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! DaReDeViL ! ™

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كل منشورات العضو ! DaReDeViL ! ™

  1. سئل رحمه الله عن رجل أراد أن يواقع زوجته في شهر رمضان بالنهار فأفطر بالأكل قبل أن يجامع ثم جامع فهل عليه كفارة أم لا؟ وما على الذي يفطر من غير عذر؟ الحمد لله، هذه المسألة فيها قولان للعلماء مشهوران: أحدهما: تجب وهو قول جمهورهم كمالك وأحمد وأبي حنيفة وغيرهم. والثاني: لا تجب وهو مذهب الشافعي. وهذان القولان مبناهما على أن الكفارة سببها الفطر من الصوم أو من الصوم الصحيح بجماع أو بجماع وغيره على اختلاف المذاهب. فإن أبا حنيفة يعتبر الفطر بأعلى جنسه، ومالك يعتبر الفطر مطلقا، فالنزاع بينهما إذا أفطر بابتلاع حصاة أو نواة ونحو ذلك. وعن أحمد رواية أنه إذا أفطر بالحجامة كفر كغيرها من المفطرات بجنس الوطء، فأما الأكل والشرب ونحوهما فلا كفارة في ذلك. ثم تنازعوا: هل يشترط الفطر من الصوم الصحيح؟ فالشافعي وغيره يشترط ذلك، فلو أكل ثم جامع أو أصبح غير ناو للصوم ثم جامع أو جامع وكفر ثم جامع: لم يكن عليه كفارة; لأنه لم يطأ في صوم صحيح. وأحمد في ظاهر مذهبه وغيره يقول: بل عليه كفارة في هذه الصور ونحوها; لأنه وجب عليه الإمساك في شهر رمضان فهو صوم فاسد فأشبه الإحرام الفاسد. وكما أن المحرم بالحج إذا أفسد إحرامه لزمه المضي فيه بالإمساك عن محظوراته فإذا أتى شيئا منها كان عليه ما عليه من الإحرام الصحيح، وكذلك من وجب عليه صوم شهر رمضان إذا وجب عليه الإمساك فيه وصومه فاسد لأكل أو جماع أو عدم نية فقد لزمه الإمساك عن محظورات الصيام، فإذا تناول شيئا منها كان عليه ما عليه في الصوم الصحيح، وفي كلام الموضعين عليه القضاء، وذلك لأن هتك حرمة الشهر حاصلة في الموضعين; بل هي في هذا الموضع أشد; لأنه عاص بفطره أولا فصار عاصيا مرتين، فكانت الكفارة عليه أوكد؛ ولأنه لو لم تجب الكفارة على مثل هذا لصار ذريعة إلى ألا يكفِّر أحد، فإنه لا يشاء أحد أن يجامع في رمضان إلا أمكنه أن يأكل ثم يجامع، بل ذلك أعون له على مقصوده، فيكون قبل الغداء عليه كفارة، وإذا تغدى هو وامرأته ثم جامعها فلا كفارة عليه وهذا شنيع في الشريعة لا ترد بمثله. فإنه قد استقر في العقول والأديان أنه كلما عظم الذنب كانت العقوبة أبلغ، وكلما قوي الشبه قويت، والكفارة فيها شوب العبادة وشوب العقوبة وشرعت زاجرة وماحية فبكل حال قوة السبب يقتضي قوة المسبب. ثم الفطر بالأكل لم يكن سببا مستقلا موجبا للكفارة كما يقوله أبو حنيفة ومالك، فلا أقل أن يكون معينا للسبب المستقل، بل يكون مانعا من حكمه، وهذا بعيد عن أصول الشريعة. ثم المجامع كثيرا ما يفطر قبل الإيلاج فتسقط الكفارة عنه بذلك على هذا القول وهذا ظاهر البطلان والله أعلم. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ مجموع فتاوى شيخ الإسلام أحمد بن تيمية - (ج 25/ ص 260 ـ 263)
