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شاب مسلم ..وفتاة نصرانية هذه القصة بطلها شاب مسلم ..وفتاة نصرانية قصة قامت على الحب في ربوع الشام حيث نجد الكثير من العوائل المسلمة والنصرانيه في حياة طبيعية ...فكلهم اهل قرية واحدة وحدث ان صعد شاب مسلم الى سطح منزلهم وكان بالجوار بيت نصراني ...فلمح الشاب بنتآ كالقمر في باحة البيت..وخفق قلبه لها.. وعلى الفور أسرع وخرج الى ذلك البيت ...وطرق الباب .. ففتحت الفتاة باب الدار قليلآ لترى ماذا يريد..؟ فيخبرها عن حبه وهيامه بها وانه يريد ان يتزوجها..فترد عليه بأنها لاتتزوج مسلمآ لأنها نصرانيه ..وانه اذا كان جادآ في حبه لها فعليه ان يتنصر ثم يتقدم لها ..وعندها ستقبل به زوجآ واحتار الشاب.. أيغير دينه لأجلها ..! ولكن ..يبدو أن الحب جنون..حيث حسم الشاب أمره في النهاية وعاد إلى الفتاة وأخبرهاأنه موافق أن يغير دينه الى النصرانيه لكي يتزوجها ...ففرحت الفتاة..وذهبت واياه الى الخوري وهو رجل الدين النصراني.. دخلو الى الكنيسه ...واستقبلهما بكل ترحاب مستفسرآ عن مجئ الشاب لعلمه بأنه غير نصراني..فتخبره الفتاة بانه يريد أن يتزوجها وليس لديه مانع في ان يغير دينه لأجل ذلك.. رحب الخوري بالشاب مثنيآ على شجاعته في اتباع الحق ..ثم أخذه الى حوض به ماء يعرف عند النصارى بانه ماء التعميد ..أمسك الخوري برأس الشاب من شعره وقام بتغطيس رأسه في الماء ثلاث مرات وهو يقول في كل مرة ((أدخل مسلم أخرج نصراني)) ثم أطلقه وقال له : ((اذهب الآن لقد أصبحت نصرانيآ)) تعجب الشاب من هذه الطريقه في تغيير الديانه .. ولكنه لم يتعب نفسه في التفكير فقد أصبح بامكانه ان يتزوج بالفتاة التي أحب... وفعلآ تقدم لها وتزوجها ومرت الأيام..وأتت فترة الصوم عند النصارى.. وهذه الفترةليست كشهر رمضان عند المسلمين بل هي صوم عن اللحوم والألبان ومنتجات الحيوانات فقط وتستمر لمدة اربعين يومآ.. وبينما الزوجة جالسة في بيتها إذ فوجئت بزوجهايدخل الدار ومعه دجاجة مشويةوجلس واكلها بكل تلذذ وبرود...! صدمت الفتاة لهذا المنكر العظيم غضبت بشدة ورفعت صوتها على زوجها ثم خرجت وهي تتوعده بانها ستخبر الخوري عن إثمه العظيم .. وغضب الخوري لما فعل الشاب واستدعاه على الفور..وقال له : كيف تخالف تعاليم ديننا وتأكل دجاجة في فترة الصوم ؟ وفوجئت الفتاة عندما رد زوجها بقوله : ((ولكنني لم اي اكل دجاجه؟)) هتفت الفتاة "أو تكذب ايضا"!!! ولكن الشاب لم يغير موقفه ((أنالم أكل اي دجاجه ..ولم اقترف ذنبا))...!!! أخذت الفتاة تصرخ وتقسم بأنها راته بعينيها وهو يأكل الدجاجه.. واخيرآ قام الخوري بتهدئة الوضع وخاطب الشاب بكل هدوء ((يابني.. زوجتك تقسم بالرب أنها رأتك تأكل الدجاجة وانت تنكر فكيف ذلك...!!)) فقال الشاب بكل برود : انا لم اكل دجاجه انا اكلت عنبآ...!!! فرد عليه الخوري : ولكنها تقسم أنك أكلت دجاجة..!!؟؟ فقال الشاب : لقد كانت دجاجه .. ولكنني احضرتها و غطستها بالماء ثلاثآ وأنا أقول لها : أدخلي دجاجة واخرجي عنبا..!! دهش الخوري لهذا الكلام الذي لامنطق له وقال في استنكار ساخر : ((أ يها الأحمق أتتحول الدجاجة الى عنب بمجرد تغطيسها بالماء . ؟ فقال الشاب بكل سخرية : ((وتظنني سأترك الأسلام وأصبح نصرانيآ بمجرد أن قمت بتغطيسي بماء الكنيسة..!!)) وانهااااااااااااارت الفتاة
Gr8 work Zoro teslm edek & Ona 2
Merci ya rira :$:$
