LoVe AnGeL قام بنشر April 21, 2007 قام بنشر April 21, 2007 Fairuz song lyrics translated into English A Hadir il-Bosta (The bus song) By the roar of the bus we traveled from the village of Himlaya to the village of Tannurin and I remembered you, Alia and remembered your eyes and God forgive you, Alia what beautiful eyes you have. On our way to the mountains from the heat we almost died some ate lettuce others munched on figs one had his wife with him, and God how ugly his wife was lucky are the passengers on their way to Tannurin they take everything in stride but they don't know, Alia what beautiful eyes you have. Way up we went and we hadn't even paid our fare sometimes we calmed down the rattling door sometimes we calmed the passengers the guy found out his wife was getting dizzy I wouldn't put it past him to let her go up alone and if you could only see your eyes, Alia how beautiful they are, your eyes Driver if you'd just close that window the air, O driver the air will make us catch cold the air O driver. A'tini al-Nay (Give me the flute) Give me the flute, and sing immortality lies in a song and even after we've perished the flute continues to lament have you taken refuge in the woods away from places like me followed streams on their courses and climbed up the rocks. Did you ever bathe in a perfume and dry yourself with a light drink the dawn as wine rarefied in goblets of ether give me the flute then and sing the best of prayer is song and even when life perishes the flute continues to lament have you spent an evening as I have done among vines where the golden candelabra clusters hang down did you sleep on the grass at night and let space be your blanket abstaining from all that will come forgetful of all that has passed give the flute then and sing in singing is Justice for the heart and even after every guilt has perished the flute continues to lament give the flute and sing forget illness and its cure people are nothing but lines which are scribbled on water. Bhibbak Ya Lubnan (I love you, Lebanon) I love you Lebanon my country I love your north your south your plains I love you ask what happened what has overcome me I love you Lebanon my country they said what goes on in the land of festivals strewn as it is with fire and dynamite I said our land is being reborn the Lebanon of dignity a people that perseveres how could I help loving you even in your madness I love you because your love gathers us together when we are dispersed and one grain of your soil equals the treasures of the world I love you Lebanon my country I love your north your south your plains I love you ask what happened what has overcome me. Fi Ahwi 'al Mafra' (In a cafe at the crossroads) In a cafe at the crossroads there's a fireplace and a girl my love and I have laid it out with secrets one day I found a pair of little lovers had taken over our seats become the joyful strollers. O yellow leaves we keep growing up we keep growing the roads and houses, the trees are changing and growing up you alone my country my country my country you alone are still a little child. Like the arrow returning from its trip into time I crossed the streets where no one laughed for me. All my mates have grown up all that was before is no more the same they've become the past the gold of oblivion. O yellow leaves we keep growing up we keep growing up the houses and roads the trees are changing and growing up you alone my country my country my country you alone are still a little child. Habbaitak Bissayf (I loved you in summer) In the cold days in winter when the sidewalk is a lake and the street is drowned this girl has come from her old house to await him. He who had told her to wait but he has gone away and forgotten and she withers away in winter. I have loved you in summertime I have loved you in winter I awaited you in summertime I awaited you in winter Your eyes are summer My eyes are winter and our rendezvous my love is beyond summer and beyond winter. The strange one passed by and gave me a message my lover had written with his tears 1 opened the message whose letters were lost and days passed years estranged us while winter had erased the letters of the message. Hawa Bairut (The love of Beirut) They put up road-blocks they dimmed all the signs they planted cannons they mined the squares where are you love after you we became the love that screams we became the distances. For the happy days we longed the days of staying up on the road the long walks the rendezvous at the old restaurant. O love of Beirut O love of days They will come back Beirut the days will come back. It is the second summer the moon is broken is it true you may forget me my defeated love I went back to my house my house I didn't find only smoke and twisted beams no rose and no fence. Hayyi-l-Biyya'in (Peddlers' Quarter) Take me to the peddler's quarter O peddling woman and sell me to my lover in the vendors' square. My next of kin put me guard on the garden they instructed me and said that I must watch over the garden but my eyes dozed off little by little the thieves sneaked in and stole the orchards. My mother has lost me at the end of the crossroads I wept but she didn't hear me then I was taken by the crossroads. Tell him to hear me and return me to my mother I'm afraid he'll lose me and look for the pretty ones. Itab (Blame) You keep blaming me and I of blame had enough my body has withered away under the burden and you say you want to go away please do my heart is used to pain. From childhood I taught my heart to love you this eye of mine was confined only to the sight of you and God knows I never laughed but for you so why do you keep opening all these doors for me. I live far away from Joy and its nights pray, is this not what it means to be faithful tell me if not, how could one become that. If all this painful doubt all this friction is just jealousy you'd better cut it out you've exhausted me, God bless your soul and if others who teach you this were close to your heart then God bless you my love in what you've found. The more I love you the more tears I have in my eyes and I wish to God I could go back on your dire loving days will pass by youth shall fly away. Where will you find a heart like my own that has forgiven you so much and made up every time 0 how often have I said tomorrow it shall repent and denounce your love I could never do it my love This heart could never repent. Kan 'Inna Tahun (We had a windmill) What sweet nights those were when love lay in waiting when you came to meet me water roaring through the night. Took us in its tow we had a windmill by the waterspring tacking the squares planted with shadow my grandfather used to grind for the neighborhood grain and vigils. People milled around the squares some carrying bags some in cars back and forth