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Hisham Abbas




Full name: Hisham Mohamed Mahmoud Abbas

Born in Cairo, Hisham graduated as a mechanical engineer, but ended up having a career in music. "Though nobody in my family is into music, I was always musically inclined. I was 16 when I started singing and had my own band called Bats," he recalls, "But I did my engineering to please my father, who???s also an engineer. Later though, I convinced him that my heart is into music and he relented. I started out as a sound engineer, and then moved on to singing and composing."


If there???s anything else that???s dearer to Hisham besides his music, it???s his family. Hisham has a cherubic wife Gehane, who he fondly calls Jiji, who also doubles up as his manager, and two kids. "I have a five-year-old daughter Yasmina and three-year-old son Ali, and both get very excited when I am recording at my studio. But my backbone is my wife Jiji. I met her at the aerobic classes, where she was an instructor.



The singer is also into charity, lending a helping hand to several foundations which help children. He is the celebrity campaigner for AFNCI, an Egyptian organisation that helps children suffering from cancer. So how does Hisham take his pop icon status in Egypt? "I don???t care for fame. All I want to do is make some nice music and heal the world through it," he smiles.


Hisham had made 10 solo albums till now. In his discography are also two compilations albums of his best songs and one extra album with various remixes of his big hit "Habibi dah"




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Hisham Abbas With Americana Show




About Americana Show Hisham sad in an interview:

In 1987, a friend of mine called Alia Saleh, who worked for Tarek Nour's Americana company introduced me to him. Through her, I joined the Americana show group and started to sing professionally, I mean in the studio with the right equipment and facilities. I was really impressed with the atmosphere. We sang silly songs for fun, putting Arabic words into western songs and changing them around. ("Suzanna" became "Morgana", "Maria Magdalena" became "Haquiki bukra lina" and "life is life" became "leih te'oul la'a") We had lots of fun. But I was not very serious about all this. I never meant to take it seriously. My main job at the studio was sound engineering. I started to read a lot about it and was trained by the owner of the studio. The whole thing became like an addiction to me. I sang all the time and recorded cassettes for many singers. I recorded for Simone, Hamid El Sha'ery and many others. I was good at making singers feel comfortable while singing and adjusting the music to their voices. I also sang a song with Hamid El Sha'ery called "Allah Yesallem Halak" which we recorded for the Americana Show and advertised it. That was very successful. Those were the stepping stones that led to my career.


3ala Remsh Eyounha


Allah Yesalem Halak


El Donia Resha F Hawa


Fein O Fein


Fein Wo3oudak Fein




Halawet Shamsena


Leila Leila


Lou Lo Lee


Shat Eskndria


Taht El Dela


Wa3dy Ya Wa3dy


Ya Mostafa




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Ard El Sharq




Ard El Sharq


Asma'a Allaho Al Housna


Ya Amal Akhdar


Ya Qamarna




Habibi Dah




3ala Allah


Ahh Mel Layali






Habibi Dah "Nari Narein"


Nawy Eah


Sameh Albi


Teslam Eidak


Yamn Hawaho


Mesh Haen Alia




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  • 8 months later...
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01- Feno

02- Gewah Fe Alby

03- Omy EL Habibba

04- Ad El-Donia

05- Belill

06- Raminy

07- Gamalk khatr

08- Shell Edak

09- Wana Wayeak

10- Ah Ya Lill

11- Haly Men Halah

12- Wa7shnY



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Including Covers


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