Song: The Right Man --------------------------- so many years have gone by always strong, tried not to cry never felt like i needed any man to comfort me in life but i'm all made up today a veil upon my face but no father stands beside me to give his bride away well i'm standing in the chapel wearing my white dress i have waited for this moment with tears of happiness here i leave behind my past by taking the chance i've finally found the right man thoughts racing fast through my mind as i'm gazing down the aisle that my future will mend the memories torn between father and child my emotions overload 'cause there is no hand to hold there's no shoulder here to lean on i'm walking all on my own here i go now i'm standing at four corners to have and to hold now my love, you stand beside me to walk life's winding road and i owe it all to you for taking the chance you've shown me there's a right man 'cause i never knew a right man well i'm standing in the chapel ready to confess that i've waited for this moment with tears of happiness now i leave behind my past by taking the chance ohh well i'm standing at four corners to have and to hold now my love, you stand beside me to walk life's winding road and i owe it all to you for taking the chance and one day my little girl will reach out her hand she'll know i found the right man.
Song: Save Me From Myself ----------------------------------- it's not so easy loving me it gets so complicated all the things you've gotta be everything's changin but you're the truth i'm amazed by all your patience everything i put you through when i'm about to fall somehow you're always waitin with your open arms to catch me you're gonna save me from myself from myself, yes you're gonna save me from myself my love is tainted by your touch cuz some guys have shown me aces but you've got that royal flush i know it's crazy everyday well tomorrow may be shaky but you never turn away don't ask me why i'm cryin cuz when i start to crumble you know how to keep me smilin you always save me from myself from myself, myself you're gonna save me from myself i know it's hard, it's hard but you've broken all my walls you've been my strength, so strong and don't ask me why i love you it's obvious your tenderness is what i need to make me a better woman to myself to myself, myself you're gonna save me from myself.
Song: Mercy On Me -------------------------- lord have mercy on my soul for i have walked the sinful road that i'm down on my knees lord have mercy on me, please ohh yeah jesus, i must confess that in all my loneliness i've forsaken and i've sinned leaving fragments of a man so broken i could tell you what i've done or should i tell you where i went wrong? well the more that i start to play my deceitful, evil ways keep on growing stronger by the day oh lord have mercy on my soul for i have walked a sinful road so i'm gonna get down on my knees beg forgiveness to help set me free lord have mercy on me, please mother mary full of grace in my weakness, i've lost faith i've been careless, and i have been warned and the devil inside me is torn god bless the men that i have scorned oh lord have mercy on my soul for i have walked the sinful road so i'm gonna get down on my knees beg forgiveness to help set me free lord have mercy on me, please woah, woaa yeah yeah woa yeah yeah oh oh oh-oh yeah yeah yeah, ohh so don't let me fool around no more send your angels down to guide me through that door well i've gone and confessed my regrets and i pray i'm not held in contempt i'm so lost, and i need you to help me repent oh lord have mercy on my soul oh i'm begging, i'm pleeding, i'm needing i want you to know so i'm down upon my knees oh lord, i need forgiveness i need forgiveness from you.