  2. سئل عن رجل وطئ امرأته وقت طلوع الفجر معتقدا بقاء الليل ثم تبين أن الفجر قد طلع فما يجب عليه ؟ الحمد لله، هذه المسألة فيها ثلاثة أقوال لأهل العلم: أحدها: أن عليه القضاء والكفارة وهو المشهور من مذهب أحمد. والثاني: أن عليه القضاء وهو قول ثان في مذهب أحمد وهو مذهب أبي حنيفة والشافعي ومالك. والثالث: لا قضاء عليه ولا كفارة، وهذا قول طوائف من السلف كسعيد بن جبير ومجاهد والحسن وإسحاق وداود وأصحابه والخلف، وهؤلاء يقولون: من أكل معتقدا طلوع الفجر ثم تبين له أنه لم يطلع فلا قضاء عليه. وهذا القول أصح الأقوال وأشبهها بأصول الشريعة ودلالة الكتاب والسنة، وهو قياس أصول أحمد وغيره فإن الله رفع المؤاخذة عن الناسي والمخطئ، وهذا مخطئ وقد أباح الله الأكل والوطء حتى يتبين الخيط الأبيض من الخيط الأسود من الفجر واستحب تأخير السحور ومن فعل ما ندب إليه وأبيح له لم يفرط، فهذا أولى بالعذر من الناسي. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ مجموع فتاوى شيخ الإسلام أحمد بن تيمية - (ج 25/ ص 263 ـ 264)
  3. سئل عما إذا قبل زوجته أو ضمها فأمذى: هل يفسد ذلك صومه أم لا؟ يفسد الصوم بذلك عند أكثر العلماء. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ مجموع فتاوى شيخ الإسلام أحمد بن تيمية - (ج 25/ ص 265)
  4. سئل عمن أفطر في رمضان بالزنا عمدًا إذا أفطر في رمضان مستحلا لذلك وهو عالم بتحريمه استحلالا له وجب قتله، وإن كان فاسقا عوقب عن فطره في رمضان بحسب ما يراه الإمام وأخذ منه حد الزنا، وإن كان جاهلا عرف بذلك وأخذ منه حد الزنا ويرجع في ذلك إلى اجتهاد الإمام. والله أعلم. ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ مجموع فتاوى شيخ الإسلام أحمد بن تيمية - (ج 25/ ص 265)
  5. إذا كان الجو غائمًا، وأذن المؤذن، وأفطر بعض الناس بناء على الأذان، واتضح بعد الإفطار أن الشمس لم تغب؛ فما حكم الصيام في هذه الحالة‏؟‏ الذي عليه جمهور أهل العلم فيما أعلم‏:‏ أنه إذا تبيَّن للصائم أنه أفطر قبل غروب الشمس، فإنه يجب عليه قضاء ذلك اليوم؛ لأنه لم يتمه، والله تعالى يقول‏:‏ ‏{‏ثُمَّ أَتِمُّواْ الصِّيَامَ إِلَى الَّليْلِ‏}‏ ‏[‏سورة البقرة‏:‏ آية 187‏]‏‏.‏ بل إن بعضهم قال‏:‏ إذا أفطر شاكًّا في غروب الشمس، ولم يتبيَّن له الحال؛ وجب عليه القضاء؛ لأن الأصل بقاء النهار، ولا يخرج عن هذا الأصل إلا بيقين‏.‏ وبعض العلماء يرى أنهم إذا كان الجو غائمًا واجتهدوا في التحري وأفطروا، ثم تبيَّن بقاء النهار؛ أنه يصح صومهم؛ لأنه حصل من الصحابة رضي الله عنهم شيء من ذلك، ولم يؤمروا بالقضاء، والقول الأول أحوط‏.
