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قام بنشر (معدل)




Walking around I hear the earth seeking relief

I’m trying to find a reason to live

But the mindless clutter my path

Oh these thorns in my side

I know I have something free

I have something so alive

I think they shoot ‘cause they want it


I feel forces all around me

Come on raise your head

Those who hide behind the shadows

Live with all that’s dead


Look at me…look at me

At least look at me when you shoot a bullet

through my head

Through my head

Through my head

Through my head


In my lifetime when I’m disgraced

By jealousy and lies

I laugh aloud ‘cause my life

Has gotten inside someone else’s mind


Look at me…look at me

At least look at me when you shoot a bullet

through my head

Through my head

Through my head

Through my head


Hey all I want is what’s real

Something I touch and can feel

I’ll hold it close and never let it go

Said why... why do we live life

With all this hate inside

I’ll give it away 'cause I don't want it no more

Please help me find a place

Somewhere far away I'll go and you’ll never see me again

تم تعديل بواسطه !!!NOUR!!!

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر

Freedom Fighter

The mouths of envious

Always find another door

While at the gates of paradise they

beat us down some more

But our mission’s set in stone

‘Cause the writing’s on the wall

I’ll scream it from the mountain tops

pride comes before a fall


So many thoughts to share

All this energy to give

Unlike those who hide the truth

I tell it like it is

If the truth will set you free

I feel sorry for your soul

Can’t you hear the ringing ‘cause

for you the bell tolls


I’m just a freedom fighter

No remorse

Raging on in holy war

Soon there’ll come a day

When you’re face to face with me

Face to face with me


Can’t you hear us coming?

People marching all around

Can’t you see we’re coming?

Close your eyes it’s over now

Can’t you hear us coming?

The fight has only just begun

Can’t you see we’re coming?


I’m just a freedom fighter

No remorse

Raging on in holy war

Soon there’ll come a day

When you’re face to face with me

Face to face with me

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر

Who's Got My Back



All that was sacred to us

Sacred to us

See the signs

The covenant has been broken

By mankind

Leaving us with no shoulder…

with no shoulder

To rest our head on

To rest our head on

To rest our head on


Who’s got my back now?

When all we have left is deceptive

So disconnected

So what is the truth now?


There’s still time

All that has been devastated

Can be recreated


We pick up the broken pieces

Of our lives

Giving ourselves to each other…

ourselves to each other

To rest our head on

To rest our head on

To rest our head on


Who’s got my back now?

When all we have left is deceptive

So disconnected

So what is the truth now?


Tell me the truth now…

Tell us the truth now


Who’s got my back now?

When all we have left is deceptive

So disconnected

So what is the truth now?

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر



This is not about age

Time served on the earth

doesn’t mean you grow in mind

This is not about God

Spiritual insinuations seem

to shock our nation


Come with me I’m fading

underneath the lights

Come with me

Come with me

Come with me now


This is not about race

It’s a decision to stop the

division in your life

This is not about sex

We all know sex sells and

the whole world is buying


Come with me I’m fading

underneath the lights

Come with me

Come with me

Come with me now


Can’t you see the signs?

See the signs now


Can’t you see them?

See the signs

You see them

All the signs we see them

Can’t you see them?