Song: Hurt ---------------- seems like it was yesterday when i saw your face you told me how proud you were but i walked away if only i knew what i know today i would hold you in my arms i would take away the pain thank you for all you've done forgive all your mistakes there's nothing i wanna do to hear your voice again sometimes i want to call you but i know you won't be there i'm sorry for blaming you for everything i just couldn't do and i hurt myself by hating you somedays i feel broke inside but i won't admit sometimes i just want to hide 'cause it's you i miss you know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this would you tell me i was wrong? would you help me understand? are you looking down upon me? are you proud of who i am? there's nothing i want to do to have just one more chance to look into your eyes and see you looking back i'm sorry for blaming you for everything i just couldn't do and i've had myself if i had just one more day, i would tell you how much that i've missed you since you've been away oh, it's dangerous it's so i'm afraid to try to turn back time i'm sorry for blaming you for everything i just couldn't do and i've had myself by hurting you.
Song: I Got Trouble -------------------------- hmm, yeah yeah hmm, mmm.. i've got trouble, trouble, trouble always knocking at my door yes i'm a whole lot of touble, baby just like a kid in a candy store well, i'm nothing but trouble, babe not since the day that i was born well, i'm as good as it gets give you something you won't forget if you wanna spell trouble, babe well, tonight it is the right way 'cause baby's got something, something you just can't ignore and yeah, it sure is likley, baby you'll keep coming back for more i've got a wicked taste for trouble and i'm never, never, satisfied yeah i'm a whole lot of trouble, baby and my evil ways kill life oh, my, my well, i've been itching for some trouble baby every single day that i'm alive (scat) come on, baby, come on darling come on sugar, ooh, yeah yeah yeah baby, whoa, whoa, yeah now listen can't you see the way i move can't you read it in my hips there's a lot that's going on in my pocket full of tricks got some secrets up my sleeve if you know just what i mean got places you've never been take you out of your skin well i'm trouble, trouble, trouble, baby always knocking at my door yes i'm a whole lot of lot of touble, baby ooh, since the day that i.. was born yeah, oh yeah.
Song: Nasty Naughty Boy --------------------------------- come here big boy ahh, mmmhmm, yeah you've been a bad bad boy i'm gonna take my time, so enjoy there's no need to feel no shame relax and sip upon my champagne 'cause i wanna give you a little taste of the sugar below my waist, you nasty boy i'll give you some oh-la-la voulez vous coucher avec moi? i got you breaking into a sweat got you hot, bothered, and wet you nasty boy nasty naughty boy oh baby for all it's worth i swear i'll be the first to blow your mind now if you're ready, come and get me i'll give you that hot, sweet, sexy loving (loving) hush now, don't say a word i'm gonna give you what you deserve now you better give me a little taste put your icing on my cake you nasty boy oh no, oh there i go again i need a spanking, 'cause i've been bad so let my body do the talkin' i'll slip you that hot, sweet, sexy loving ohh ha! come on daddy! ohh ohh, ohh ohh oh yeah oh yeaah oh, come on, sugar i got you breaking into a sweat got you hot, bothered, and wet you nasty boy nasty naughty boy naughty boy oh baby for all it's worth i swear i'll be the first to blow your mind now that you're ready, give it to me just give me that hot, sweet, sexy loving now give me a little spanking ohh, ohh, is that all you've got? come on now, don't play with me oh give me that hot, sweet, nasty boy don't you make me wait now you better give me a little taste put your icing on my cake you nasty boy mmmm.
Song: Candyman ----------------------- candy man, candy man... sweet sugar candy man (whispered) i met him out for dinner on a friday night he really got me working up an appetite he had tattoos up and down his arm there's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm he's a one stop jive, makes my panties drop he's a swinging rockin sugar coated candy man a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man ooo yeah.. he took me to this cotton club on hollywood and vine we drank champagne and we danced all night ? he's a one stop job, make my cherry pop he's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man se bop bop hey yeah ... he's a one stop job, makes my cherry pop he's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man oh a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man woo yeah ... ? hot ... ? hit the spot ... ? tastes like sugar cane good things come to boys who wait candy man can... candy man candy man ...bottle of vodka covered wine (?) candy man, candy man sweet sugar candy man (whispered) he's a one stop, gotcha hot, makin all the panties drop sweet sugar candy man (whispered) he's a one stop, got me hot, my my egh pop sweet sugar candy man (whispered) he's a one stop, get it while it's hot, baby don't stop sweet sugar candy man (whispered) he's got ?hips? like sugar cane good things come for boys who wait he's a one stop job with a real big egh he's a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man sh bop, a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man a sweet rockin sugar coated candy man candy man, candy man.
