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قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Ahwak (I love you)



Part 1




I love you.

We atmana law ansak,

And I wish if I ever forget you,

Ansa rohy wayak.

I forget my soul with you.

Wen daiet teba fadak

And if it becomes lost, it's OK,

Law tensany.

If you've forgotten me.


We ansak,

So I forget you,

watareeny bansa gafak.

And I forget all you pain.

Wa ashtak le azaby maak.

And I start longing for it again.

We alaky demooi fakrak,

And I find my tears remember you.

Warga tany.

So I return to you.


Fe loak,

At times,

El donia tegeny maak.

The whole world comes with you.

We redaha teba redak.

And its wish is your wish.

We sa-et-ha ye hoon fe hawak.

And then, maybe you will end,

Tool hermany.

Depriving my love of you.


Part 2




I love you.

We atmana law ansak,

And I wish if I ever forget you,

Ansa rohy wayak.

I forget my soul with you.

Wen daiet teba fadak

And if it becomes lost, it's OK,

Law tensany.

If you've forgotten me.


We ansak,

So I forget you,

watareeny bansa gafak.

And I forget all you pain.

Wa ashtak le azaby maak.

And I start longing for it again.

We alaky demooi fakrak,

And I find my tears remember you.

Warga tany.

So I return to you.


Fe loak,

At times,

El donia tegeny maak.

The whole world comes with you.

We redaha teba redak.

And its wish is your wish.

We sa-et-ha ye hoon fe hawak.

And then, maybe you will end,

Tool hermany.

Depriving my love of you.


Part 3



We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


Part 4




I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.



I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.



I dream of finding you

Mashghool we

Thinking of me, and

Shaghelny, shaghelny,

I of you, I of you,

Shaghelny beek.

I of you.


We einaya,

And my eyes,

Einaya teegy fe eneik,

My eyes meeting yours.

We einaya teegy,

And my eyes meeting,

Teegy fe eneik,

Meeting yours.


We kalamhom yeba aleik, aleik.

And the words written on your face,

We kalamhom yeba aleik, aleik.

And the words written on your face,


Wenta, enta, enta dary.

And you, you, you try to hide them.



I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Kalamhom yeba aleik, aleik.

And the words written on your face,

Wenta, wenta dary.

While you, you try to hide them.



I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny,

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We shaghelny, shaghelny beek.

And I of you, and I of you.

We einaya teegy,

And my eyes meeting.

Fe eneik teegy,

Meeting your wyes.

Fe eneik,

Your eyes.

We kalamhom,

And the words,

Kalamhom yeba aleik, aleik, aleik,

The words written on your face,

Wenta, enta, enta te dary.

While you, you try to hide them.


Part 5



We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


We la-eek,

I dream of finding you

Mashghool we shaghelny beek.

Thinking of me, and I of you.

We einaya teegy fe eneik,

And my eyes meeting yours.

We kalamhom yeba aleik,

And the words written on your face,

Wenta dary.

While you try to hide them.


We raeek,

And I'd nourish you,

Was-ha men el leil anadeek.

Wake up from my sleep to call you.

We abaat rohy tesaheek.

And send my soul to wake you.

Om yally shaghelny beek,

So you who has stirred my soul,

Garab nary.

Try out my fire.


We ahwak.

I love you.

We atmana law ansak,

And I wish if I ever forget you,

Ansa rohy wayak.

I forget my soul with you.

Wen daiet teba fadak

And if it becomes lost, it's OK,

Law tensany.

If you've forgotten me.


We ansak,

So I forget you,

watareeny bansa gafak.

And I forget all you pain.

Wa ashtak le azaby maak.

And I start longing for it again.

We alaky demooi fakrak,

And I find my tears remember you.

Warga tany.

So I return to you.


Fe loak,

At times,

El donia tegeny maak.

The whole world comes with you.

We redaha teba redak.

And its wish is your wish.

We sa-et-ha ye hoon fe hawak.

And then, maybe you will end,

Tool hermany.

Depriving my love of you.


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):




Ala Ad Al Shok (In return for the love)




Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.

Anna yamma eionee aleik sa-aloony

How many times do my eyes ask for you?

We yamma batalem.

How many times am I tortured?


We ba-khaf lat sadaa yom lel nas wahtar.

I'm afraid youd listen to gossip and I'd be lost.

Bawsef lel nas el gana wana fel nar.

I show others the way to heaven, but I'm in fire.

We ba-khaf lat sadaa yom lel nas wahtar.

I'm afraid youd listen to gossip and I'd be lost.

Bawsef lel nas el gana wana fel nar.

I show others the way to heaven, but I'm in fire.


Ghalee alaia we daia enaia.

Your precious to me and you've made me crazy.

Erhaam azaaby ma-ak!

Have pity on me and stop torturing me!


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.

Anna yamma eionee aleik sa-aloony

How many times do my eyes ask for you?

We yamma batalem.

How many times am I tortured?


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.


(Music Interlude)



El leil sehertoo, wel noom ya retoo,

I've stayed up nights, and I wish that sleep

Kan hal enaia.

Would have found its way to my eyes.

Welle daretoo, awam laetoo,

And that which I hid, I quickly found

Bayen alaia, bayen alaia.

Was obvious to see, obvious to see.


El leil sehertoo, wel noom ya retoo,

I've stayed up nights, and I wish that sleep

Kan hal enaia.

Would have found its way to my eyes.

Welle daretoo, awam laetoo,

And that which I hid, I quickly found

Bayen alaia, bayen alaia.

Was obvious to see, obvious to see.


Shababy el ghalee dai-atoo,

I wasted my precious youth.

Anagee fel hawa ismak.

I found your name in love.

We amalee lama sawartoo.

And when I pictured you in my future.

Fe agmaal soraa kan rasmak.

I pictured you as beautiful as possible.


Ghalee alaia we daia enaia.

Your precious to me and you've made me crazy.

Erhaam azaaby ma-ak!

Have pity on me and stop torturing me!


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.

Anna yamma eionee aleik sa-aloony

How many times do my eyes ask for you?

We yamma batalem.

How many times am I tortured?


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.


(Music Interlude 2)



Saber we omry, ayamoo betegree.

I'm patient, but the days of my life keep passing,

We nasy roohy.

And I've forgotten my soul.

El omr deitoo,

I've lost my life.

Welle ganeitoo, zoohd we gerohee.

And what have I gained? Pain and agony.


Saber we omry, ayamoo betegree.

I'm patient, but the days of my life keep passing,

We nasy roohy.

And I've forgotten my soul.

El omr deitoo,

I've lost my life.

Welle ganeitoo, zoohd we gerohee.

And what have I gained? Pain and agony.


Saber we omry, ayamoo betegree.

I'm patient, but the days of my life keep passing,

We nasy roohy.

And I've forgotten my soul.

El omr deitoo,

I've lost my life.

Welle ganeitoo, zoohd we gerohee.

And what have I gained? Pain and agony.


Saber we omry, ayamoo betegree.

