Princess.. قام بنشر July 20, 2008 قام بنشر July 20, 2008 :Mazakonia (92): 2oli Bt7eb Eih - Tell Me What You Love 2oli bt7eb eih Tell me what you love 2oli 3alih Tell me what it is 2olih Tell me Albak 3ayez eih What does your heart desire? Bye7lam beh, 2oli What does it dream of, tell me W ana wa7yat 3aynak ha7a2a2o leek And for the sake of your eyes I will make your dreams come true 2oli Tell me Ghali fi albi 7obak, msh ra7 yb3ad sanya 3annak You love is precious and kept in my heart, it will not leave you for a moment Dana mn yom ma shoftak, shoft el donya gowa menak From the first day I saw you, I saw the world inside you Garab layla teb3ad 3anee 7abibi w tensa albi Try to leave for one night, baby, and forget my heart Trga3li ya tel2a el shou2 fi 3ayouni w leeha khabee When you come back you will find hidden passions inside my eyes La La - No, No Yama nadeit 3alaik w la2eit 3aynak nasya 3aynaya layali Many days I have called out to you and found that your eyes have forgotten mine Kan el 7ob leek wel alb leek w enta eli b3to ya ghali My love was yours, as was my heart, and you sold them all, my dear La la la la la la No no no no no no Mesh harga3 tani I won't come back La la la la la la No no no no no no Ya 7abibi ensani Forget me, baby Ana msh harga3 tani leek I won't come back to you Albi khalas ya 7abibi nseek My heart has already forgotten you Law haykoun fi 3ayouni kalam If there are words in my eyes Msh haykoun tani leek They won't be for you Kont el 7ob le albi kan You were a past lover Ana msh fakra layali zman I don't even recall our nights Enta eli bada2t el khesam You started the dispute Wel 7ob gannet 3alaik And love went crazy over you Yama albi eshta2 w fi kol layla b3eeshha fora2 w layali Many days my heart had missed you and every night I had lived in separation Shoft el 3azab b3d el gheyab delwa2ti t2ouli ta3ali You saw the torture after you left and now you ask me to return Mel Akher - Straight to The Point Mel akher ana dobt w 7abeitha Straight to the point I've fallen in love with her Mn yom ma 2araitha From the moment I saw her Wala kan 3ala bali eli jaraaly It never crossed my mind things would happen this way Ana msh hatkalem 3ala da7ketha I won't speak about her laugh W jamal khatwetha Or the beauty of her stride Yana mn eli 7asali w eli jaraali Oh my, to what has happened to me Ana galbi mashghoul beeha My heart is sprung on her Ana layl w nhar bnadeeha Night and day I call to her Law totlob rou7i hadeeha If she asked for my soul I'd give it to her Eli 3ayouni w galbi shareeha The one my eyes and heart have purchased Fi gharaamha ghayar 7ali In her love I have changed W ensahar 3ayni layali And my eyes have not known rest Law t7ki wet2oulhali If only she would speak and say it to me De el kelma ana mestaneeha The words that I'm waiting to hear Wallahi ya nass galbi w 3ataytha I swear people, my heart, and I gave it to her Fi 7odni wakhdeetha In my arms I have taken her Wala yomken ensa nathret 3aynayha Impossible for me to forget the look in her eyes W ana 7obi leeha 7ob khyali And my love for her is unbelievable Wala kan 3ala bali It never occurred to me En 3ashegha fi la7tha w teshghel bali That I would love her all at once Lamou - They Blame Ahh yana lama nadaani la2aito wadaani le a7la gharaam Oh my, when he called to me I found he has taken me to the most beautiful love W mn 2ablo zamaani nseetou w ramaani fi 7obbo 2awam And the guys before him I forgot and he threw me in love so fast Lamou 3ala 7obena They blame our love W malou maylou And what's wrong with it? Albi hay7ebo mahma y2oulu My heart will love him regardless of what people say W khalas ana hab2a gambo That's it I'm gonna stay by his side W 7ayati tkoun fi 2orbo My life will be beside him Wala yom hansa 3ayna I will never forget his eyes De layali sehert wa7de Nights I had stayed up alone 3ala bali layali 7obbo And on my mind was his love W bfakkar bas fi I thought of him Kan monaya 2ablou w ashoufu ana wa2adi 7obbo gaani My wish was to meet him, see him, and now his love came for me A7la 7ob shoftu w 3omri mana 2l2a zayou tani Most beautiful love I have seen and I will never find another like him Law Raa7 - If She Left 7abibi la albi la Baby no, my heart no Mahowash 7eml el fora2 