  6. ما الحكم إذا شك الإنسان الذي يريد الصيام في طلوع الفجر‏؟‏ هل له أن يأكل ويشرب حتى يستيقن من طلوع الفجر، أم أنه يعمل بالشك؛ فلا يأكل ولا يشرب‏؟‏ على الإنسان أن يحتاط في مثل هذا الأمر؛ فإذا شك في طلوع الفجر؛ فعليه أن يتأكد وينظر في العلامات؛ فإذا رأى أن العلامات تدل على طلوع الفجر؛ فإنه لا يأكل؛ مثل أن يسمع المؤذنين، أو ينظر التقويم والتوقيت ويعرف موعد الفجر قد حان في التقويم؛ فلا يأكل‏.‏ والذي يجب عليه في مثل هذا الأمر التثبت؛ لأنه على بداية الصيام، ويخشى أن يكون قد طلع الفجر؛ فإذا غلب على ظنه أن الفجر لم يظهر؛ فإنه يأكل ويشرب، وإذا غلب على ظنه العكس أن الفجر قد ظهر؛ فإنه يمتنع؛ فغلبة الظن تنزل منزلة اليقين، وإذا شك؛ فإن الأحسن أن لا يأكل؛ لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول‏:‏ ‏"‏دع ما يريبك إلى ما لا يريبك‏" ‏[‏رواه الترمذي في ‏سننه‏‏‏]‏، ويقول صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏ ‏"من اتقى الشبهات؛ فقد استبرأ لدينه وعرضه‏"‏ ‏[‏رواه البخاري في ‏‏صحيحه‏‏‏]‏‏.‏
  7. ما الحكم الشرعي للصيام فيمن سمع أذان الفجر واستمر في الأكل والشرب‏؟‏ يجب الإمساك إذا تحقق طلوع الفجر؛ لقوله تعالى‏:‏ ‏{‏وَكُلُواْ وَاشْرَبُواْ حَتَّى يَتَبَيَّنَ لَكُمُ الْخَيْطُ الأَبْيَضُ مِنَ الْخَيْطِ الأَسْوَدِ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ‏}‏ ‏[‏سورة البقرة‏:‏ آية 187‏]‏‏.‏ وإذا كان المؤذن يؤذن عند طلوع الفجر؛ فإنه لا يجوز الأكل والشرب إذا أذن؛ لأن أذانه علامة على طلوع الفجر، أما إن كان المؤذن يتقدم على طلوع الفجر؛ فلا بأس بالأكل والشرب بعد أذانه، فلا يعتبر الأذان للإمساك، وإنما المعتبر طلوع الفجر أو ما يدل عليه من الأذان الذي يكون عند طلوعه، أو النظر في التوقيت اليومي‏
  8. ما حكم الكحل والعطر ومساحيق المكياج للصائمة‏؟‏ أما الكحل والقطرة وما يوضع في العين للصائم؛ فهذا قد يتسرب إلى حلقه، فيؤثر على صيامه، وقد قال الكثير من أهل العلم بمنع الكحل للصائم، أو أن يضع شيئًا بعينه؛ كالقطرة وغير ذلك؛ لأن العين منفذ، ويتسرب منها الشيء إلى الحلق؛ دون أن يستطيع الإنسان منع ذلك‏.‏ أما قضية المساحيق التي توضع على الوجه والأصباغ والطيب الذي يتطيب به الإنسان من العطور السائلة؛ فهذا لا بأس به؛ إلا أنه ينبغي أن يعلم أن المرأة ممنوعة من التزين والتعطر عند الخروج من البيت، بل يجب عليها أن تخرج متسترة متجنبة للطيب، ويحرم عليها التطيب عند الخروج، قال تعالى‏:‏ ‏{‏وَلا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الأُولَى‏}‏ ‏[‏سورة الأحزاب آية‏:‏ 33‏]‏، وحتى في خروجها للعبادة إلى المسجد؛ فهي مأمورة بترك الزينة وبترك الطيب‏.‏ قال صلى الله عليه وسلم‏:‏ ‏"‏لا تمنعوا إماء الله مساجد الله وليخرجن تَفِلات‏" ‏[‏رواه أبو داود في ‏سننه‏‏]‏ يعني‏:‏ في غير زينة، وفي غير طيب؛ لأن الزينة والطيب مما يجلب الأنظار، ويسبب الفتنة‏.‏ وقد ابتليت بعض نساء المسلمين بالتبرج والتزين عند الخروج، وعمل الأصباغ والمكياج؛ فكأنهن إنما يستعملن الزينة للخروج من البيت، وهذا حرام عليها‏.
  9. هل التبرع بالدم في نهار رمضان يفطر‏؟‏ نعم؛ إذا كان الدم كثيرًا تبرع به وسحب منه؛ فإنه يفطر بذلك؛ لأنه مثل الحجامة‏.