Song: Welcome ---------------------- woah, ohh welcome to the greatest show greatest show on earth you've never seen before here the fairytale unfolds what's behind the smoke and glass? painted faces, everybody wears a mask are you selling them your soul? well you'll be left out in the cold is it all blue skies fun and games untill you fall then you're left without anyone at all you're riding on a shooting star with a smile upon your face but soon the shine fades and you're left out all alone wondering where did they all go? oooh been jaded, hated, who'll be around when the limelight's faded? been shut down, pushed out made to smile when i wanted to frown always taking a bow always working the crowd always breaking new ground always playing the clown who'll be sticking it out? who'll be staying around when the lights go down?
Song: Enter The Circus ------------------------------- ladies and gentlemen boys and girls step right up, step right up come closer, you won't believe your eyes behind this curtain, witness something you've never seen before, heard before, dreamt before the most amazing show on earth la la la la la la la it's the most amazing show on earth la la la la la la la do you want to be widely entertained? people to know your name? do you crave fame? well they say "things aren't always what they seem to be" even your greatest fantasies you won't believe your eyes won't even recognise the wonderment that lies behind the shimmer and the lights is it true what they say? is it all just fun and games? or is there more behind the makeup, and the faces full of paint? i ask you, do you want to come and play? hahahaha get the world to come and play hahahaha so sit back, relax, fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy ride to the other side
Song: Thank You (Dedication To Fans...) --------------------------------------------------- it seems like a lifetime since i felt like a prisoner of my dreams, yeah it took such a long time for me to realize just how to be and to listen to me don't go thinking i'm not thankful, 'cause me, i've got my hands full of good things, oh and i hope i can give back a little bit of what you've given me so thank you for standing right by me (i will always love you) so thank you for being behind me (you are just so amazing) and watching me grow and letting others know that you still believe in what i'll be ha. so people have said things in times about me that weren't always true ooh yeah but you've always been there to give that extra love to pull me through to do what i gotta do cause there'll always be those ups and downs but you've always seemed to stick around and see see me through to believe, yeah and i hope i can give back a little bit of what you've given me you give me all that i need, yeah so thank you for standing right by me (i thank you for everything) so thank you for being behind me (thank you, christina) and watching me grow and letting others know that you still believe in what i'll be (sing it, girl) it took awhile 'til i could do what i wanted and now i'm so happy that it started where we started i'm thanking god that i could be in the position to do my own thing now and make my own decisions and so i'm thanking you for being true and standing by me through and through.
Song: Here To Stay ------------------------- hey yeah yeah, whoa yeah, whoa oh yeah well everybody got an opinion now, don't they but it aint no thang to me it really don't make any difference now to me if you don't like what you see i pay no mind to the negative kind cause it's just no way to be i don't stop to please someone else you see gonna live my life for me i'm gonna get bold, gonna do my own thing we all got a song that we're meant to sing and no matter what people say, or might think i aint going no place, no i'm here to stay gonna keep on doing my thing cause whether they love or they're hatin' on me i'll still be the same girl i used to be and i aint going no place, no i'm here to stay i'm here to stay i'm here to stay i'm here to stay i've never been the type to be...
