اذهب الي المحتوي
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:Mazakonia (92):



فيروز - يا لور حبك


يا لور حبك قد لوّع الفؤاد

وقد وهبتك الحب والوداد

ألا تذكري ليالي الصفا

وعهداً عهدناه على الوفا


الليل والأنسام والبلبل الشاكي

وسترة الأنغام والقلب يهواكِ

كم أزهرت أحلام بالحب والصفا

ظهرت بها الأيام مثل الغفا


الليل والأحلام والشاطئ النادي

والشوق والأنغام والموطن الهادي

يا طيبها أيام أحلى من الصفا

وتنشد الأنغام على الوفا





:Mazakonia (92):

Oh Laura


Oh Laura

Your love has tormented my heart

And I had given you my love and affection

Don't you recall our wonderful nights together

And the pledge we made to be true to each other?


The night, the breeze and the wailing nightingale

And the veil of melodies, as my heart loved you

So many dreams of love and purity blossomed

In them, days seemed like slumber


The night, the dreams and the wet shore

Longing, song, and the calm countryside

Those were such fine days, so wonderful and pure

When the melodies sang of loyalty and devotion


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):





فيروز - البنت الشلبية


البنت الشلبية

عيونها لوزية

بحبك من قلبي

ياقلبي انت عنيا

حد القناطر

محبوبي ناطر

كسر الخواطر

ياولفي ماهان عليا


بتطل بتلوح و القلب مجروح

و أيام عالبال بتعن و تروح


تحت الرمانة

حبي حكاني

وسمعني غناني


وتغزل فيا


:Mazakonia (92):


Fairouz - The Shalabi Girl


The Shalabi girl

She has almond eyes

I love you from the bottom of my heart

Oh sweetheart, you are everything to me (literally, you are my eyes)


Under the arches

My love is waiting

It wasn't easy for me to let you down, my love


You appear in the distance and my heart is wounded

And I reminisce about days past


Under the pomegranate tree

My love spoke to me

Sang me songs and flirted with me


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):



فيروز - خدني حبيبي


خدني ياحبيبي ع بيت مالو بواب

خدني ياحبيبي ع قمر الغياب

نساني بالغفا بأيام الصفا

تترجع الليالي ويرجعوا الأحباب

ياحبيبي .. ياحبيبي


خدني ولا تخدني الفرح عالطريق

حبك بيحصدني وماعندك رفيق


يا أمير السيف وين أخدت الصيف

بشوفك ومابشوفك ضايع بالضباب


في اميرة صغيرة نخطبت بكير

رميو عليها الغيرة ومابتعرف تطير


سكنوها قصور خلف سبع بحور

وصغيرة الأميرة وكبيرة البواب


:Mazakonia (92):


Fairouz - Take Me, My Darling


Take me, my darling, to a house with no doors

Take me, my darling, to a hidden moon

Help me for get as I sleep, in pure days

So that the nights return and our loved ones come back

My darling, my darling



Take me, joy is on the way

My love for you consumes me and you don't have a companion


Oh prince of the sword, where did you take the summer?

I can kind of see you, lost in the fog


There's a little princess who was betrothed early

They cast jealousy upon her, and she can't fly

The put her in a castle beyond seven seas

And the princess is little, and the gates are big


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):




فيروز - دخلك يا طير الوروار


دخلك يا طير الوروار

رحلك من صوبن مشوار

و سلملي عالحبايب

و خبرني بحالن شو صار

عاتلال الشمس المنسيي

على ورق الدلب الأصفر

نطير ونعلا شوي شوي

و تصير الدنيي تزغر

و بكروم التين ينده تشرين يا حبيبي

ياما بسكوت الأمريي بسمع صوتك يندهلي

ليليي و خوفي

ليليي يعوا شي مرا أهلي

و تتعب أسرار تحزن أسرار يا حبيبي



:Mazakonia (92):