I'm patient, but the days of my life keep passing,

We nasy roohy.

And I've forgotten my soul.

El omr deitoo,

I've lost my life.

Welle ganeitoo, zoohd we gerohee.

And what have I gained? Pain and agony.


Saber we omry, ayamoo betegree.

I'm patient, but the days of my life keep passing,

We nasy roohy.

And I've forgotten my soul.

El omr deitoo,

I've lost my life.

Welle ganeitoo, zoohd we gerohee.

And what have I gained? Pain and agony.


Saber we omry, ayamoo betegree.

I'm patient, but the days of my life keep passing,

We nasy roohy.

And I've forgotten my soul.

El omr deitoo,

I've lost my life.

Welle ganeitoo, zoohd we gerohee.

And what have I gained? Pain and agony.


Saber we omry, ayamoo betegree.

I'm patient, but the days of my life keep passing,

We nasy roohy.

And I've forgotten my soul.

El omr deitoo,

I've lost my life.

Welle ganeitoo, zoohd we gerohee.

And what have I gained? Pain and agony.


Shababy el ghalee dai-atoo,

I wasted my precious youth.

Anagee fel hawa ismak.

I found your name inlove.

We amalee lama sawartoo.

And when I pictured you in my future.

Fe agmaal soraa kan rasmak.

I pictured you as beautiful as possible.


Ghalee alaia we daia enaia.

Your precious to me and you've made me crazy.

Erhaam azaaby ma-ak!

Have pity on me and stop torturing me!


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.

Anna yamma eionee aleik sa-aloony

How many times do my eyes ask for you?

We yamma batalem.

How many times am I tortured?


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.

Anna yamma eionee aleik sa-aloony

How many times do my eyes ask for you?

We yamma batalem.

How many times am I tortured?


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.


Damei shehoody, garah khedoody.

My tears of sacrifice, have burrowed my cheeks.

Fe leil soohady, fe leil soohady.

In my black nights, my black nights.

Aktem wa akhaby, mokhleis fe hoby.

I stay quiet and hide, but stay faithful in my love.

Sayen wedady, sayen wedady.

Keeping my dreams alive, keeping my dreams alive.


Damei shehoody, garah khedoody.

My tears of sacrifice, have burrowed my cheeks.

Fe leil soohady, fe leil soohady.

In my black nights, my black nights.

Aktem wa akhaby, mokhleis fe hoby.

I stay quiet and hide, but stay faithful in my love.

Sayen wedady, sayen wedady.

Keeping my dreams alive, keeping my dreams alive.


Damei shehoody, garah khedoody.

My tears of sacrifice, have burrowed my cheeks.

Fe leil soohady, fe leil soohady.

In my black nights, my black nights.

Aktem wa akhaby, mokhleis fe hoby.

I stay quiet and hide, but stay faithful in my love.

Sayen wedady, sayen wedady.

Keeping my dreams alive, keeping my dreams alive.


Damei shehoody, garah khedoody.

My tears of sacrifice, have burrowed my cheeks.

Fe leil soohady, fe leil soohady.

In my black nights, my black nights.

Aktem wa akhaby, mokhleis fe hoby.

I stay quiet and hide, but stay faithful in my love.

Sayen wedady, sayen wedady.

Keeping my dreams alive, keeping my dreams alive.


Damei shehoody, garah khedoody.

My tears of sacrifice, have burrowed my cheeks.

Fe leil soohady, fe leil soohady.

In my black nights, my black nights.

Aktem wa akhaby, mokhleis fe hoby.

I stay quiet and hide, but stay faithful in my love.

Sayen wedady, sayen wedady.

Keeping my dreams alive, keeping my dreams alive.


Shababy el ghalee dai-atoo,

I wasted my precious youth.

Anagee fel hawa ismak.

I found your name inlove.

We amalee lama sawartoo.

And when I pictured you in my future.

Fe agmaal soraa kan rasmak.

I pictured you as beautiful as possible.


Ghalee alaia we daia enaia.

Your precious to me and you've made me crazy.

Erhaam azaaby ma-ak!

Have pity on me and stop torturing me!


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.

Anna yamma eionee aleik sa-aloony

How many times do my eyes ask for you?

We yamma batalem.

How many times am I tortured?


Ala ad el shok elle feioony,

In return for the love that you see in my eyes,

Ya gameel salem.

Greet me, oh beautiful one.


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Ala Hesb Wedad (Depending on the Tenderness)




Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

I'm gonna give the beauty greetings.

Salamat, salamat, salamat.

Greetings, greetings, greetings.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Dayaat aleih el omr yabouya.

I wasted my life on her.

Dana leya maa hekayat.

I lived so many stories with her.

Hekayat, hekayat, hekayat.

Stories, stories, stories.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

I'm gonna give the beauty greetings.

Salamat, salamat, salamat.

Greetings, greetings, greetings.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Dayaat aleih el omr yabouya.

I wasted my life on her.

Dana leya maa hekayat.

I lived so many stories with her.

Hekayat, hekayat, hekayat.

Stories, stories, stories.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Mawal. Mawal.

It's like a mystery, a mystery.

El sabr aho daab.

My patience ran out,

Men yom el hob ma ghaab.

The day that love disappeared.

Wala omry ya ein, ya leily,

And may my sleepless nights, my eyes.

Ya leily, ya leily, ya ein,

The nights, the nights, the nights.

Matarab leena ahbaab.

Return our loved ones to us.


Mawal. Mawal.

It's like a mystery, a mystery.

El sabr aho daab.

My patience ran out,

Men yom el hob ma ghaab.

The day that love disappeared.

Wala omry ya ein, ya leily,

And may my sleepless nights, my eyes.

Ya leily, ya leily, ya ein,

The nights, the nights, the nights.

Matarab leena ahbaab.

Return our loved ones to us.


Mawal. Mawal.

It's like a mystery, a mystery.

El sabr aho daab.

My patience ran out,

Men yom el hob ma ghaab.

The day that love disappeared.

Wala omry ya ein, ya leily,

And may my sleepless nights, my eyes.

Ya leily, ya leily, ya ein,

The nights, the nights, the nights.

Matarab leena ahbaab.

Return our loved ones to us.


Wana saber al maa-soom.

But I'm still patient for my fate.

Yemken yergaly fe yom.

She may return to us one day.

Wana saber al maa-soom.

But I'm still patient for my fate.

Yemken yergaly fe yom.

She may return to us one day.


Wet koly maa tany yabouya.

And then we'll live again,

Ayam helwa, we hekayat.

Beautiful days and stories.

Hekayat, hekayat, hekayat.

Stories, stories, stories.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

I'm gonna give the beauty greetings.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

Greetings, greetings, greetings.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Dayaat aleih el omr yabouya.

I wasted my life on her.

Dana leya maa hekayat.

I lived so many stories with her.

Hekayat, hekayat, hekayat.

Stories, stories, stories.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.





Verse 2



Ala hesb el reeh,

Wherever the wind leads me,

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadee.

Wherever it leads.


