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سبحان الله


ربنا يعينه :(


You can say anything about me, But Iam what Iam and that's something that you can NEVER be...


Miss you

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merci ya islam nwrt

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سبحاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااان الله



تسلم ايديك انجل (46):

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Merci ya mid nwrt w tfy 3enek de bdl ma ageblk tafya

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sob7an el badee3

teslam edeka ya angoola





somebody is ME!!

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sob7an allah


tyslam 2ydyk ya 2amar



I don't wanna do this anymore

I don't wanna be the reason why

And everytime I walk out the door

I see him die a little more inside

And I don't wanna hurt him anymore

I don't wanna take away his life

I don't wanna be...

A murderer

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Merci ya Joly & Rody Nwrto

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