  10. ما حكم صيام من ينام عن صلاة الظهر والعصر والمغرب والعشاء ويصلي هذه الفروض مجتمعة في الساعة الثانية عشرة ليلاً ولا يصلي فرضاً في وقته إلا الفجر والعشاء في بعض الأحيان فما نصيحتكم لمثل هذا صيامه صحيح وعليه أن يجتهد في الإتيان بالصلاة في وقتها قال تعالى: {حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلاةِ الْوُسْطَى وَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ قَانِتِينَ} (البقرة: 238) وقال تعالى: {إِنَّ الصَّلاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَاباً مَوْقُوتاً} (النساء: 103) فكل من أخرج الصلاة عن وقتها من غير ما عذر فهو داخل في قوله تعالى: {فَوَيْلٌ لِلْمُصَلِّينَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ عَنْ صَلاتِهِمْ سَاهُونَ} (الماعون: 4-5) أما ما يتعلق بالصيام فلاشك أن صيام مثل هذا منقوص الأجر لأن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال كما في حديث أبي هريرة في البخاري: " من لم يدع قول الزور والعمل به فليس لله حاجة في أن يدع طعامه وشرابه" فتأخير الصلاة عن وقتها من غير ما عذر من أعظم العمل بالزور فليتق الله هذا وليحافظ على الصلاة في أوقاتها وصيامه صحيح.
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  14. World Filled Wiz Love Saw some pictures in the paper, of a girl I'd met the day before. I couldn't believe that hours later, I had reporters knockin at my door, But I used to dream about, the life I'm living now and, I didn't think I'd miss those things from the past, and I'm not afraid of leaving, or letting go of what I had, cause I realize that now there's no turning back. (Chorus) Cause I'm a young heart living in a world filled with love, so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above, I can brush my troubles away, know that deep down inside, I got sun shine in my life. (Verse) I used to think I could get better, my girlfriends always used to get me wrong. Some just sent messages, love letters, but those kinda feelings never lasted long. Cause now the only love I find's within a castle made of sand, and when the tide goes out it's swept away. Though I got my peace of mind, and time is firmly on my side, so through the battles I can safely say... (Chorus) That I'm a young heart living in a world filled with love, so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above, I can brush my troubles away, know that deep down inside, I got sun shine in my life. (Music Break) (Chorus) Cause I mean I'm caught living in a world filled with love, so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above, I can brush my troubles away, know that deep down inside, I got sun shine in my life. I'm caught living in a world filled with love, so when tear drops fall from me like rain from above, I can brush my troubles away, know that deep down inside, I got sun shine in my life.
  15. Two Stpes Back Ooh, ooh (Craig David) Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah You know I'm the kind of guy that does 9 to 5 Working real hard cos thats the way I live my life Back home just me and you girl all alone With no one interrupting Switch off the phone But I could be that other guy Who comes home late night then tells you lies So why you trippin' out on me girl all the time When every day it's only you that's on my mind oh Chorus: Every time we take one step forward You take 2 steps back Everytime it's right you bring left back (oh, oh) Girl you really ought to think about it Cos there's really no doubt about it You know I've been there for you and that's the truth (x2) You know you're the kind of girl that doesn't need to front Keep it real, let me know just what you want Sometimes you just don't know when to stop You worry so much over nothing you risk losing what you've got Now can't you see there's no other girl I think you're the most beautiful woman in this world Yeah But you say I don't appreciate ya And I don't know how to treat ya We don't do the same things we did no more Chorus (Remember) it wasn't that long ago You told me that you loved me so Don't forget all the nights we shared When you told me girl just how much you cared (remember)you think im being led astray But thats the way players play I'm not that kind of man Why can't you understand Cos I Want you to trust in me Baby girl can't you see You`re only gonna mess things up You've done enough Why can't you stop cos You're gonna lose what's good for you And thats the last thing you wanna do Won't find another like me ooooh Chorus