Wayah ana mashee,

I'm just following it and walking.







Wala be yadee.

But not by my will.


Ala hesb el reeh,

Wherever the wind leads me,

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadee.

Wherever it leads.


Wayah ana mashee,

I'm just following it and walking.







Wala be yadee.

But not by my will.


Ala hesb el reeh,

Wherever the wind leads me,

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadeel reeh,

Wherever it leads.

May wadee.

Wherever it leads.


Wayah ana mashee,

I'm just following it and walking.







Wala be yadee.

But not by my will.


Maarafsh en kont merawah.

I don't know if I'm going home.

Wala emtal hawa hay hadee.

Or when this love will calm.

Maarafsh en kont merawah.

I don't know if I'm going home.

Wala emtal hawa hay hadee.

Or when this love will calm.


Waheel donia betelaab beena.

And the world just plays with us.

Yemken teragaa ghalaweena.

Maybe it will return our beloved to us.

Waheel donia betelaab beena.

And the world just plays with us.

Yemken teragaa ghalaweena.

Maybe it will return our beloved to us.


Wet olly maak tany yabouya.

And we will live again,

Ayam helwa, we hekayat.

Beautiful days and stories.

Hekayat, hekayat, hekayat.

Stories, stories, stories.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

I'm gonna give the beauty greetings.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

Greetings, greetings, greetings.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Dayaat aleih el omr yabouya.

I wasted my life on her.

Dana leya maa hekayat.

I lived so many stories with her.

Hekayat, hekayat, hekayat.

Stories, stories, stories.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Verse 3



Lah hasalem bel maktoob.

I won't greet her by the book.

wala harda abaat maghloob.

And I won't sleep while defeated.

Lah hasalem bel maktoob.

I won't greet her by the book.

wala harda abaat maghloob.

And I won't sleep while defeated.


We haool lel donia, donia.

And I'll tell the world, the world,

Ana ragei,

I'm returning,

Ana ragei, ana ragei lel mahboob!

I'm returning, returning to the beloved.

Lah hasalem bel maktoob.

I won't greet her by the book.

wala harda abaat maghloob.

And I won't sleep while defeated.

Lah hasalem bel maktoob.

I won't greet her by the book.

wala harda abaat maghloob.

And I won't sleep while defeated.


We haool lel donia, donia.

And I'll tell the world, the world,

Ana ragei,

I'm returning,

Ana ragei, ana ragei lel mahboob!

I'm returning, returning to the beloved.


Lah hasalem bel maktoob.

I won't greet her by the book.

wala harda abaat maghloob.

And I won't sleep while defeated.

Lah hasalem bel maktoob.

I won't greet her by the book.

wala harda abaat maghloob.

And I won't sleep while defeated.


We haool lel donia, donia.

And I'll tell the world, the world,

Ana ragei,

I'm returning,

Ana ragei, ana ragei lel mahboob!

I'm returning, returning to the beloved.

Wenghanee aghany gedeeda.

And we'll sing brand new songs.

Maliana hakawee saeeda.

Filled with joyful stories.

Wenghanee aghany gedeeda.

And we'll sing brand new songs.

Maliana hakawee saeeda.

Filled with joyful stories.


We hanelbis tob el farha yabouya.

And we'll be engulfed in our joy.

We haool ya habibi slamat.

And I'll say oh my darling. greetings.

Salamat, salamat, salamat.

Greetings, greetings, greetings.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

I'm gonna give the beauty greetings.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

Greetings, greetings, greetings.

Rah agool lel zein salamat.

To wherever my heart leads me.


Dayaat aleih el omr yabouya.

I wasted my life on her.

Dana leya maa hekayat.

I lived so many stories with her.

Hekayat, hekayat, hekayat.

Stories, stories, stories.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.

Ala hesb wedad galby yabouya.

To wherever my heart leads me.



The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Bitlimoni Leih (Why do you blame me?)




Part 1



Bitlimoni leih? Bitlimoni leih?

How can you blame me? How can you blame me?

Law shoftom eineih... hilween add eih.

If you saw her eyes, and how beautiful they are,

Hat qolo inshighali wa sohd el layali.

You would say my captivation and my restlessness,

Mosh kiteer aleih... leih bitlimoni?

Are not too much for her... how can you blame me?


Part 2



Aseer el habayeb, ya albi ya dayib.

I am the captive of my beloved, oh my weak heart.

Fi mogeit aabeer min shaar el hareer.

I am trapped within the aroma of her soft hair.

Aal khidood yehafhaf... we yerga yiteer.

Which brushes against her cheeks, and then flows in the wind.

Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi?

And everyone blames me and what can I do, oh my heart?

Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi?

They want to deprive me of her, but why oh my heart?


Part 3



Min yom hobo ma lamas albi,

From the day her love touched my heart,

Fatah el bab lel shoq yelaab be.

She opened the gates of passion to overcome me.

We howa habibi. we howa nasibi,

And she is my darling, and she is my fate.

We howa el nour le einaya we albi.

And she is the light for my eyes and my heart.

We howa shababi, we howa sahabi.

And she is my youth, and she is my friend.

We howa qaribi wa kol habaybi.

And she is my family and everything that I love.

Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi?

And everyone blames me and what can I do, oh my heart?

Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi?

They want to deprive me of her, but why oh my heart?



The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Fatet Ganbena (She came between us)






Today, I wished to say,

Ana enaharda kan nefsy akool,

To say a lot of things about a man

Akool fe kalaam keteer ragel

Who carried on his shoulders

Hamel ala ketafoo.

Arabic Music his whole life.

Eb el mosika el arabia tool omro.

In reality, I can't find the words

Fel wakei mesh la-ee kalaam.

That I can describe him with.

Yaany aadar awsefoo bee.

My teacher, the master

Ostazee, el ostaz

Mohamad Abdel Wahab.

Mohamad Abdel Wahab.

I will sing to his music the song

Haghanee el lahn betaoo,

"She Passed By Us"

Fatet Ganbena.

Whose words were written by

Elly kateb kalematehoo

The poet the supreme, the master,

El sha-eir el rakeek, el ostaz,

Hussein El Sayed.

Hussein El Sayed.


Part 1



She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena,

She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena.

He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


And she smiled at us.

We dehketlena,

Smiled at us.


He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena,

She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena.

He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


And she smiled at us.

We dehketlena,

Smiled at us.


He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


I responded, I also responded.

Radeit, we kamaan radeit.

And kept responding

We fedelt a rood, arood

Until she passed.

Lehat ma fatet.


And I forgot my soul,

We neseet, rohy,

And awoke.

We seheet.

It seemed like she took,

Atareeha khadet

The sun and left.

El shams we ghabet.


I responded, I also responded.

Radeit, we kamaan r adeit.

And kept responding

We fedelt a rood, arood

Until she passed.

Lehat ma fatet.


And I forgot my soul,

We neseet, rohy,

And awoke.

We seheet.

It seemed like she took,

Atareeha khadet

The sun and left.

El shams we ghabet.