Fairuz - I Beg You Bee Eater


I beg you oh bee eater bird

You are journeying in their direction

Say hi to my loved ones for me

And tell me how they are and what happened


On the hills of the forgoteen sun

On the leaf of the yellow sycamore

We fly and soar higher little by little

While the world becomes smaller

And with the fig orchards October calls, my darling

So often with the silence of the turtle doves I hear your voice call me

My night and my fear is that some night my family will wail

Secrets tire me and secrets sadden me, my darling



The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):


فيروز - سكن الليل


سكن الليل و في ثوب السكون تختبي الأحلام

وسع البدر و للبدر عيون ترصد الأيام

فتعالي يا إبنة الحقل نزور كرمة العشاق

علنا نطفي بذياك العصير حرقة الأشواق

سمع البلبل ما بين الحقول يسكب الألحان

في فضاء نفخت فيه التلول نسمة الريحان

لا تخافي يا فتاتي فالنجوم تكتم الأخبار

و ضباب الليل في تلك الكروم يحجب الأسرار

لا تخافي فعروس الجن في كهفها المسحور

هجعت سكرى و كادت تختفي عن عيون الحور

و مليك الجن إن مر يروح و الهوى يثنيه

فهو مثلي عاشق كيف يبوح بالذي يضنيه



:Mazakonia (92):


Fairouz - The Night Became Calm


The night became calm

And in the cloak of calmness was hidden the dreams

The full moon widened

And in the moon watched over the days

So come my daughter of the fields

Let us visit the vineyard of lovers

Perhaps we will extinguish the flame of desire with the sweet juice

The nightingale is heard amidst the fields pouring out melodies

In the space that the hills breathed a breeze of sweet basil

Don't fear, my girl

For the stars can hold their tongue

And the fog of night in that vineyard covers the secrets

Do not fear

For the bride of jinn

In her enchanted cave

Slept sweetly and was on the verge being hidden from the pitch black eyes

And the king of the jinn if he passed by he would leave diverted by love

For he is like me a lover

How can he betray that which consumes him (with love)?



The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):


فيروز - القدس العتيقة


مريت بالشوارع

شوارع القدس العتيقة

قدام الدكاكين

البقيت من فلسطين

حكينا سوى الخبرية

وعطيوني مزهرية

قالوا لي هيدي هدية من الناس الناطرين


و مشيت بالشوارع

شوارع القدس العتيقة

اوقف عباب بواب

صارت و صرنا صحاب

وعينيهن الحزينة من طاقة المدينة

تاخدني و توديني بغربة العذاب

كان في أرض و كان في ايدين

عم بتعمر تحت الشمس و تحت الريح


و صار في بيوت و صار في شبابيك

عم بتزهر صار في ولاد و بايديهم في كتاب

بليل كلو ليل سال الحقد بفية البيوت

و الايدين السودا خلعت البواب

و صارت البيوت بلا صحاب

بينن و بين بيوتن فاصل الشوك

و النار و الايدين السودا


عم صرخ بالشوارع

شوارع القدس العتيقة

خلي الغنيي تصير عواصف و هدير

يا صوتي ضلك طاير زوبع بهالضماير


خبرهن عللي صاير بلكي بيوعى الضمير



:Mazakonia (92):


Fairuz - Old Jerusalem


I passed through the streets

The streets of Old Jerusalem

In front of the shops

That remained of Palestine

We talked about what had happened together

And they gave me a vase

They said to me this is a gift

From the "waiting people"


And I walked the streets

The streets of Old Jerusalem

I stood at the doorways

We become companions

And their sad eyes of the city's energy

Take me and move me with the torment of feeling estranged


There was a land and there were hands building beneath the sun and the wind

And there were houses and windows

Blossoming, and there were children with books in their hands

And in one night rage flowed into the houses

And the black hands unhinged the doors

And the houses became ownerless

Between them and their houses barbed-wire fence

And fire and the black hands


I'm screaming in the streets

The streets of Old Jerusalem

Let the songs storm and rumble

O my voice continue to stir up a hurricane with these consciences

Now I know what happened to them

Perhaps my conscience will awaken

The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):