  16. Sliker Than Your Average Yo craig (yeah) there's some real jealous people out there right (uh huh) tryin' to say how you're whack (what) how your music's soft (what) and you ain't got nothin' to say (what) Well it's album number two right so you gotta let 'em know (that's right) so do your thing (yeah) take your time (yeah) speak your mind (listen) Ever since I first stepped up they thought I wasn't good enough, no they told me that I'd only last one song (that's foolish man - what's it like now? 7 million albums?) they said I wasn't from the streets (the streets) when I was working behind the scenes like this don't happen overnight, no no now they're tellin' me 'bout my imagery How I'm so squeaky clean whenever I'm on tv Too much jealousy in the industry Why are you watching me when you should just let me be (craig) [chorus] Slicker than your average tell me what do you want from me slicker than your average tell me what do you want from me slicker than your average, hey tell me what do you want from me slicker than your average ooh tell me what you want from me Some people say it's been too long that's why I'm here to prove them all wrong so why do imitators wanna bite my style (ladies and gentlemen, will the real craig david please stand up?) you never had a problem at all when I was havin' woman trouble somebody fill me in didnt I serve my time remember who gave you rewind now they're tellin' me that i'm too r'n'b How I turned my back on the whole uk garage scene now they're stressin me when I know there's much more to see Why are you watching me when you should just let me be (craig) [chorus] Everywhere that I go (everywhere that I go) they keep stopping my flow (they keep stopping my flow) everywhere that I go (everywhere that I go) they keep stopping my flow yo check it There comes a time (there comes a time) when you've gotta take a step to do what's right (as much as i'd like i can't possibly please everyone) Slicker than your average singer serving garage busy tryin' to slam me cos I smashed it what they don't understand is I'm gettin'them established by takin' british music to the masses now gold diggers go bananas the same ones that didn't show me no love when I was cashless in the day when it really mattered when I was pennin' competition no publishin' hits for damage (craig) now to go gold to me's the minimal I'm involved in these platinum plaques and records solds heaven knows that I battled producers with egos and there were those that were told exactly where to go somebody please stop these little kids they wanna pull bumpers off my 206 shoutin' outside of the block I used to live they don't like my records so why listen to this [chorus] Everywhere that I go (they be tellin' me that I can't rock the show) they keep stopping my flow (freakin' schemin' and schemin' tryin' to mess up my flow) everywhere that I go (I wanna tell the world and let them know) they keep stopping my flow (so tell me what you want from me) every way that I go (oh ho oh ho oh yeah) they keep stopping my flow (don't listen to 'em) everywhere that i go (dum dum) they keep stopping my flow (let 'em know, yo, we out)
  17. Rise & Fall .. Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over, And it seems as though the writings on the wall, Superstar you finally made it, But once your picture becomes tainted, It's what they call, The rise and fall (x2) I always said that I was gonna make it, Now it's plain for everyone to see, But this game I'm in don't take no prisoners, Just casualties, I know that everything is gonna change, Even the friends I knew before me go, But this dream is the life I've been searching for, Started believing that I was the greatest, My life was never gonna be the same, Cause with the money came a different status, That's when things change, Now I'm too concerned with all the things I own, Blinded by all the pretty girls I see, I'm beginning to lose my integrity Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over, And it seems as though the writings on the wall, Superstar you finally made it, But once your picture becomes tainted, It's what they call, The rise and fall I never used to be a troublemaker, Now I don't even wanna please the fans, No autographs, No interviews, No pictures, endless demands, Gave in to vices that were clearly wrong, The types that seemed to make me feel so right, But some things you may find can take over your life, Burnt all my bridges now I've run out of places, And there's nowhere left for me to turn, Been caught in comprimising situations, I should have learnt, From all those times I didn't walk away, When I knew that it was best to go, Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart, Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over, And it seems as though the writings on the wall, Superstar you finally made it, But once your picture becomes tainted, It's what they call, The rise and fall Now I know, I made mistakes, Think I don't care, But you don't realise what this means to me, So let me have it, Just one more chance, I'm not the man I used to be, Used to beeeeeeeeeee Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over, And it seems as though the writings on the wall, Superstar you finally made it, But once your picture becomes tainted, It's what they call, The rise and fall (x3)