And I started to think,

We enshaghalt

But before I could begin,

We ably maytool ensheghaly,

I went and asked my soul,

Roht sa-el rohy,

And was lost in my question.

We ehtart fe so-aly.


And I started to think,

We enshaghalt

But before I could begin,

We ably maytool ensheghaly,

I went and asked my soul,

Roht sa-el rohy,

And was lost in my question.

We ehtart fe so-aly.


Why am I thinking so?

Ana ba fakar ley?

And why do I bother my soul?

We bashghel rohy ley?

Why am I thinking so?

Ana ba fakar ley?

And why do I bother my soul?

We bashghel rohy ley?


How can I know that she,

Araf menein enaha,

Means me,

Asdany ana,

Not him.

Mesh houwa.

Not him.

Mesh houwa.


And how can I know

Waraf menein,

That this smile

Enel dehka dee,

Isn't meant for him

Mesh leho howa.

For him.

Leho houwa.


How can I know that she,

Araf menein enaha,

Means me,

Asdany ana,

Not him.

Mesh houwa.

Not him.

Mesh houwa.


And how can I know

Waraf menein,

That this smile

Enel dehka dee,

Isn't meant for him

Mesh leho howa.

For him.

Leho houwa.


And why me?

We ley ana,

Why me?

Ley ana,

Why? Why?

Ley, ley,

Not him?

Mesh houwa.


She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena,

She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena.

He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


And she smiled at us.

We dehketlena,

Smiled at us.


He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena,

She passed by us.

Fatet ganbena.

He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


And she smiled at us.

We dehketlena,

Smiled at us.


He and I.

Ana we houwa,

He and I.

Ana we houwa.


I responded, I also responded.

Radeit, we kamaan radeit.

And kept responding

We fedelt a rood, arood

Until she passed.

Lehat ma fatet.


And I forgot my soul,

We neseet, rohy,

And awoke.

We seheet.

It seemed like she took,

Atareeha khadet

The sun and left.

El shams we ghabet.


I responded, I also responded.

Radeit, we kamaan radeit.

And kept responding

We fedelt a rood, arood

Until she passed.

Lehat ma fatet.


And I forgot my soul,

We neseet, rohy,


And awoke.

We seheet.

It seemed like she took,

Atareeha khadet

The sun and left.

El shams we ghabet.


And I started to think,

We enshaghalt

But before I could begin,

We ably maytool ensheghaly,

I went and asked my soul,

Roht sa-el rohy,

And was lost in my question.

We ehtart fe so-aly.


And I started to think,

We enshaghalt

But before I could begin,

We ably maytool ensheghaly,

I went and asked my soul,

Roht sa-el rohy,

And was lost in my question.

We ehtart fe so-aly.


Why am I thinking so?

Ana ba fakar ley?

And why do I bother my soul?

We bashghel rohy ley?

Why am I thinking so?

Ana ba fakar ley?

And why do I bother my soul?

We bashghel rohy ley?


How can I know that she,

Araf menein enaha,

Means me,

Asdany ana,

Not him.

Mesh houwa.

Not him.

Mesh houwa.


And how can I know

Waraf menein,

That this smile

Enel dehka dee,

Isn't meant for him

Mesh leho howa.

For him.

Leho houwa.


How can I know that she,

Araf menein enaha,

Means me,

Asdany ana,

Not him.

Mesh houwa.

Not him.

Mesh houwa.


And how can I know

Waraf menein,

That this smile

Enel dehka dee,

Isn't meant for him

Mesh leho howa.

For him.

Leho houwa.


And why me?

We ley ana,

Why me?

Ley ana,

Why? Why?

Ley, ley,

Not him?

Mesh houwa.


Part 2



Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.

Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.


We heard a beautiful footstep,

Shofna khatwa helwa,

Beautiful, beautiful.

Helwa, helwa.

Coming closer and closer,

Gaya we diletalet, diletalet.

Faster and faster.

Beysabekna, beysabekna.


Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.

Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.


We heard a beautiful footstep,

Shofna khatwa helwa,

Beautiful, beautiful.

Helwa, helwa.

Coming closer and closer,

Gaya we diletalet, diletalet.

Faster and faster.

Beysabekna, beysabekna.


I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

Something unbelievable.

Haga mesh makoola,

Her, her.

Heya, heya.


I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

Something unbelievable.

Haga mesh makoola,

Her, her.

Heya, heya.


And I began to hear within my heart

We ebtadet asma fe alby, fe alby

A verse of love, a verse of love.

Lahn hob, lahn hob,

A verse of love new to me,

Lahn hob gedeed alaya,

New to me.

Gedeed alaya.


And I began to hear within my heart

We ebtadet asma fe alby, fe alby

A verse of love, a verse of love.

Lahn hob, lahn hob,

A verse of love new to me,

Lahn hob gedeed alaya,

New to me.

Gedeed alaya.


Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.

Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.


We heard a beautiful footstep,

Shofna khatwa helwa,

Beautiful, beautiful.

Helwa, helwa.

Coming closer and closer,

Gaya we diletalet, diletalet.

Faster and faster.

Beysabekna, beysabekna.


Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.

Another time, again by chance.

Mara tanya, bardoo sodfa.

He and I were on our path.

Kont ana we houwa fe tarekna.


We heard a beautiful footstep,

Shofna khatwa helwa,

beautiful, beautiful.

Helwa, helwa.

Coming closer and closer,

Gaya we diletalet, diletalet.

Faster and faster.

Beysabekna, beysabekna.


I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

Something unbelievable.

Haga mesh makoola,

Her, her.

Heya, heya.


I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

I turned around to find her.

Eltafaat laket-ha heya.

Something unbelievable.

Haga mesh makoola,

Her, her.

Heya, heya.


And I began to hear within my heart

We ebtadet asma fe alby, fe alby

A verse of love, a verse of love.

Lahn hob, lahn hob,

A verse of love new to me,

Lahn hob gedeed alaya,

New to me.

Gedeed alaya.


And I began to hear within my heart

We ebtadet asma fe alby, fe alby

A verse of love, a verse of love.

Lahn hob, lahn hob,

A verse of love new to me,

Lahn hob gedeed alaya,

New to me.

Gedeed alaya.


I heard a few words from her.

Semet menha kam kelma,

But she didn't utter a single word.

Ma aletsh menhom wala kelma.

I heard a few words from her.

Semet menha kam kelma,

But she didn't utter a single word.

Ma aletsh menhom wala kelma.


But I felt it, I felt it.

Bas ana haset, haset.

And it was the first time to feel.

Wel awel mara ana haset.

And it was my first time to live and feel.

Wel awel mara baeesh we bahes.


And I found my self growing weak.

We laketnee badoob, badoob

Weak from the body language,

Fe kalaam el hams badoob.

The body language that makes no sound.

Fe kalaam el hams elly maloosh hes.


But I felt it, I felt it.

Bas ana haset, haset.

And it was the first time to feel.

Wel awel mara ana haset.

And it was my first time to live and feel.

