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سؤال والاجابه حرفين اتنين يا اه يا إما لأ


انت مرتبط


انتى مرتبطه


يا اه يا لأ

عشان نشوف نسبة المرتبطين فى مزاكونى


بس خلاص


You can say anything about me, But Iam what Iam and that's something that you can NEVER be...


Miss you

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You can say anything about me, But Iam what Iam and that's something that you can NEVER be...


Miss you

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  • 1 month later...
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Signature Deleted By Broken_Heart !

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I don't wanna do this anymore

I don't wanna be the reason why

And everytime I walk out the door

I see him die a little more inside

And I don't wanna hurt him anymore

I don't wanna take away his life

I don't wanna be...

A murderer

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LA2 msh mortbta kda a7sn


Thnx Islam Nice topic

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انا بقيت لا :(


You can say anything about me, But Iam what Iam and that's something that you can NEVER be...


Miss you

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3la fekra a7snlk :D

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ya gama3a 3yzen 3rees l angel mesh hynfa3 kda hya el shabab et3amet wal 2ih :D


ana mogod 3ala fekra bas enty 2oly ah w ana ha2ol la2a 3ala tol :P

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eh ya wad ya joee el 5efa de kolha 3sal 3sal :P


w ana yom ma artbt hrtbt bek :D dh enta as3'r mny :D :D:D


:P :PP:P :P:P: b3den enta a5oya nset walla eh :P :P :P:P


yalla b2a :D


ana bhazar tb3n ya joeeee :D mfesh z3al aked sa7:D

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ah tb3an mafesh z3al hya gat 3liky ya angola :D


hua ana 3ande kam angel

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OnE mAn CaN dO.................aNoThEr OnE cAn DoOoOo!!!!

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