  18. Personal Anything you want from me I'll do but first Let's get personal personal personal personal let's get personal personal personal personal personal with you We're sittin' havin' dinner at your parent's home some of the finest food I've ever known but I need some sweetness on my tongue and it ain't a type of sugar oh no So maybe we can go somewhere name a room girl I don't care where's the bedroom (it's upstairs) I'll meet you there in a minute girl so we can get Let's get personal (ooh yeah) personal (tight baby) personal (maybe we can get) personal (just a little, just a little bit) let's get personal (ooh yay) personal (I wanna get personal) personal (come on baby, just trust me) personal (I wanna get) personal with you I'm behind you in your bedroom with your hands against the wall but keeping one eye on the door got your t-shirt and your panties on ooh I feel so right, can't be wrong, no I know you like it when I touch you there girl just keep it quiet or they'll hear feel the tremblin' all down your leg I'd love to head to your bed so that we can get personal shhh Should I take off my clothes (no) put the lock on the door let go of your deepest inhibitions let me fulfil your fantasies girl like me touching you there (yeah) the way that I play with your hair emotions running wild until we stop yeah Let's get personal (ooh baby) personal (I wanna get personal with you) personal (we can do anything you wanna do) personal (whoah) let's get personal (when you rub and you're close to me) personal (feel the fire just like ecstasy) personal (and the way that you're touching me I want it baby all the time) personal personal with you Oh I want to make love to you so let's get personal let me be your fantasy you're all I need oh girl Let's get personal personal (with every little thing you do) personal (it's like ecstasy baby) personal (when I'm right when i'm back next to you) personal (girl I don't give a about) personal (who's that saw, go downstairs) personal (I just wanna get personal baby) personal (so bad makes me wanna say) oh whoa whoa whoa it makes me wanna say oh whoa whoa whoa all of my people say oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
  19. Hidden Agenda c'mon baby de do de de do ooh yeah c'mon now baby he keeps on saying maybe tells you you're the only one but everybody knows he's out there having fun behind your back and that's a fact and it ain't right cos he's a fly guy acting like a gentleman but back in the day i could still remember when he just turned around wouldn't look twice at you and i'm just being straight with you cos he takes you for a fool so you should be on your guard when he thinks you don't have a clue and i could give the truth be known that you end up all alone when he gets everything he wants so girl open up your eyes and see with me [chorus] what you see is what you get ain't no hidden agenda so girlfriend when he's playing around you'll do well to remember that what you see is what you get ain't no hidden agenda so girlfriend when he's playing around you'll do well to remember now lady when he tells you that he loves you and won't give you up takes your car and it's your money that be fillin' it up look at what he's got thinks he's hit the jackpot and ain't it right cause your CONNECTIONS keep him sweet and that's so typical he's only in it for himself and that's so cynical he'd be out of sight girl if you lost it all so i feel so bad inside when he's cruisin' in your ride cos i know baby late at night there's some other girl by his side and i wanna let you know that he really ought to go and you should believe in me cos i care baby can't you see with me what you see is what you get (girl i know it) ain't no hidden agenda (and i'm on it) so girlfriend when he's playing around (yes i know that he's playin' around) you'll do well to remember that what you see is what you get (and i'll show it) ain't no hidden agenda (there ain't no hidden agenda girlfriend) so girlfriend when he's playing around you'll do well to remember now baby girl when he does you wrong i'll make sure you're alright yeah i just wanna be your friend cos there's no reason to pretend and that's the difference with me what you see is what you get (girl i know it) ain't no hidden agenda (and i'm on it) so girlfriend when he's playing around (yes i know that he's playin' around) you'll do well to remember that what you see is what you get (and i'll show it) ain't no hidden agenda (there ain't no hidden agenda girlfriend) so girlfriend when he's playing around you'll do well to remember think i'll sing it again what you see is what you get (girl i know it) ain't no hidden agenda (and i'm on it) so girlfriend when he's playing around (yes i know that he's playin' around) you'll do well to remember that what you see is what you get (and i'll show it) ain't no hidden agenda (there ain't no hidden agenda girlfriend) so girlfriend when he's playing around you'll do well to remember baby