فيروز - سألوني الناس


سألوني الناس عنك يا حبيبي

كتبوا المكاتيب و أخدها الهوا

بيعز عليي غني يا حبيبي

و لأول مرة ما منكون سوا


سألوني الناس عنك يا حبيبي

كتبوا المكاتيب و أخدها الهوا

بيعز عليي غني يا حبيبي

و لأول مرة ما منكون سوا


سألوني الناس عنك سألوني

قلتلن راجع أوعى تلوموني

سألوني الناس عنك سألوني

قلتلن راجع أوعى تلوموني

غمضت عيوني خوفي للناس

يشوفوك مخبى بعيوني

و هب الهوى و ما كان الهوى

لأول مرة ما منكون سوا


سألوني الناس عنك يا حبيبي

كتبوا المكاتيب و أخدها الهوا

بيعز عليي غني يا حبيبي

و لأول مرة ما منكون سوا


طل من الليل قالي ضويلي

لاقاني الليل و طفى قناديلي

طل من الليل قالي ضويلي

لاقاني الليل و طفى قناديلي

و لا تسأليني كيف إستهديت

كان قلبي لعندك دليلي

و اللي إكتوى بالشوق إكتوى

لأول مرة ما منكون سوا


سألوني الناس عنك يا حبيبي

كتبوا المكاتيب و أخدها الهوا

بيعز عليي غني يا حبيبي

و لأول مرة ما منكون سوا


سألوني الناس عنك يا حبيبي

كتبوا المكاتيب و أخدها الهوا

بيعز عليي غني يا حبيبي

و لأول مرة ما منكون سوا


:Mazakonia (92):



Fayrouz - The People Asked Me


The people have asked me about you, my darling

They've written letters and the wind took them

It's not easy for me to sing, my darling

When for the first time, we are not together


The people asked me about you, they asked me

I said "he's coming back, don't you dare blame me"

I closed my eyes fearing that the people would see me hiding you in my eyes (meaning she's thinking about him and caring for him)

And the wind picked up out of nowhere

For the first time, we are not together


He appeared in the night and said "light my way"

"The night found me and put out my lamp"

"Don't ask me how I found me"

"My heart was my guide to you"

"He who has suffered in longing has truly suffered"

For the first time, we are not together


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):




فيروز - بعتلك روحي


بعتلك يا حبيب الروح بعتلك روحي

و قلتلك مادام حتروح خد معاك روحي


أنا خايفه وديلك قلبي

و تكون ناسيني و ناسي حبي

آه أنا عاشقة دايما يا حبيبي

روحي في إيدك يا حبيبي



:Mazakonia (92):



Fairuz - I've Sent You My Soul


I've sent my soul over to you, my love, I've sent you my soul

And I said so long as you're leaving, take my soul with you


I'm afraid to send you my heart

If you've forgotten me and my love

I'll love you always, my darling

My soul is in your hands, my darling


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):


فيروز - شهرزاد


يا شهرزاد غني الهوى غني الليالي فالشوق عاد

يا شهرزاد و للنوى قصر ببالي رغم البعاد

و أعيدي و أعيدي وأعيدي يا شهرزاد

ما للأغاني عادت بنا صوب المغاني التي لنا

يوم الصبايا زهر العشايا و للحكايا عطر يعاد

و أعيدي و أعيدي وأعيدي يا شهرزاد


أنا شهرزاد القصيدة و صوتي غناء الجراح

أنا كل يوم جديدة أهاجر عند صباح

و كان شهريار يبدد النساء

يبدد الأشعار و الناس و الأسماء

رأيت دموع العذارى سمعت بكاء السنين

و كيف تضيع العذارى بقصر الضنى و الآنين

و كان شهريار يسهر كل ليلة

مستوحشا فصار سجين ألف ليلة

و صار سجين الحكاية

و قلت للحكاية ألا حرري السجينات

إنهضن يا سجينات أنا شهرزاد


يا حلوة الغزل ميلي على مهل

طيري كأغنية في الليل و إرتحلي


يا لائمي في الهوى إن الهوى عتب

أجرى دموعي النوى و شفاني التعب

مذ قلت حبك لي أغضيت من خجلي

خلي الكلام على ليلاتنا الأول



:Mazakonia (92):



Fairuz - Scheherazade


(The group)

Oh Scheherazade, sing for love, sing for the nights, love has returned

Oh Scheherazade, the farness is close in my mind despite the distance (sorry if that sounds terrible in English)

Repeat it again, and again, and again oh Scheherazade

How come these songs are bringing us back to the joys that were once ours?

