xmega_m77 قام بنشر January 21, 2008 Share قام بنشر January 21, 2008 :Mazakonia (92): Amr Moustafa & Orshi ..... Law fi 7ayaty law fi 7ayaty makan fi 2alby hayb2a 3ashanak law 7ata a5er el donya makanak mein da elly hay5alena ba3ad enta 7ayaty we fein ma akon ro7ak wayaya gaylak we habda2 beek donyaya estana da ana we enta 3ala ma3ad and you . let your heart decide and feel me inside no matter . howa far is the length you are you stay by my side and color my life and whisper my sight and i'm about . of flaming your eyes let gaze for my smile and lovely scene even wherever you are propasal and romance your feeling . your fright and tenderness my life enta 7abyby we ma leya 3'eirak i need you by my side enta elly 5ofy 3alek let me be your light gaylak we law kan bena belad and you . let your heart decide and feel me inside no matter . 7abyby elly 3ayzak ana you stay by my side and color my life . ya 3omry ana and whisper my sight and i'm about . of flaming your eyes let gaze for my smile and lovely . 7abyby elly 3ayzak ana propasal and romance your feeling . your fright and tenderness my life and you . let your heart decide and feel me inside no matter . 7abyby elly 3ayzak ana you stay by my side and color my life . ya 3omry ana and whisper my sight and i'm about . of flaming your eyes let gaze for my smile and lovely . 7abyby elly 3ayzak ana propasal and romance your feeling . your fright and tenderness my life رابط هذا التعليق شارك More sharing options...
ROONEY قام بنشر January 21, 2008 Share قام بنشر January 21, 2008 Thanks Ya King :) ارضى بما اعطاه الله لك تكن اغنى الناس وارضى لنفسك التواضع تكن اعز الناس رابط هذا التعليق شارك More sharing options...
xmega_m77 قام بنشر January 21, 2008 الكاتب Share قام بنشر January 21, 2008 thanx to u 3al morork رابط هذا التعليق شارك More sharing options...
!!!NOUR!!! قام بنشر January 21, 2008 Share قام بنشر January 21, 2008 thnxxx really teslm edak قالولي ليه راسك مرفوعه وعيونك قويه قولت العفو كلنا بشر لكن الجنسيه مصريه رابط هذا التعليق شارك More sharing options...
xmega_m77 قام بنشر January 21, 2008 الكاتب Share قام بنشر January 21, 2008 shkron ya nour 3la mrorok رابط هذا التعليق شارك More sharing options...
xmega_m77 قام بنشر January 22, 2008 الكاتب Share قام بنشر January 22, 2008 thanx for all رابط هذا التعليق شارك More sharing options...
lido_1987 قام بنشر May 9, 2009 Share قام بنشر May 9, 2009 THANKS رابط هذا التعليق شارك More sharing options...
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