  20. Fast Cars Fast cars, Fast women, Speed bikes with the nitro in 'em, Dangerous when driven, Those are the type that I be feelin (x2) Sitting there while I observe, I like your lines I love your curves, Checking out your body work, How can I get with her, Your the one that I want, Do anything to turn you on, Somebody please just pass the keys, So you can take a ride with me I'm on a mission, First thing disarming your system, Next thing slip the key in the ignition, Just listen, To the way that you purr at me know you prefer the speed, when the back starts dipping, wheels spinning, When the gears start shifting, I'm sticking till the turbo kicks in, You know that I'm missing, Got me moving so fast you got me missing the flash of five o! Fast cars, Fast women, Speed bikes with the nitro in them, Dangerous when driven, Those are the type that I be feelin (x2) Feel the ride feel the rush, The moment I tease your clutch, Reacting to my every touch, When shifting down or tearing up, I don't care where we go, To burn you out's the end result your dealing with a proffesional, I'll spin your round just to let you know I'm on a mission, First thing disarming your system, Next thing slip the key in the ignition, Just listen, To the way that you purr at me know you prefer the speed, When your back starts dipping And I'm unaware of the limits I'm hitting, Blurred vision and a critical condition, Could blow the transmission, Got me moving so fast you got me missing the flash of five o! Fast cars, Fast women, Speed bikes with the nitro in them, Dangerous when driven, Those are the type that I be feelin (x2) Body like a race car(woah) You got the curves like Jaguar(woah) Acceleration like a Yamaha(oh) I like the way you perform when I'm turning you on (ohh I like the way you perform girl when I'm turning yo on) I Feel it when I revving yah(woah) Smoother than a daimler(woah) you handle like a Lancer(oh) I like the way you perform when I'm turning you on... Fast cars, Fast women, Speed bikes with the nitro in them, Dangerous when driven, Those are the type that I be feeling (x4)
  21. Eenie Meenei Another one Craig David Yall ready for this Yo On my way from the studio driving on my way home happy cos I'm gonna see my girl tonight somethin' messing with my radio got to be my cellphone ringin' I picked it up it was my girlfriend but you wouldn't talk to me I heard some bi*chin in the background saying that my girl was too good for me yeah And I was like what why you chattin my name (?) say it again nothin to hide got nothing to gain people wanna front just because of my fame you better stop before I lose control had enough of your friends and i'm letting you know I'm craig david and I'm running the show and if you're talking a lot of bull baby you got to go so [chorus] Eenie meenie minie mo gonna miss you that I know girl it's been wonderful but I gotta let you go Eenie meenie minie mo getting kind of critical don't wanna hurt you though but I gotta let you go So tell me why you wanna do me like that used to give you things now you throwin' them back access to the visa the keys to the flat widescreen tv dvds and that all of a sudden you be trippin' when I answer the phone talkin' all about me in an angry tone talkin' all about how i be doing you wrong you're crazy Whatever happened to the good girl the one that was into me I wanna tell it to your face girl that one of us has to leave so [chorus] Eenie meenie minie mo gonna miss you that I know girl it's been wonderful but I gotta let you go Eenie meenie minie mo getting kind of critical don't wanna hurt you though but I gotta let you go x2 You know what well I'm just an ordinary guy dealing with rumours and lies but your friends keep on filling your head with this nonsense and i can't take no more Craig David she only after that wage payslip that's why she got you pullin' strange faces drickin'hennessy 'til your brain's wasted she don't wanna be the girl that craig stays with she just wanna be there while craig stays rich she wouldn't be with him if he was paid basic she wouldn't be there if he wasn't made famous She had a gold digger degree she must have studied for that wanted me to get her a mansion with a truck in the back flood her with ice 'til a ni**er like honey relax messiah bolical aint even got no the money for that All of a sudden you be trippin' on my cellular phone talkin' about all of the women that be takin' me home talkin' about all of the women I supposedly boned she crazy you no what it is you give them an inch and they be takin' the ###### you fed up of it get rid of the witch don't be takin her 'sh*t' she wasn't sayin this when he was lickin her lower lip makin' her throw a fit,put your fingers all over it trippin' all over you whenever you rock the show tryin to get money cos she know you got the dough and the next time she trippin' fella you drop the phone If your talkin' a lot of bull baby you got to go so [chorus] Eenie meenie minie mo gonna miss you that I know girl it's been wonderful but I gotta let you go Eenie meenie minie mo getting kind of critical don't wanna hurt you though but I gotta let you go Another one Craig David somethin' for the club yo I gotta let you go know what I mean I gotta let you go what we out All of the massiv' listen Sharon to our little girl Em and to all the beautiful sexy ladies listen this one Craig David sir ignorants sir (??) messiah catch a fire to all the man who stayed up with us say bo check it out, uh You could have been my troubleless type of wife could have been the love of my life but you didn't take heed didn't proceed to believe what the honeyz all say that's the difference 'tween me and you you better go over to the boiler crew cos slackness is all you do me and craig caught you in the venue couldn't really believe that that was you you and the rest of your crew tryin' to get with a boy led the crew (?) bubblin' around with the champagne crew while expecting me to take you back in 2 baby girl I'm not into that and that's true so I'm walkin' away from you didn't know where I'll go who I know where you go big it up