Wel awel mara baeesh we bahes.


And I found my self growing weak.

We laketnee badoob, badoob

Weak from the body language,

Fe kalaam el hams badoob.

The body language that makes no sound.

Fe kalaam el hams elly maloosh hes.


She smiled again, the same smile

Dehket tany, nafs el dehka

And then she left.

Wa rahet mashya.

Like when the world passes by

Zay el donya mateegy fe sanya,

And leaves within a second.

We temshy fe sanya.


She smiled again, the same smile

Dehket tany, nafs el dehka

And then she left.

Wa rahet mashya.

Like when the world passes by

Zay el donya mateegy fe sanya,

And leaves within a second.

We temshy fe sanya.


I looked at my friend standing next to me

Baseit le sahbee laketoo ganby,

But his mind was elsewhere.

We mahoosh ganby.

Wanting to say the words

Ayez ye ool kelma etaalet

Said in my heart.

Gouwa fe alby.


I looked at my friend standing next to me

Baseit le sahbee laketoo ganby,

But his mind was elsewhere.

We mahoosh ganby.

Wanting to say the words

Ayez ye ool kelma etaalet

Said in my heart.

Gouwa fe alby.


I wanted to ask him

Kont ayez askaloo,

Did he also feel it?

Howa kaman has beeha.

And did he began thinking.

We enshaghal.

Did he also feel it?

Howa kaman has beeha.

And did he began thinking.

We enshaghal.

Him too.

Houwa kaman.


I wanted to ask him

Kont ayez askaloo,

Did he also feel it?

Howa kaman has beeha.

And did he began thinking.

We enshaghal.

Did he also feel it?

Howa kaman has beeha.

And did he began thinking.

We enshaghal.

Him too.

Houwa kaman.


I wanted to ask him

Kont ayez askaloo,

Did he also feel it?

Howa kaman has beeha.

And did he began thinking.

We enshaghal.

Did he also feel it?

Howa kaman has beeha.

And did he began thinking.

We enshaghal.

Him too.

Houwa kaman.


And I again began to say.

We regeit akool.

And I again began to say.

We regeit akool.


Why am I thinking so?

Ana ba fakar ley?

And why do I bother my soul?

We bashghel rohy ley?

Why am I thinking so?

Ana ba fakar ley?

And why do I bother my soul?

We bashghel rohy ley?


How can I know that she,

Araf menein enaha,

Means me,

Asdany ana,

Not him.

Mesh houwa.

Not him.

Mesh houwa.


And how can I know

Waraf menein,

That this smile

Enel dehka dee,

Isn't meant for him

Mesh leho howa.

For him.

Leho houwa.


How can I know that she,

Araf menein enaha,

Means me,

Asdany ana,

Not him.

Mesh houwa.

Not him.

Mesh houwa.


And how can I know

Waraf menein,

That this smile

Enel dehka dee,

Isn't meant for him

Mesh leho howa.

For him.

Leho houwa.


And why me?

We ley ana,

Why me?

Ley ana,

Why? Why?

Ley, ley,

Not him?

Mesh houwa.


Part 3



I went home, I went home.

Rawaht, ana rawaht.

I went home, I went home.

Rawaht ana, ana rawaht.

I went home, I went home.

Rawaht, ana rawaht.

I went home, I went home.

Rawaht ana, ana rawaht.


I went home and didn't know what.

Rawaht mesh aref maly,

Didn't know what was wrong with me.

Mesh aref maly.

What had happened to me?

Marafsh ehelly garalee.

What had happened to me?

Ehelly garalee.


I went home and didn't know what.

Rawaht mesh aref maly,

Didn't know what was wrong with me.

Mesh aref maly.

What had happened to me?

Marafsh ehelly garalee.

What had happened to me?

Ehelly garalee.


So joyful I wanted to laugh.

Rawaht mesh aref maly,

So worried I wanted to cry.

Mesh aref maly.

So joyful I wanted to laugh.

Marafsh ehelly garalee.

So worried I wanted to cry.

Ehelly garalee.


So joyful I wanted to laugh.

Rawaht mesh aref maly,

So worried I wanted to cry.

Mesh aref maly.

I neither reached my tears,

La demooey tayelha,

I neither reached my tears,

La demooey tayelha, tayelha.

Nor did I have anyone to tell.

Wala laky had ashkee.


I fell in love with her! Yes, I loved her!

Habet-ha! Aywa ana habet-ha!

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I fell in love with her! Yes, I loved her!

Habet-ha! Aywa ana habet-ha!

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I loved her, I loved her.

Habet-ha, habet-ha,

Yes, I, I, I loved her.

Aywa ana ana ana habet-ha.


I can't, I can't.

Mosh ader, mosh ader.

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I loved her, I loved her.

Habet-ha, habet-ha,

Yes, I, I, I loved her.

Aywa ana ana ana habet-ha.


I can't, I can't.

Mosh ader, mosh ader.

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


She may be the joy of my life.

Mosh yemken de farhet omry,

And I've finally found the joy.

Wel farha masadaat laet-ha.

She may be the joy of my life.

Mosh yemken de farhet omry,

And I've finally found the joy.

Wel farha masadaat laet-ha.


Where was this day hiding from me?

Kan fein el yom da ghayeb anny?

Where was it?

Kan fein?

Thank god I found her smile!

Teslamly we teslaam dehket-ha!


I fell in love with her! Yes, I loved her!

Habet-ha! Aywa ana habet-ha!

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I fell in love with her! Yes, I loved her!

Habet-ha! Aywa ana habet-ha!

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I loved her, I loved her.

Habet-ha, habet-ha,

Yes, I, I, I loved her.

Aywa ana ana ana habet-ha.


I can't, I can't.

Mosh ader, mosh ader.

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I loved her, I loved her.

Habet-ha, habet-ha,

Yes, I, I, I loved her.

Aywa ana ana ana habet-ha.


I can't, I can't.

Mosh ader, mosh ader.

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


She may be the joy of my life.

Mosh yemken de farhet omry,

And I've finally found the joy.

Wel farha masadaat laet-ha.

She may be the joy of my life.

Mosh yemken de farhet omry,

And I've finally found the joy.

Wel farha masadaat laet-ha.


Where was this day hiding from me?

Kan fein el yom da ghayeb anny?

Where was it?

Kan fein?

Thank god I found her smile!

Teslamly we teslaam dehket-ha!


I fell in love with her! Yes, I loved her!

Habet-ha! Aywa ana habet-ha!

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I fell in love with her! Yes, I loved her!

Habet-ha! Aywa ana habet-ha!

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I loved her, I loved her.

Habet-ha, habet-ha,

Yes, I, I, I loved her.

Aywa ana ana ana habet-ha.


I can't, I can't.

Mosh ader, mosh ader.

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


I loved her, I loved her.

Habet-ha, habet-ha,

Yes, I, I, I loved her.

Aywa ana ana ana habet-ha.


I can't, I can't.

Mosh ader, mosh ader.

I can't forget her smile.

