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moonlight love

***No OnE***

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As I reached out to hold your hand

before we touched, a bright golden

beam of light flowed between them

creating a warmth that penetrated

deep within our souls.


We looked upwards into the heavens

as our hands bonded together while

the Moon was casting it's golden rays

of light throughout each others hair.


As I turned to look at your beautiful

face I touched your skin soft as silk

and fell in love with your eyes as the

Moonlight reflected off them into mine.


I felt a warmth so deep inside me for

your love that a tear fell from my cheek

as a happiness came upon me knowing you

would be mine forever more.


A smile came upon your sweet lips of

pure passion as I lightly kissed your

temple while gently holding your head

in the palm of my hands.


Then I embraced you so tenderly saying

my Sweet Sweet Love I will be yours

forever more while the light of the

Moon was flowing all around us.


Tears of love flowed from our eyes

slowly down our faces while we were

kissing with such intense inner passion

for each other feeling and knowing we have

finally found our true love.


You stared deep into my eyes for a moment

then as your precious lips were about to

say a word I could not help but to hold

you firmly while gazing deeply into yours.


You said while tears were running down

your cheek that you love me more then

life itself and we both began to cry

with each other.


I held you so tight while rocking you

back and forth in my arms with a feeling

like I never felt before whispering sweet

love into your ear while you kissed me so

tender on the neck.


We were flowing with so much intense

feelings that it made our bodies feel

like they were floating into a universe

beyond ours while the Moonlight beamed

a golden love from the heavens down on us.


A love so strong a love so deep a love

with such passion so fresh feeling like

the first winters snow that drops pure

white crystal flakes upon our hair while

smiling and laughing like children at play.


All around us a light radiated a bright

glowing warmth encircling us with the golden

breath of eternal love into our souls while in

the midst of our Moonlight Love.

تم تعديل بواسطه Titanic_Ahmed
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