  22. You Know What Yeah, I know that I said I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it yeah (yeah, yeah) I know that you like the way that I put it down on you You know what yeah We were meant to be together for eternity But now you're gone it's plain to see I was living just a fantasy So many thing I'd like to do If I ever I found a love that's true Finding it hard to push on through Since I've been away from you When I first met you waiting, standing up by the bus stop I knew you were something special weak in my knees I wanted to drop yeah-e-yeah So we checked each other WhatWhat we had going on was so hot yeah I never thought you'd leave me no But you know what We were meant to be together for eternity But now you're gone it's plain to see I was living just a fantasy So many thing I'd like to do If I ever I found a love that's true Finding it hard to push on through Since I've been away from you Now I can't seem to get over you appearing in everything that I do It was only last week Friday when I saw you out with your girlfriends walking 'Round my way (wanted to stop) yeah-e-yeah I feel when all's said and done From this love I've learnt a lot yeah I never thought you'd leave me no But you know what (hey, hey, hey) We were meant to be together for eternity But now you're gone it's plain to see I was living just a fantasy So many thing I'd like to do If I ever I found a love that's true Finding it hard to push on through Since I've been away from you The flow that we had was so hot Girl you took me higher to the top We kept it rolling wouldn't stop Said you'd never leave me But you know what We were meant to be together for eternity But now you're gone it's plain to see I was living just a fantasy So many thing I'd like to do If I ever I found a love that's true Finding it hard to push on through Since I've been away from you You don't know what I've been going through But I know that you didn't know what I said I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it yeah (x2)
  23. Time To Party On Friday (on Friday) Time to party (time to party) Let me see you swing and sway Tell me are you with me? Are you with me (X2) Friday, payday Ready to do the things we love We're gonna get out groove on All night long (Ho Hey) Give it up now for the DJ (Uh huh yeah) And put your hands where my eyes can see It may be raining but who cares about the weather? (Get up) Cos when the heat is on we'll all be getting wetter (Stand up) It's the start of the weekend Don't waste no time For tonight is your night On Friday (on Friday) Time to party (time to party) Let me see you swing and sway Tell me are you with me? Are you with me (X2) Everybody's feeling right (Feeling right) Cuz we know It's party night (Ooh yeah) All the ladies looking tight Whether silk ot satin lace or leather Ooh what a sight Here's where the party starts things can only get better (Get up) Just make your way onto to the dance floor get together (Stand up) It's the start of the weekend don't waste no time For tonight is your night On Friday (on Friday) Time to party (time to party) Let me see you swing and sway Tell me are you with me? Are you with me (X2) This party be going on 'till the break of dawn Lets give it up (what what) Lets get it on Break open a bottle of moet & chandon and when it's gone We'll star on the Dom Perignon This vibes makin' me high Like Toi surrounded bye Other people movin' their body We be kicking mad flava in ya ear Big shout to the people round the side In the front at the rear This is gonna be one hell of a year And there's no way that I'm lettin' anyone interfere This is how we do getting it on in the venue Can you check my microphone 1 2 (Ooh wee) Can you give it up now please for the DJ Giving uou a party like a Summer Sortay Okay Let's see those hands in the air And wave them around like you just don't care, come on
  24. Seven Days I don't care if the rain don't shine Oh, I don't care if the sun don't fall You are the one in a million, child And you knew that I would call Thoughts of you alone with me I can't slow them down But I can't sleep at night Because you're not around I can't wait Seven days is a long time To be waiting for you girl I can't wait Seven days is just too long To be without you girl I've tried every kind of distraction But nothing will ease this pain There is only one solution, girl So why do you make me wait Got to say I didn't think That I could read your mind But I can't sleep at night 'Cause baby you're on mine I can't wait Seven days is a long time Oh, I miss you girl I can't wait Seven days is just too long I can't wait Seven days is a long time To be without you I can't wait Seven days is just too long Just too long
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