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر

One Last Breath


Please come now I think I’m falling

I’m holding on to all I think is safe

It seems I found the road to nowhere

And I’m trying to escape

I yelled back when I heard thunder

But I’m down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say


Hold me now

I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking

That maybe six feet

Ain’t so far down

I’m looking down now that it’s over

Reflecting on all of my mistakes

I thought I found the road to somewhere

Somewhere in His grace

I cried out heaven save me

But I’m down to one last breath

And with it let me say

Let me say


Hold me now

I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking

That maybe six feet

Ain’t so far down


Sad eyes follow me

But I still believe there’s something left for me

So please come stay with me

‘Cause I still believe there’s something left for you and me

For you and me

For you and me


Hold me now

I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


My Sacrifice

Hello my friend we meet again

It’s been a while where should

we begin…feels like forever

Within my heart are memories

Of perfect love that you gave to me

I remember


When you are with me

I’m free…I’m careless…I believe

Above all the others we’ll fly

This brings tears to my eyes

My sacrifice


We’ve seen our share of ups and downs

Oh how quickly life can turn around in

an instant

It feels so good to reunite

Within yourself and within your mind

Let’s find peace there


When you are with me

I’m free…I’m careless…I believe

Above all the others we’ll fly

This brings tears to my eyes

My sacrifice


I just want to say hello again

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر

Stand Here With Me

You always reached out to me and

helped me believe

All those memories we share

I will cherish every one of them

The truth of it is there’s a right way to live

And you showed me

So now you live on in the words of a song

You’re a melody


You stand here with me now


Just when fear blinded me

you taught me to dream

I’ll give you everything I am

and still fall short of

What you’ve done for me

In this life that I live

I hope I can give love unselfishly

I’ve learned the world is bigger than me

You’re my daily dose of reality


You stand here with me now


On and on we sing

On and on we sing this song


‘Cause you stand here with me

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


I lie awake on a long, dark night

I can’t seem to tame my mind

Slings and arrows are killing me inside

Maybe I can’t accept the life that’s mine

No I can’t accept the life that’s mine


Simple living is my desperate cry

Been trading love with indifference

yeah it suits me just fine

I try to hold on but I’m calloused to the bone

Maybe that’s why I feel alone

Maybe that’s why I feel so alone


Me…I’m rusted and weathered

Barely holding together

I’m covered with skin that peels and

it just won’t heal


The sun shines and I can’t avoid the light

I think I’m holding on to life too tight

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust

Sometimes I feel like giving up

Sometimes I feel like giving up


Me…I’m rusted and weathered

Barely holding together

I’m covered with skin that peels

and it just won’t heal


The day reminds me of you

The night hides your truth

The earth is a voice

Speaking to you

Take all this pride

And leave it behind

Because one day it ends

One day we die

Believe what you will

That is your right

But I choose to win

So I choose to fight

To fight

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


To what do I owe this gift my friend?

My life, my love, my soul?

I’ve been dancing with the devil

way too long

And it’s making me grow old

Making me grow old


Let’s leave…oh let’s get away

Get lost in time

Where there’s no reason to hide


Let’s leave…oh let’s get away

Run in fields of time

Where there’s no reason to hide


What are you going to do with

your gift dear child?

Give life, give love, give soul?

Divided is the one who dances

For the soul is so exposed

So exposed


Let’s leave…oh let’s get away

Get lost in time

Where there’s no reason to hide


Let’s leave…oh let’s get away

Run in fields of time

Where there’s no reason to hide


There is no reason to hide


No reason to hide


! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر

Don't Stop Dancing

At times life is wicked and I just can’t

see the light

A silver lining sometimes isn’t enough

To make some wrongs seem right

Whatever life brings

I’ve been through everything

And now I’m on my knees again


But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many

feel this way


Children don’t stop dancing

Believe you can fly



At times life’s unfair and you know

it’s plain to see

Hey God I know I’m just a dot in

this world

Have you forgot about me?

Whatever life brings

I’ve been through everything

And now I’m on my knees again


But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many

feel this way


Am I hiding in the shadows?

Forget the pain and forget the sorrows


But I know I must go on

Although I hurt I must be strong

Because inside I know that many

feel this way


Children don’t stop dancing

Believe you can fly



Am I hiding in the shadows?

Are we hiding in the shadows?

! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


Hush my love now don’t you cry

Everything will be all right

Close your eyes and drift in dream

Rest in peaceful sleep


If there’s one thing I hope

I showed you

Hope I showed you


Just give love to all


Oh my love…in my arms tight

Every day you give me life

As I drift off to your world

Will rest in peaceful sleep


I know there’s one thing that

you showed me

That you showed me


Just give love to all

Let’s give love to all

! .. BuTCher .. !


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