Nanno emam قام بنشر November 16, 2005 قام بنشر November 16, 2005 Love On The InternetThough I wasn't looking for anyone new, One day I got e- mail and in it was you. Charming, sensitive and so debonair, I strongly resisted it go anywhere. But letters and stories captured my heart, Filled me with passion almost from the start. Love on the Internet, how could it be? These things just don't happen to people like me.
anteeme_el7ozn قام بنشر November 19, 2005 قام بنشر November 19, 2005 y don't happened 4 people like u it's happened 4 all,ty nanoo nice words :Mazakonia (100): AhMeD_mAhMoUd
! DaReDeViL ! ™ قام بنشر November 19, 2005 قام بنشر November 19, 2005 Thnx Nanno .. :Mazakonia (100): ! .. BuTCher .. ! Emp!re
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