The days of youth, the flower of the evenings

Fragrance has returned to the story

Repeat it again, and again, and again oh Scheherazade


(Fairuz as Scheherazade)


I am Scheherazade of the poem and my voice is the song of pain

Every day I once again leave in the morning

Shahryar used to destroy women

Destroying the poems, and the people, and the names

I've seen the tears of the virgins and heart the weeping of the years

And how the virgins are lost in a palace of pain and moaning

And then Shahryar started staying up late every night longing

And thus became a prisoner for 1000 nights

And became a prisoner to the story

And so the story will free the female captives

Rise up, oh captives, for I am Scheherazade


(The rest of the song is basically nonsense)


(the group)

Oh beautiful Scheherazade bend slowly

And fly like a song in the night and go



Oh you who blame me in love, love is but a reproach

The distance has made my tears run and exhaustion healed me

Since you told me you loved me, I've lowered my eyes in shame

Let's talk about our first night

The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):



فيروز - رح نبقى سوى


من يوم اللي تكون يا وطني الموج كنا سوى

ليوم البيعتق يا وطني الغيم رح نبقى سوى

تاجك من القمح مملكتك السلام

و شعبك بيحبك لتبرد الشمس و توقف الإيام


ع رماد اللي راحوا ع خاتم الزمان

على حجار السود اللي بقيوا من الحيطان

ع منديل إمي ع بواب البيوت

عم بكتب يا وطني الوطن ما بيموت

و أنت أنت من يوم اللي كنت أنت

رسمتك سنابل شهدا و حمام

رسمتك يا وطني وطن السلام


من إيدين الفقرا و شباك الصيادين جايي الحريي

و من الشمس المحفورة بعيون المظلومين جايي الحريي

و من الحق الضايع إلا من الشوارع

من شهدا الأرض اللي ماتوا للأرض وجوهن منسيي

جايي النصر و جايي الحريي



:Mazakonia (92):



Fayrouz - We Will Remain Together


Since the day the waves formed, my country, we've been together

And until the day the clouds grow old we'll remain together

Your crown is made of wheat

Your kingdom is peace

And your people will love you until the Sun grows cold and the days stop


On the ashes that have gone

On the seal of time

On the black stones that remain of the walls

On my mother's hankerchief

On the doors of the homes

I'm writing, my country, "The country will never die"

And you've been the same forever

I've drawn you with doves and the fruits of the martyrs (literally, "the stalks of the martyrs" because the idea is that where the martyrs die wheat will grow and give new life)

I've drawn you my country, the country of peace


From the hands of the poor, from the nets of the fisherman

Freedom is coming

From the sun inscribed in the eyes of the oppressed

Freedom is coming

And from the lost truth

From the streets

From the faceless martyrs of the land who died for the land

Victory is coming and freedom is coming


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):


فيروز - البوسطة


موعود بعيونك أنا موعود

وشو قطعت كرمالن ضيع وجرود

فأنت عيونك سود

مانك عارفة شو بيعملوا فيي


عهدير البوسطة اللي كانت ناقلتنا

في ضيعة حملايا على ضيعة تنّورين

تذكرتك يا عليا

وتذكرت عيونك

يخرب بيت عيونك يا عليا شو حلوين


نحنا كنا طالعين

بهشوب وفطسانين

واحد عمياكل خس

وواحد عم ياكل تين

وفي واحد هو ومرتو

ولو شو بشعة مرتو

نيالن ما أفضا بالن

ركاب تنورين

ومش عارفين

عيونك يا عليا شو حلوين


نحنا كنا طالعين

طالعين ومش دافعين

ساعى نهديلو البال

ساعة نهدي الركاب

هيدا اللي هو ومرتو

عباء وداخت مرتو

وحياتك كان يتركها

تطلع وحدها عا تنورين

لو بيشوفو عيونك يا عليا

شــــو حلويــن



:Mazakonia (92):



