Try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try her philosophy, and try. You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy, die her philosophy die. die..... die......die......why......lie naked on the floor and let the messiah go through our souls, lie naked on the floor and let the messiah go all through our souls, die, like a mother ######, die, like a mother ######, die, like a mother ######, why, like a mother ######, i want to ###### my way to the garden, cause everyone needs a mother ######! Try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try her philosophy, try. You die for her philosophy, die for her philosophy, die her philosophy die. the following of a christ, the following of a christ, the following of a christ, the following of a christ, the falling of christ, the falling of christ, the falling of christ, the falling of christ.
  19. Suggestions Watching, From a post up high, From where you see the ships afar, From a well trained eye, The waves all keep on crashing by, If you are the light post, Then you own the working class, But if you want the answers, You better give a piece of ######, Give a piece of your ######, Warning, Post hypnotic suggestions, Running the ships ashore, The orange light that follows, Will soon proclaim itself a god, If you point your questions, The fog will surely chew you up, But if you want the answers, You better get ready for the fire, Get ready for the fire, The ships are multiplying day after day sir, And they're coming close to the shore sir, shore sir, We need to evacuate the light post, It's all over, it's all over ~~ It's all over.
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