It can't handle the break-up Ta3ala yalli b nadi leek Come to me I'm calling for you Ta3ala albi leek moshta2 Come back, my heart misses you 7ayati leek mn sneen My life was yours years ago Tseebha w temshi le meen You leave it behind and go to who? W ana ma3ak 3eshna el 7aneen When I was with you we lived affection W 3esht ma3aya el ashwaa2 And you experienced passion with me Law raa7 hawaak 3annee ha3mel eih If your love leaves me what will I do W 7obak 7ayati fi And my life is in your love W 7odnak da wa7do kefaya And your hugs are enough Tamn albi 3alaik Tell me how you've been 7abibi la ew3a yom Baby don't you dare Tgheeb 3annee w tensa yom Disappear for a single day Da mngheir 7obbak ana touh Without your love I am lost W yefdal albi mahmoom And my heart constantly worries Ma3ak rou7i w 3omri leek You have my soul and life just for you W teb3ad rou7i tnadeek When you leave my soul calls out to you Da 7obak howal 7aya Your love is life W 3omri ana ensaak fi yom And I will never forget you 3omr Gdeed - A New Life 7obbak ghayar fiya kol 7aga lama la2eetni ma3ak Your love changed everything in me once I found myself with you Dawab albi w sabni kol layla ashar w astanaak He melted my heart and left me in the sleepless nights waiting Ama 3omr gdeed nadaani When a new life called me La2eeito melk eedak I found it was a product of your hands Ya ghali Precious one 2oly zayak men ygeeni Tell me who can I find like you W yemla albi 7aneen That will fill my heart with passion W nebs2a sawa And we'll be together Layali lama ygheeb 3ala albi hawaak bestana lo2ak ynadeeni Nights when his love is far from my heart I wait for him to call me W lama enta t3oud ana bestanak w lo2ak byfara7 3ainy And when you return I wait for your presence to make my eyes smile Fi bali a7la kalam w 7aneen w gharaam bstana tgeeni w 2olak On my mind is sweet talk, passion, and love waiting for you to come so I can say it Malakteli e7sas w nseet el nas w khalas el alb 2amenlak You've taken over my feelings and I've forgotten everyone around, that's it I count on you 2arab Mnee - Come Close To Me 7obak 3andi ghali w bali howa eli fi bali Your love is precious to me and constantly on my mind W 3omri ma hansa hawa dah tani I'll never forget your love Law mahma ya 7obi kan No matter what happens Enta eli fi 3ayouni w 3anak wallah ana msh hadaari You're the only one I see and I won't let that change Shou2i eli zawedli naari My passion ignites my fire Meshta2 le layali zmaan I miss the nights in the past 2arab mn 3ayouni shayla wallah Come closer to my eyes they are carrying Kalaam w agmal gharaam Words and a beautiful love Ta3ala w shouf 2awaam Come see quickly Ta3ala w shouf el 7ob eli ma beina Come see the love that is between us Balash tensa 7araam Please don't forget Ta3ala w shouf 2awaam Come see quick Zayak msh hala2i ehdeelou 7obi w eshteya2i I won't find someone like you to give all my love Danta eli fi 3ayouni ba2i You are the only one I see Wallah gheirak 7ob laa I swear I don't need another 3omri 3alashanak wallah w 7ali yeb2a 7alak My life is yours and my worries are your worries 2arrab raye7ni b so2alak Come and comfort me with your question Danta ana rou7i ma3aa My soul is yours Ezai Ya3ni - How Exactly Ezay ya3ni enta t2ouli baya3ni w tsaharni fi laylat w tdawebni feek How exactly can you say you sold me and keep me up the nights melting for you Law kan ya3ni albi le 7obak raga3ni lazem teegi le albi w ts2al 3alih And if my heart returned to your love you have to come to me and ask about me W 3younak tensa eli kan And your eyes forgot the past W eli et2al mnak leya And what you had said to me W temsa7 b2eedaik ahaati And you wipe with your hands my sighs W dmou3 eli fi 3ainaya And the tears in my eyes Lazem tensa eli kan You have to forget the past W eli et2al mnak leya And what you had said to me W temsa7 b2eedaik ahaati And wipe with your hands my sighs W dmou3 eli fi 3aynaya And the tears in my eyes Bas ezay ezay ezay ya3ni But how how how exactly Albi mehtaglak tkoun ma3a My heart needs you with her Ma enta ghali 3alih You are precious to me Zay ma 7odnak me7tagli Same as your arms need me W 3ayezni akoun gambi And want me to be beside them
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