Song: Still Dirrty ----------------------- yeah. yeah. ooh, ooh, ohh if you see me walking down the street or in the pages of your magzine looking just a little differently showing off a softer side of me they saying i'm looking like a lady they saying that love is going to change me but don't be fooled by everything you see gotta let the naughty in me free there's a woman inside of all of us who never quite seems to get enough trying to play by the rules is rough cause sooner or later something's going to erupt cause i still got that nasty in me still got that dirrty degree (still got it) and if you want some more sexy still got that freak in me i still got that nasty in me still got that dirrty degree (oh yeah) and if you want some more sexy still got that freak in me no matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty and if you're still rolling with me, still got it no matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty still got that freak in me why is a woman's sexuality always under so much scrutiny? why can't she do exactly as she please without being called a million things? they say i'm not the girl they used to know (used to know) 'cause i don't always wear revealing clothes (oh) but don't be fooled a moment, i can't hold (i can't hold) i'm letting loose, 'cause then i'd probably choke (don't you know) there's some women out there who talk and stare who never seem to let down their hair like to past judgement, but they're just scared and don't know what they're missing, so they better beware 'cause i still got that nasty in me still got that dirrty degree (ooh) and if you want some more sexy still got that freak in me i still got that nasty in me still got that dirrty degree (oh yeah) and if you want some more sexy still got that freak in me (oh yeah) no matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty and if you're still rolling with me, still got it no matter what you thinking of me, still dirrty still got that freak in me don't tell me to behave 'cause i'll never play that game (no) don't tell me what to do 'cause i'll never be uptight like you don't look at me that way 'cause i ain't never gonna change and if you're talking about my life you're only wasting your own time if i want to wear lingere outside of my clothes if i want to be erotic in my own videos if i want to be provacative, well that ain't a sin maybe you're not comfortable in your own skin i still got that nasty in me still got that dirrty degree (in me) and if you still want some more sexy still got that freak in me i still got that nasty in me still got that dirrty degree (in me) and if you still want some more sexy still got freak in me ooh, yeah. hey, hey, hey. ohh. ohh. ohh. ohh.
Song: Without You ------------------------ woah woahh have i been blind? for the first time in my life i feel i've opened up my eyes since you've arrived like an angel from the sky i'm on a spiritual high so don't you ever go away i could never face losing you would give my faith in a higher place what kind of world would it be without you i couldn't breathe without you here what kind of world would i see without you i can't dream without you here yeah woah yeah beautiful boy how on earth did i do something worth deserving you? my better half how i cherish through and through every part of you i do loving you's made me hope now i belong i found my heart promise me we'll always stay the way we are today what kind of world would it be without you i couldn't breathe without you here what kind of world would i see without you i can't dream without you here hey-yeah i can't ever imagine if this never would happened i thank god everyday almost lost you forever but i always remember (remember) that you're my saving grace what kind of world (what kind of world) would it be without you (oh without you) i couldn't breathe without you here (ohh here) what kind of world (what kind of world) would i see without you (oh see without you) i can't dream without you here (dream without you here).
Song: On Our Way ------------------------- me and you, we're different don't always see eye to eye you go left, and i go right and sometimes when we even fight that don't mean that i won't need a friend, oh you and me, we're in this 'til the end, oh i think we're on our our way through all the lows and highs i need you by my side, singing i think we're on our way to better days, better days, oh let's say we turn the page move on from all the times should've laughed, not cried, feeling what is there more to say? (say) i think that we're on our way together, we'll weather many storms as family that bond is forever it can take almost anything the love i feel for you grows everyday, yeah the more we get to learn from our mistakes, yeah yeah i think we're on our our way through all the lows and highs i need you by my side, singing i think we're on our way to better days, better days, oh let's say we turn the page move on from all the times should've laughed, not cried, feeling (ooh) what is there more to say? (say, yeah yeah) i think that we are on our way someday, soon, i'll need advice hope you're there to shed some light and maybe one day, you'll be wanting mine and we can (we can) be there be for each other i think we're on our way i think we're on our way (ha) i think we're on our way let's say we turn the page move on from all the times should've laughed, not cried what is there more to say? (ooh) i think that we're on our way i think we're on our way through all the highs and lows i need you by my side, yeah i think we're on our way to better days, better days, yeah let's say we turn the page move on from all the times should've laughed, not cried what is there more to say? (no more to say) i think that we are on our way yeah. ohh. no more to say. no more to say. yeah. no more to say. ha.
Song: F.U.S.S. (Interlude) --------------------------------- you know who you are this is for you hmmm, yeah, ooh yeah, ohh i thought i knew who you were i see now you were a lesson to learn and all i am to you now is a bridge that's been burned now i was the first to believe i made you part of my musical dream and your thanks to me, came without an apology, yeah we wrote loving me 4 me, don't walk away can't hold us down, all part of our history don't forget infatuation, i'm a fighter feeling underappreciated yeah, this song is for you to remind you that i moved on, sang my songs, i've got no regrets mmhmm, ohh hope it all was worth it, uh looks like i didn't need you still got the album out ha.
