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ونعمه العمارات تسلم ايدك

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دى بجد ولا مكعبات :d


تسلم ادك ;)

  • 1 month later...
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ميرسي يا عامر & ايمن



وشكلها بجد يا ايمن



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to7fa 2awy


bs 3ala fekra el za2aze2 fyha 4 3omarat fe 3omara wa7da o 2ana shoftaha mara bs 3la shakl moraba3



I don't wanna do this anymore

I don't wanna be the reason why

And everytime I walk out the door

I see him die a little more inside

And I don't wanna hurt him anymore

I don't wanna take away his life

I don't wanna be...

A murderer

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gmda ya lavy tslm edek ;)


L!Fe iS toO ShoRt To Be UNhapPy...

U haVe tO taKe thE GoOd w!Z thE bAd...

SmiLe WheN u SaD...

Love wuT u GoT...

AnD alwaYs ReMembeR wuT u HaD...


AlWayS forGivE, BuT neVer ForGet..

LeaRn 4M ur MisTakeS..BuT neVer RegRet..

PpL changE..thinGs GoOo wRong..

BuT alWayS reMembeR.....


LIFE ...GOES... ON !!!!

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Tb Kwys Ya Rody ;)



Thnx ya 2amar nwrty & Thnx Dolsyyyy nwrtyyyyy

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hya de el 3omarat wala balash







** яemёмъer **


.ıl.lıl. .ıl.lıl. ♬ ♪ ♩.ıl.lıl. .ıl.lıl.

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Thx Angel

Tarek`z Mania









ღ♥ღ One Step Clo$er ღ♥ღ

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thx angel


You can say anything about me, But Iam what Iam and that's something that you can NEVER be...


Miss you

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بكره يخاصموا بعض وينفصلوا

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Thnx All Nwrtoooo :Mazakonia (92):

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