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what is love

***No OnE***

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***what is love***



Love... a small word for such a complex emotion.

There is no simple explanation for it,

because love is made up of many things.

It cannot be measured, because it is a feeling.


All of the money in the world cannot buy love;

it has to be earned.

It does not happen by wishing;

it must come about naturally.


Love is not an instantaneous emotion,

but something that grows slowly between

two people, maturing with time.

Once love has reached maturity,

there is no stronger bond between two people.


Love is sharing the good and the bad,

the hopes and the dreams,

the amusing times and the serious times.

It is doing things together, yet leaving room

for each to grow as an individual.


How do I know these things about love?

Because this is the kind of love

you have given to me and the kind of love

I feel for you.

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