Mosh ader ansa dehket-ha.


She may be the joy of my life.

Mosh yemken de farhet omry,

And I've finally found the joy.

Wel farha masadaat laet-ha.

She may be the joy of my life.

Mosh yemken de farhet omry,

And I've finally found the joy.

Wel farha masadaat laet-ha.


Where was this day hiding from me?

Kan fein el yom da ghayeb anny?

Where was it?

Kan fein?

Thank god I found her smile!

Teslamly we teslaam dehket-ha!


And after two days,

We baad yomein,

My heart began to awaken from the joy

Ebtada alby yes-ha men el farha

And it woke me with it.

We sahany.


And asked me when will we see her?

Yesalny imta hanshoofha?

And I said where can we see her again?

Wana oloo neshoofha fein tany?


And after two days,

We baad yomein,>

My heart began to awaken from the joy

Ebtada alby yes-ha men el farha

And it woke me with it.

We sahany.


And asked me when will we see her?

Yesalny imta hanshoofha?

And I said where can we see her again?

Wana oloo neshoofha fein tany?


And the nights made me weak.

Wel layaly, dawebetny.

And they carried my thoughts and worries.

We shayelet fekry we zonoony.

Till the point where the evil of jealousy

Lama teif el gheera shoofto

Began to grow in front of my eyes.

Beyetresem odam eioony.


And the nights made me weak.

Wel layaly, dawebetny.

And they carried my thoughts and worries.

We shayelet fekry we zonoony.

Till the point where the evil of jealousy

Lama teif el gheera shoofto

Began to grow in front of my eyes.

Beyetresem odam eioony.


If I found my friend smiling,

En lakeit sahby beyedhak,

I'd think, he must have seen her today.

Akool dee lazem abletoo.

And if I saw anger in his eyes,

Wen lamaht fe eino shakwa,

I'd think they must have fought today.

Akool, dee lazem khasmetoo.


If I found my friend smiling,

En lakeit sahby beyedhak,

I'd think, he must have seen her today.

Akool dee lazem abletoo.

And if I saw anger in his eyes,

Wen lamaht fe eino shakwa,

I'd think they must have fought today.

Akool, dee lazem khasmetoo.


I couldn't find a path in front of me.

Maletsh taree odamy,

To save me from my torture.

Odamy yerhamny meneil azaab.

Except that I search and ask.

Gheir enny adawar we asaal.

And find out the reply from her directly.

Wa aaraf menha el gawab.


I couldn't find a path in front of me.

Maletsh taree odamy,

To save me from my torture.

Odamy yerhamny meneil azaab.


I couldn't find a path in front of me.

Maletsh taree odamy,

To save me from my torture.

Odamy yerhamny meneil azaab.

Except that I search and ask.

Gheir enny adawar we asaal.

And find out the reply from her directly.

Wa aaraf menha el gawab.


And I found her place,

We ereift tarekha,

I found it, I found it, I found it.

Ereftoo, ereftoo ereftoo.

And I persevered until

We shekeet ala baal

I found it, found it, found it.

Ma ereftoo, ereftoo, ereftoo.


And I found her place,

We ereift tarekha,

I found it, I found it, I found it.

Ereftoo, ereftoo ereftoo.

And I persevered until

We shekeet ala baal

I found it, found it, found it.

Ma ereftoo, ereftoo, ereftoo.


And I sent her a couple of words.

We ba-at kelmetein,

No more than two lines.

Mosh aktar mein satrein.

I told her relive me,

Oltel-ha rayaheeny,

Tell me where do I stand?

Oleely ana fein?


And I sent her a couple of words.

We ba-at kelmetein,

No more than two lines.

Mosh aktar mein satrein.

I told her relive me,

Oltel-ha rayaheeny,

Tell me where do I stand?

Oleely ana fein?


And I sent her a couple of words.

We ba-at kelmetein,

No more than two lines.

Mosh aktar mein satrein.

I told her relive me,

Oltel-ha rayaheeny,

Tell me where do I stand?

Oleely ana fein?


And the reply came.

We ganny el rudd.

And it came.

We ganny.

And the reply came.

We ganny el rudd.

And it came.

We ganny.

The reply came.

Ganny el rudd.


And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.

And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.


And she told me from the beginning.

We aletly ana men el awel,

I was smiling for you!

Badhaklak ya asmarany,

Smiling for you.

Ya asmarany!


And the reply came.

We ganny el rudd.

And it came.

We ganny.


And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.

And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.


And she told me from the beginning.

We aletly ana men el awel,

I was smiling for you!

Badhaklak ya asmarany,

Smiling for you.

Ya asmarany!


And the reply came.

We ganny el rudd.

And it came.

We ganny.

And the reply came.

We ganny el rudd.

And it came.

We ganny.

The reply came.

Ganny el rudd.


And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.

And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.


And she told me from the beginning.

We aletly ana men el awel,

I was smiling for you!

Badhaklak ya asmarany,

Smiling for you.

Ya asmarany!


And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.

And the reply came to me.

We ganny el rudd ganny,

And I found her waiting for me.

We la-et-ha betestanaany.


And she told me from the beginning.

We aletly ana men el awel,

I was smiling for you!

Badhaklak ya asmarany,

Smiling for you.

Ya asmarany!


Me, me.

Ana, ana.

Yes me, me.

Aywa ana, ana.

Me, me, me, me!

Ana, ana, ana, ana!

Not him!

Mosh houwa!


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Gabar (Strong)







Her style was amazing.

Fe re-etoo gabar.

Her style was amazing.

Fe re-etoo gabar.






Her style was amazing.

Fe re-etoo gabar.

Her style was amazing.

Fe re-etoo gabar.


Her smiled tricked me,

Khadaetny dehketo.

And her tears fooled me.

We khanety dameitoo.

And her tears fooled me.

We khanety dameitoo.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.











Part 2



I knew her,


As much as I knew her,

Ad ma erefto,

But I didn't know her at all.

Wala ereftoosh.


And I saw her,

We shofto,

As much as I saw her,

Ad ma shofto,

But I didn't understand her at all.

Wala fehemtoosh.


I knew her,


As much as I knew her,

Ad ma erefto,

But I didn't know her at all.

Wala ereftoosh.


And I saw her,

We shofto,

As much as I saw her,

Ad ma shofto,

But I didn't understand her at all.

Wala fehemtoosh.


She used to say she loved me,

Kan beyoly bahebak,

Yes, she used to say.

Aywa kan beyool.

And from my unwary heart,

Wana men lahfet alby,

I believed, believed her right away.

Sadaatoo, sadaatoo alatool.


She used to say she loved me,

Kan beyoly bahebak,

Yes, she used to say.

Aywa kan beyool.

And from my unwary heart,

Wana men lahfet alby,

I believed, believed her right away.

Sadaatoo, sadaatoo alatool.


I used to see, hear,

Kont ashoof, we asmaa,

And feel her heart.

Wa hess be albo howa.

I was living, not for me.

Kont ayesh, mesh ashany,

But only for her.