Song: Oh Mother ---------------------- whoa, oh, yeah, she was so young with such innocent eyes she always dreamt of a fairytale life and all the things your money can't buy she thought daddy was a wonderful guy then suddenly, things seemed to change it was the moment she took on his name he took his anger out on her face she kept all of her pain locked away oh mother, we're stronger from all of the tears you have shed oh mother, don't look back cause he'll never hurt us again so mother, i thank you for all you've done and still do you got me, i got you together we always pull through we always pull through we always pull through oh mother, oh mother, oh mother it was the day that he turned on his kids that she knew she just had to leave him so many voices inside of her head saying over and over and over, "you deserve much more than this." she was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises) so tired of defending her life, she could have died fighting for the lives of her children oh mother, we're stronger from all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed) oh mother, don't look back cause he'll never hurt us again (he'll never hurt us again) so mother, i thank you (thank you) for all that you've done and still do (still do) you got me, i got you, (yeah you got me and i got you) together we always pull through. we always pull through we always pull through oh mother, oh mother, oh mother all of your life you have spent burying hurt and regret but mama, he'll never touch us again for everytime he tried to break you down just remember who's still around it's over, and we're stronger and we'll never have to go back again oh mother, we're stronger from all of the tears you have shed oh mother, don't look back (oh mother don't look back again) cause he'll never hurt us again (cause he'll never hurt us again) so mother, i thank you (and i thank you for everything you've done) for all that you've done and still do (together we always move on) you got me, i got you, (you got me, i got you) together we always pull through (always pull through) we always pull through we always pull through i love you mom.
Song: Slow Down Baby ----------------------------- stop slow down baby slow down baby slow down baby slow down baby stop slow down baby whoa yeah (slow down baby) oooh (slow down baby) hey (slow down baby) whoa ooh (stop. slow down baby) i can tell that you're into me, uh baby it's so plain to see i can see it in your eyes you're paralysed every time i pass you by you're the kind that gets your way, uh every minute, every single day i can see it all in your face you're blown away coz i don't want you in my space you're struttin' 'round here like you think that i can't do without you you got some nerve to think that i would give up everything slow down baby and don't act crazy don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (just can't touch no) so slow down baby (hey) i'm not your lady (lady) boy you're never gonna get it from me coz i'm with someone slow it down slow it down oh ooh whoa slow it slow it stop slow down baby after all of the games you played how's it feel to finally get a taste? you can dish it out but can you take the bed you've made? boy and its gonna change i'm not falling for your stupid lies i know you've dished them 'bout thousand times saying nothing but a nursery rhyme but i won't buy it baby don't you even try you comin' 'round here like you think that everything's about you if you knew anything, you'd realise i'm wearing a ring slow down baby (slow down) and don't act crazy (crazy hey) don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (you just can't touch no) so slow down baby (slow down) i'm not your lady (your lady) boy you're never gonna get it from me coz i'm with someone (someone yay) do you really wanna waste your time? don't you have better things to do with life? hey ey yeah whoa listen i don't wanna get you down but i ain't never gonna mess around so how many ways do i have to say: oooh ooh oh slow down baby (slow it down, yeah, yeah) and don't act crazy don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (you know that you can't touch no oooh whoa) so slow down baby (slow down baby) i'm not your lady (not your lady) boy you're never gonna get it from me coz i'm with someone (oooh whoa) you better stop slow down baby so slow down baby (slow down baby) and don't act crazy (and don't act crazy) don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch? (you just can't touch no) yeah, yeah, yeah oooh whoa hey ey, ey ooh whoa yeah, yeah, yeah ooh oooh ooh stop slow down baby.