songs kept roaring on those roads. Yay yay yay O sleepless nights yay yay yay the sweet one on my mind We sang We sang We sang on the roads. Days rolled on and by and by the windmill grew silent on the water's shoulder my grandfather became a windmill of memories grinding out sun and shadow. Kan Izzaman (Time was) Time was when a shop stood drowned in shade when we girls and boys came to play by water. And drunken John sat on and on behind the shop. He sang and the neighbors' girl grew sad don't you forget me don't you forget me and remember drunken John. We roamed the neighborhood with the birds we flew toward the shop with piles of roses and drunken John kept busy drawing on the walls the picture of the neighbors' girl. The neighbors' daughter is pretty She eloped on the night of a feast The shop came down and a new house went up in its place and still on the walls of oblivion drunken John draws the picture of the neighbors' daughter. Khudni (Take me) Take me to its lovely hills Take me to the land that has reared me and forget me there among vineyards and fig trees and let me lie upon the soil of our village. Ancient windows are signalling to me, and sounds of its rivers are calling those who have travelled; And eyes peeping from windows say to me, We are friends. And I walk in forgotten alleys, in late evenings, when lights are about to go off, waiting for a hand to shake mine and a voice to salute me. Take me and plant me in the land of Lebanon take me to the house that is guarding the hill, where I shall open the door and kiss the walls and kneel under the loveliest sky, and pray, and pray... Mawwal Fi Lina Ya Hub (Mawwal: we have a tent) O love, over there on top of the mountain, we have a tent, waiting for us to visit in an amorous night stars shower its slopes with kisses, as clouds kneel at its rims. O love, we have a tent, a vase and two white roses and together we shall be at the edge of the sky, you and I and a bunch of songs. Min 'Iz Innawm Btisri'ni (From the height of sleep you steal me) From the height of sleep you steal me in the far-off where I run you precede me I am at the end of earth my love the earth walks through me when I walk how far will you follow me. We had departed and your voice died away empty time bid me in and when I closed the door on myself I found you between me / and myself. Draped over the sea of oblivion sleep has deserted me now with everything else but your face refused to depart when I try to see in it drowns me. Dance and laughter in festive vigilance surrounded by my friends all the eyes are on me because l'm looking for a new love. The glass keeps falling from my hand alone among all I see you you steal from among them you burn me with the ice of the past. Mishwar (Going for a walk) Who circulated the rumor that on my way to school, I stopped to speak to him and that he spoke back to me The truth is that, I was simply walking by, when it began to rain and if I did not seek shelter, my school dress would have been drenched with the rain. Anyway, so what if we did speak to each other After all, we were young and I even went out for a walk with him. They said, he threw roses over my bed how would he reach our high window? How could he recognize which is my bed, and which is my sister's bed? Oh, how they fabricate stories, Oh, how they circulate a lie I only went for a walk with him. They said, twice he held me in his arms, twice and that he pressed O what a lie, Once, alright, but twice! they also said my hand never pushed him away and that his thirst was never quenched How they divulge a secret I only went for a walk with him. Yesterday, I saw him in a dream I was flying in his arms, below, the ground was all spread with jasmines if my dream would ever come true why not, for as in a simple walk, in life we are simply passing through.
LoVe AnGeL قام بنشر April 21, 2007 الكاتب قام بنشر April 21, 2007 Muwashshah Law Kana Qalbi Ma'i (Muwashshah: If I had control over my heart) (Excerpt) It I had control over my heart, I would have chosen none but you, and would have accepted no other one to be my love. But my heart desires the one who is tormenting it and would accept no blame or reproach. Muwashshah Qad Ataka Ya'taziru (Muwashshah: she came to apologize) My tormentor came to me in the fold of dusk, like a planet shining in the horizon. I said to her, you have lightened my life, my sweet visitor, aren't you afraid to walk alone in the street? She replied with ti ars in her eyes: "He who rides the sea is not scared of drowning." Sa'aluni-n-Nass (People asked me) People asked me about you my love they wrote letters the air took away It is too much for me to sing when for the first time we are not together my love. People asked me about you they asked I told them he'll be back please don't blame me and I closed my eyes afraid that they might see you hiding there the air wafted over me and made me weep for we are not together for the first time. He emerged out of the night and said light up for me. The night met me and blew my candle out don't ask me how I found my way. Toward you my heart was the guide whoever burns with longing goes on burning and for the first time we are not together. Sanarji'u (We shall return) We shall return to our village one day and drown in the warmth of hope we shall return though time passes by and distances grow between us. O heart don't drop wearied on the path of our return how it wounds our pride that birds tomorrow will return while we are still here. There are hills sleeping and waking on our pledge and people who love their days comprised of waiting and nostalgic songs places where willows fill the eye Bending over the water while afternoons in their shade drink in the perfume of peace. We shall return the nightingale told me when we met on a hill that nightingales still live there on our dreams and that among the yearning hills and people there is a place for us 0 heart then how long has the wind scattered us. Come, we shall return let us return. Shadi (Shadi) Long time ago, when I was a young girl, a boy used to come from the nearby woods His name was Shadi Shadi and I used to play in the snow, we sang for each other and ran in the wind We carved our names in the rocks and the wind bit our faces. One of these days, the world was smothered with fire some people began fighting against other people and the fighting spread to our hills Shadi ran to watch I got scared, I yelled: Shadi where did you go, Shadi He disappeared, he could not hear me, the valley took him in since that day I never saw him again Shadi was lost for ever Snow fell and melted away for twenty times I grew up and Shadi remained the boy I knew, playing in the snow. Ya Tair (O bird) O bird flying on the tip of the world If you would only tell the beloved about me O bird. