sorry for all and sorry for secret the isn't the true story ana moslma zayey zayko bas el story de msh sa7 abdan we el true story bt2ol en de en this church About 70 kilometres east the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, lies a small town called Sedlec we el story bt2ol en fe Monk kan mawgod fe el kods we hya tab3an the holly land for them we gab jar of soil from there we 7ato fel church cemetery we kol sokan el madena talbo enhom ytdefno fe el land de 3lshan as they say y3ny en hya blessed le 7ad ma etgam3 3adad kber awy mn el bones we kan lazem yshelo el bones de fa kan ektra7 el Duke of Shwartzenberg to decorate the inside of the church with the human remains (approximately 40,000 sets of bones. ) we kman ele 3malha maknsh n7at kan wood maker we carver we an artist esmo Frantisek Rint so this is the true story we bgd ya gam3a de ele mawgoda fe kol el donya we kol el sites we kol el books sorry tab3an en kalam secret tl3 msh sa7 we ana bgd walahy moslma zaye zayko bas el kalam da msh sa7 sorry for all bgd:(
we ele msh msd2ne ya gam3a da site y2ked kalme we ay search yt3mel hay2ked kalme