Ashano howa.


I used to see, hear,

Kont ashoof, we asmaa,

And feel her heart.

Wa hess be albo howa.

I was living, not for me.

Kont ayesh, mesh ashany,

But only for her.

Ashano howa.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.











Part 3



Oh you who taught me love,

Ya ma-alemny el hob,

I wish I never learned it with you,

Ya retny matalemnto maak,

Or even saw it.

Wala shofto.


Why have you left me?

Leih tekhdaany,

Why? Why,

Leih, leih,

Did you let me forget the world,

Khaletny ansa el donia,

And live in your beauty.

Wa a-eesh fe halawto.


Oh you who taught me love,

Ya ma-alemny el hob,

I wish I never learned it with you,

Ya retny matalemnto maak,

Or even saw it.

Wala shofto.


Why have you left me?

Leih tekhdaany,

Why? Why,

Leih, leih,

Did you let me forget the world,

Khaletny ansa el donia,

And live in your beauty.

Wa a-eesh fe halawto.


There was not another pair like us.

Da makansh fe etnein zayena.

That saw what we saw in our love.

Shafo elly shofna, fe hobena.


There was not another pair like us.

Da makansh fe etnein zayena.

That saw what we saw in our love.

Shafo elly shofna, fe hobena.


We used to begin our dreams,

El helm kona benehlamo,

Then complete them from each other.

Wen kamelo men baadena.


Why, why, why?

Leih, leih, leih,

Why did you wake me

Leih tesaheeny

From amidst heaven

Men wist el gana

To fire, fire and tears.

Be nar, nar we demoo.


You should have had mercy

Kont erhamy,

And leave me a while

We sebny shewaya,

To live, live asleep.

A-eesh, a-eesh makhdoo.


Why did you wake me

Leih tesaheeny

From amidst heaven

Men wist el gana

To fire, fire and tears.

Be nar, nar we demoo.


You should have had mercy

Kont erhamy,

And leave me a while

We sebny shewaya,

To live, live asleep.

A-eesh, a-eesh makhdoo.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.











Part 4



My heart, tell love

Alby ol lel hob

Get out of my way.

Yebed an tareey.

Any new love,

Ay hob gedeed,

Woe, woe to her from my fire.

Ya weloo, ya weloo min hareey.


My heart, tell love

Alby ol lel hob

Get out of my way.

Yebed an tareey.

Any new love,

Ay hob gedeed,

Woe, woe to her from my fire.

Ya weloo, ya weloo min hareey.


My heart, tell love

Alby ol lel hob

Get out of my way.

Yebed an tareey.

Any new love,

Ay hob gedeed,

Woe, woe to her from my fire.

Ya weloo, ya weloo min hareey.


If I befriend a loyal heart,

Law hasadef alb mokhlis,

I won't trust it or nourish it.

Mosh ha amenlo wa soono.

And if she smiles at me I'll laugh.

Wen dehek fe einaya hadhak,

And trick her and maybe betray her.

Wakhdaoo we yemken a khoono.


If I befriend a loyal heart,

Law hasadef alb mokhlis,

I won't trust it or nourish it.

Mosh ha amenlo wa soono.

And if she smiles at me I'll laugh.

Wen dehek fe einaya hadhak,

And trick her and maybe betray her.

Wakhdaoo we yemken a khoono.


Like others have sold us out,

Zay gheirna ma baa,

Let's sell out the life of love,

Ne bee, omr el hawa,

And it's promise.

We wahdo.


Like my heart was lost,

Zay alby ma daa,

Let all of the worlds hearts be lost,

Te dee, kol el oloob

After mine.



Like others have sold us out,

Zay gheirna ma baa,

Let's sell out the life of love,

Ne bee, omr el hawa,

And it's promise.

We wahdo.


Like my heart was lost,

Zay alby ma daa,

Let all of the worlds hearts be lost,

Te dee, kol el oloob

After mine.



Or on second thought,


No, my heart.

La ya alby,

Why should we blame love?

Leih neloom al hob. leih?


He who betrayed you,

Dally khanaak,

Betrayed love as well,

Khan shabab el hob.

Betrayed him and used him.

Khano we gara aleih.


Or on second thought,


No, my heart.

La ya alby,

Why should we blame love?

Leih neloom al hob. leih?


He who betrayed you,

Dally khanaak,

Betrayed love as well,

Khan shabab el hob.

Betrayed him and used him.

Khano we gara aleih.


So I, and love and you,

Yanny ana, wel hob wenta,

Were just a game,

Kona leiba

Just a game between her hands.

Kona leiba bein edeih.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.


And I never knew,

We makontish aaraf,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That those eyes,

En el eioon de,

Can fool in this way.

Teraaf tekhoon belshakleda.


And I would have never believed

Wala kon asada,

Before this day,

Abl enaharda,

That my feelings,

En el hanaan,

Until now, would stay.

Yefdaal yekoon belshakleda.











The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Gana El Hawa (The mood struck us)



Love came to us, it came to us.

Gana el hawa, gana.

And it captured us, it captured us.

We ramana el hawa, ramana.

Love came to us, it came to us.

Gana el hawa, gana.

And it captured us, it captured us.

We ramana el hawa, ramana.


And her eyelashes,

We rimsh el asmarani,

Trapped me in love.

Shabakna bil hawa.

And her eyelashes,

We rimsh el asmarani,

Trapped me in love.

Shabakna bil hawa.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.


You, who has captured me with your magical eyes,

Ya rameeny be seihr eneik el etnein.

Why not tell me where we are headed?

Matooly wakhidny we raieh fein.

You, who has captured me with your magical eyes,

Ya rameeny be seihr eneik el etnein.

Why not tell me where we are headed?

Matooly wakhidny we raieh fein.


To a new wound?

Alla garh gedeed?

Or nowhere at all?

Wallal tamheed?

Or are you leading me finally to happiness?

Walla alla fahr mewadeeny?


Why do I ask?

Ana basal leih?

Why am I so worried.

Wehtart kidda leih?

One day time will tell.

Bokra el ayam hat warenee.


So let us keep on walking the path.

Khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


(Drums and Music Interlude)



Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.


My life is with her.

Danaa omry ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


My life is with her.

Danaa omry ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.


My life is with her.

Danaa omry ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


My life is with her, with her,

Danaa omry ma-a, ma-a,

With her, with her.

Ma-a, ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


Let's go you who has forgotten our path, Our path.

Zawa ya naseen khataweena,Khataweena.

Let's go you who has forgotten our path, Our path.

Zawa ya naseen khataweena,Khataweena.


And the stars of the sky will embrace us,

We ya negoom el samaa domeena,

And take us far away together.

We khodeena ba-eed wahdeena.

And the stars of the sky will embrace us,

We ya negoom el samaa domeena,

And take us far away together.

We khodeena ba-eed wahdeena.


And let us let us keep on walking the path.

We khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.<

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


Remember us, remember us, remember us,

Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.

And try not to

We amana mayom,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.


Remember us, remember us, remember us,

Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.