Fairuz - The Bus


I'm used to your eyes

I've been lost and lonely because of them

Your eyes are black

And you don't know what they do to me


Upon the rumble of the bus that was carrying us from the village of Hamlaya to the village of Tannourine I remembered you, oh Aaliyah, and I remember your eyes

God ###### your eyes are so pretty Aaliyah


We were riding the bus in this heat and dying of exhaustion

One guy's eating lettuce, another guy's eating figs

And there's another guy with his wife

Wow, his wife is so ugly

Lucky them, their minds are completely empty, the Tannourine passengers

They don't know your eyes, Aaliyah

They're so beautiful


We were riding the bus, riding without paying

Sometimes we shut up the door for the driver

Sometimes we shut up the passengers

That guy who's here with his wife, he's turning red and his wife is dizzy

I swear he'd let her get out by herself at Tannourine if he saw your eyes, oh Aaliyah

They're so beautiful


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):


فيروز - أهواك


أهواك بلا أمل و عيونك تبسم لي

ورودك تغريني بشهيات القبل


أهواك و لي قلب بغرامك يلتهب

تدنيه فيقترب تقصيه فيغترب

في الظلمة يكتئب و يهدهده التعب

فيذوب و ينسكب كالدمع في المقل

في السهرة أنتظر و يطول بي السهر

فيسائلني القمر يا حلوة ما الخبر

فأجيبه و القلب قد تيمه الحب

يا بدر أنا السبب أحببت بلا أمل



:Mazakonia (92):



Fairuz - I Love You


I love you hopelessly when your eyes smile at me

Your roses (i.e. his rosy lips) entice me with longing for kisses

I love you with a heart aflame with passion for you

You tell it to come and it approaches

You send it away and it leaves


In the darkness it is gloomy and crushed by exhaustion

Late at night I wait and my sleeplessness goes on

So the moon asks me, "My dear, what's the matter?"

And I respond, my heart infatuated with love

"Oh moon, I'm the reason, because I loved him hopelessly"


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):



فيروز - طريق النحل


انت وانا ياما نبقى

نوقف على حدود السهل

وعلى خط السما الزرقا

مرسومة طريق النحل


انا ومتكيه ع بابي مرقت نحلة بكير

غلت بزهور الغابة وصارت تعمل مشاوير


وتعن العنين حزين ومش حزين

وبسكوت الظهريه مكسر الحنين


اذا رح تهجرني حبيبي ورح تنساني يا حبيبي

ضل اتذكرني واتذكر طريق النحل


طريق النحل الطاير فوق الضو المكسور

بصير يرسم دواير يكتب عل الهوا سطور


من فوق القصور اعلى من القصور

اعلى من قبب العالي عم يكتب سطور


اذا رح تهجرني حبيبي ورح تنساني يا حبيبي

ضل اتذكرني واتذكر طريق النحل



:Mazakonia (92):



Fairuz - The Path of the Bees


Many a time you and I have stood at the edge of the plain

With the path of the bees drawn upon the blue skyline



While leaning on my door, a bee passed by early

It went in the flowers of the forest and began to make trails

And buzz with a melancholy moan

Shattering my nostalgia in the calm of the afternoon


If you're going to leave me my darling, and you're going to move on

I hope you still remember me when you see the path of the bees


The path of bees flying above the broken light

That begin to draw circles and write poetry on the air

Up above the palaces, higher than the palaces

Higher than the lofty domes (of mosques), writing


If you're going to leave me my darling, and you're going to move on

Please remember me when you see the path of the bees


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):