Song: Understand ------------------------- i made you think, you don't understand. i used to think that happiness could only be something that happened to somebody else everybody believed, everybody but me, yeah yeah and i've been hurt so many times before, that my hopes was dying, so sick of trying everybody could see, everybody but me, yeah yeah but then you came into my life, you opened up my softer side and now i can see into your eyes and suddenly, i realize. i made you think, you don't understand all the times you didn't understand, why you couldn't just be my man. i made you think, you don't understand there were many walls you had to climb, if you really wanted to be mine. i made you think, you don't understand after all the hoops i put you through, now i see that i'm in love with you now, i hope you finally understand. so many tears i've had to cry, but you had many more of your own you had to try but you stuck it out and you're here with me now, yeah yeah and rememberin' the days i pushed away your love, you called my bluff and you still stayed around, yeah you figured me out said, you got me down and there's no way to lie to you, you know me better than i do baby, ooh, you see me through, i'd be no good without you. i made you think, you don't understand all the times you didn't understand, why you just couldn't be my man i made you think, you don't understand there were many walls you had to climb (yeah) if you really wanted to be mine (ooh) i made you think, you don't understand after all the hoops i put you through (through) now i see that i'm in love with you now, i hope you finally understand ohh. baby, won't you listen now can't you see just what i'm talking about? said baby won't you listen now can't you see just what i'm talking about? time went on, and i was wrong to keep my distance for so long. so afraid, you wouldn't stay but you never turned away always right by my side you're forever in my life don't you go 'cause now i know that in you i found a home. now i can see into your eyes suddenly, i realize. i made you think, you don't understand all the times you didn't understand why you just couldn't be my man i made you think, you don't understand there were many walls you had to climb, if you really wanted to be mine i made you think, you don't understand after all the hoops i put you through now i see i'm in love with you. now, i hope you finally understand. i made you think, you don't understand.
Song: Back In The Day ------------------------------- what we're gonna do right here is go back way back, back into time yeah, yeah-yeah (donny hathaway, leena horne) (miss aretha, (the real thing) james brown, billie holiday) (stevie wonder, gladys knight, louis armstrong) (minnie riperton, otis redding, etta james) back in the day, they used to say play that song, get it going, and the band played and still today, you hear us say play that song all night long, mr. dj though times have changed, it's still the same we all need a minute to get away so let it go and feel the flow if you've got soul, let the world know we're gonna set the mood (set the mood off right) gonna go back to an old school groove (go back to an old school groove) gonna rewind to another time when the originators, innovators were alive, yeah here we say now so break out the marvin gaye and etta james your lady day, and coltrane turn up your 45's, bring back to life the sound and vibe of yesterday open your mind, enjoy the ride, live out tonight and grab that soul train take it back, take it back in the day, back in the day oh baby back in the day, back in the day won't you take me back? back in the day, back in the day i'll do it back in the day, back in the day ohh yeah y'all remember back in the day, you dig ray charles, nat king cole, miles davis, ella fitzgerald yeah now "chain of fools" and "respect" was the anthem of a woman, aretha said "what's going on", "let's get it on" such classic songs, don't forget them though times have changed they still remain my inspiration everyday so give it up for the ones who came before, opened up that door we're gonna set the mood (we're gonna) (set the mood) gonna go back to an old school groove (go back) (to an old school groove) gonna rewind to another time (rewind) (another time) when the originators, innovators were alive so break out the marvin gaye and etta james your lady day, and coltrane turn up your 45's, bring back to life the sound and vibe of yesterday (the sound and vibe of yesterday) open your mind, enjoy the ride, live out tonight and grab that soul train take it back, take it back in the day, back in the day oh baby back in the day, back in the day won't you take me back? back in the day, back in the day i'll do it back in the day, back in the day so get up, re-live it gotta let yourself flow give up your praise come celebrate just get up, get on it get yourself on the floor don't back away (don't back away) come celebrate (gonna celebrate, yeah) so break out the marvin gaye and etta james your lady day, and coltrane turn up your 45's, bring back to life the sound and vibe of yesterday (the sound and vibe, alright yeah) open your mind, enjoy the ride, live out tonight and grab that soul train takin' back in the day, day back in the day, back in the day back in the day, back in the day back in the day, back in the day back in the day, back in the day oh baby, i'll do it oh baby, ohh yeah yeah woah woah yeah