And try not to

We amana mayom,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.


Remember us, remember us, remember us,

Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.

And try not to

We amana mayom,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.


And bring us closer, don't tear us apart.

Wet arabnaa, Matebednaa,

And bring us joy with our beloved.

Wet farahnaa be habayebna.


And if love sweeps us away, sweeps us away,

Wen khadnaa el shok, khadna el shok,

Sweeps us away, we'll finally be relieved.

Khadna el shok, rayahnaa.


So let us keep on walking the path.

Khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Gana El Hawa (The mood struck us)



Love came to us, it came to us.

Gana el hawa, gana.

And it captured us, it captured us.

We ramana el hawa, ramana.

Love came to us, it came to us.

Gana el hawa, gana.

And it captured us, it captured us.

We ramana el hawa, ramana.


And her eyelashes,

We rimsh el asmarani,

Trapped me in love.

Shabakna bil hawa.

And her eyelashes,

We rimsh el asmarani,

Trapped me in love.

Shabakna bil hawa.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.


You, who has captured me with your magical eyes,

Ya rameeny be seihr eneik el etnein.

Why not tell me where we are headed?

Matooly wakhidny we raieh fein.

You, who has captured me with your magical eyes,

Ya rameeny be seihr eneik el etnein.

Why not tell me where we are headed?

Matooly wakhidny we raieh fein.


To a new wound?

Alla garh gedeed?

Or nowhere at all?

Wallal tamheed?

Or are you leading me finally to happiness?

Walla alla fahr mewadeeny?


Why do I ask?

Ana basal leih?

Why am I so worried.

Wehtart kidda leih?

One day time will tell.

Bokra el ayam hat warenee.


So let us keep on walking the path.

Khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


(Drums and Music Interlude)


Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.


My life is with her.

Danaa omry ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


My life is with her.

Danaa omry ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shook, adeena.

To the entrance of forever, lead us.

Alla bar el hawa raseena.


My life is with her.

Danaa omry ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


My life is with her, with her,

Danaa omry ma-a, ma-a,

With her, with her.

Ma-a, ma-a.

And my love is her.

We hawaya hawaa.

Let us pass, sweet love, let us pass.

Adeena ya shok adeena.


Let's go you who has forgotten our path, Our path.

Zawa ya naseen khataweena,Khataweena.

Let's go you who has forgotten our path, Our path.

Zawa ya naseen khataweena,Khataweena.


And the stars of the sky will embrace us,

We ya negoom el samaa domeena,

And take us far away together.

We khodeena ba-eed wahdeena.

And the stars of the sky will embrace us,

We ya negoom el samaa domeena,

And take us far away together.

We khodeena ba-eed wahdeena.


And let us let us keep on walking the path.

We khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.<

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


Remember us, remember us, remember us,

Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.

And try not to

We amana mayom,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.


Remember us, remember us, remember us,

Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.

And try not to

We amana mayom,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.


Remember us, remember us, remember us,

Tawahnaa, tawahnaa, tawahnaa,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, remember us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tawahnaa.

And try not to

We amana mayom,

Oh love, oh love, oh love, to hurt us.

Ya hawa, ya hawa, ya hawa, tegrahna.


And bring us closer, don't tear us apart.

Wet arabnaa, Matebednaa,

And bring us joy with our beloved.

Wet farahnaa be habayebna.


And if love sweeps us away, sweeps us away,

Wen khadnaa el shok, khadna el shok,

Sweeps us away, we'll finally be relieved.

Khadna el shok, rayahnaa.


So let us keep on walking the path.

Khalenaa kidda alatool mashyeen.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.

'Cause she is always on my mind.

Da habibi, shaghaal bally.

Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


Oh good lord, always on my mind.

Ah yaba yaba, shaghaal bally.


So love captured us and we surrendered.

Ama ramana el hawa we naesna.

And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.

he who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


And he who trapped us shall set us free.

Welly shabakna ye khalisna.

He who trapped us shall set us free.

Elly shabakna ye khalisna.


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

:Mazakonia (95):



Habibaha (Her lover)



Part 1




You are her lover.

Lasta wahdak habibaha.

But you are not her only love!

Habibaha ana qablak

I was her love before you!

We robama geito baadak,

And I might have came after you.

We robama kont mithlak.

Or maybe she had us both at the same time!


Part 2



Fa lam tazalta qani, We tasdadiho khedaei.

And yet she still meets me, and allows me to be deceived.

Be lahfatin fel lekaei. Be raafaten fel wadaei.

With longing in our relations, by a shake when we say goodbye.

Bel damatein laysa feeha, kal damei illal bariq.

With the tears that were within her, the tears that lacked a sparkle.

Be reishatin, heya nabdoon, nabdoon be ghair eirooq.

With a shiver, she shook without cause.


Part 3



Habibaha, we rawatli makana menka wa menhoom.

Yes, I was her lover, and she told me that there was no other.

Fahom kathiron, We laken la shai naarifo anhom.

Yet there were many, and yet, I knew nothing of them.

We anakatni, we alkat be raksiha fawq kitfee.

For she would embrace me and throw her head unto my shoulder.

Tabei adad, wa tadana, kay esbaeen be kaffi.

Then she would leave and meet another. I was blind.


Part 4



We yehforol hob qalbi,

And love digs into my heart,

Bel nar, bel sikein.

With fire and with knives.

Wa hatifo, yatifo be.

And they keep burrowing at him.

Hazari ya maskin.

Beware, my poor heart!


Part 5



We serto wahdi sharidan, mohatama el khatawati,

And so I began to wander alone. My path crumbling before me.

Tahizoni anfasi, Tekhifoni lafatati.

My every breath shakes me. My every turn scares me.

Kaharebin laysa adri, men ain aw ain yamdi.

I try to hide myself. But from where can I escape?

Shakoon! Dababon! Hotaam! Baadi yomaziki baadi.

Doubt, fear and hopelessness keep tearing at me little, by little.


Part 6



Saalto aqli fa asgha. We qalla la lan taraha.

I asked my mind, he listened and said: "We will not see her again."

We qalla qalby araha, wa lan ohibati sawaha.

And my heart said, "I shall see her, or nobody at all!"

Ma anta ya qalb qalbi, aanta laanata hobi.

My heart, you are no longer my heart, but a curse on my love.

Fa anta nikmato rabi ila mata anta qabli.

You are a punishment from God until I die, oh my heart!


The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

وللحديث بقيه



The Prophet (PBUH)said:

"Verily Allah does not look at ur faces & ur wealth,

but He looks at ur heart & at ur deeds."

Narrated by Muslim.




Cause I am Ur Lady & U R My Man

Whenever U Reach 4 Me , I'll Do All That I Can

We're Heading 4 Something , Somewhere I've Never Been

Sometimes I am Frightened , But I'm Ready 2 learn

Of The Power Of Luv ...


=> AwaY <=


قام بنشر

Teslam Edeky Ya Yara Gamed Ta7n Thanx







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قام بنشر






The End Is Near

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