فيروز - حبيتك بالصيف


بأيام البرد و أيام الشتي

و الرصيف بحيرة و الشارع غريق

تجي هاك البنت من بيتها العتيق

و يقلا انطريني و تنطرعالطريق

و يروح و ينساها و تدبل بالشتي


حبيتك بالصيف حبيتك بالشتي

نطرتك بالصيف نطرتك بالشتي

و عيونك الصيف و عيوني الشتي

ملقانا يا حبيبي خلف الصيف و خلف الشتي


مرقت الغريبة عطيتني رسالة

كتبها حبيبي بالدمع الحزين

فتحت الرسالة حروفها ضايعين

و مرقت أيام و غربتنا سنين

و حروف الرسالة محيها الشتي



:Mazakonia (92):



Fairuz - I Loved You In Summer


In the days of cold and days of winter

The pavement is a lake

And the street is drowning

That girl comes from her old house

He told her "wait for me"

So she waits for him in the road

But he leaves and forgets her

While she withers in the winter


I loved you in the summer, I loved you in the winter

I waited for you in the summer, I waited for you in the winter

Your eyes are the summer, my eyes are the winter

Our meeting darling is beyond the summer and the winter


A stranger passed by and she gave me a letter

My beloved wrote it with tears of sadness

I opened the letter, but the letters were missing

Days passed and the years drew us apart

And the letters of the message were erased by the winter (note: the word for winter and rain is the same in Lebanon)





Fairouz - Je t'ai aimé en hiver


Je t'ai aimé en hiver, je t'ai aimé en été

Je t'ai attendus en hiver, je t'ai attendus en été


Pendant les jours d'hiver et de froid

Le sol est confus et la rue est étrange

Cette fille arrive de l'ancienne de maison

Et il lui dit d'attendre, alors elle attend sur la route

Et il s'en vas et l'oubli, et elle se fane en hiver


Je t'ai aimé en hiver, je t'ai aimé en été

Je t'ai attendus en hiver, je t'ai attendus en été

Tes yeux sont l'été, et mais yeux sont l'hiver

No retrouvailles mon amours son par delà l'été et l'hiver


Une étrangère est passée, elle m'a donné une lettre

Écrite par mon amour en des larmes de tristesse

J'ai ouvert la lettre, ses lettres se sont perdus

Et les jours on passés et les années nous on éloignés

Et les lettres de la lettre, l'hiver les a effacées


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (92):




فيروز وزياد رحباني - عندي ثقة فيك


عندي ثقة فيك عندي أمل فيك

بيكفي شو بدك يعني أكتر بعد فيك

عندي حلم فيك عندي ولع فيك

بيكفي شو بدك أنو يعني موت فيك

و الله رح موت فيك صدق اذا فيك

بيكفي شو بدك مني اذا متت فيك

معقول في أكتر أنا ما عندي أكتر

كل الجمل يعني عم تنتهي فيك

حبيتك متل ما حدا حب و لا بيوم رح بيحب

و أنتا شايفها عادية و مش بهالأهمية

بجرب ما بفهم شو علقني بس فيك

بكتب شعر فيك بكتب نثر فيك

بيكفي شو ممكن يعني أكتب بعد فيك

معقول في أكتر أنا ما عندي أكتر

ما كل الجمل يعني عم تنتهي فيك

تحكيني متل طفل صغير و هاملني كتير

لو شي مرا صبحيي تفكر تتصل في

قلي شو يللي بيعلقني بس فيك



:Mazakonia (92):


Fairuz - I Trust in You


I trust in you, I believe in you

And that's enough

I mean, what more could you want from me?

I dream of you, I have passion for you

And that's enough

I mean, what do you want me to die for you?


I swear I'll die for you

Believe it if you can

And that's enough

What more could you want from me if I died for you?

Could there really be something more?

I don't have anything more than that

I mean, every sentence is ending with "you" (this is play on words, because all the sentences in the song end with the word "fiik (فيك)" which refers to "you", but at the same all sentences ending with "him" also means that he is the only thing important to her)


I loved you like no one ever loved, or will ever love

And you think it's no big deal, and there's nothing significant about it

I try but I can't understand what got me so hung up on you


I write poetry for you

I write prose for you

And that's enough

I mean, what more could I write for you


You talk to me like a little child and you ignore me a lot

If one morning you would think to call me up, tell me what is getting me so hung up on you

The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


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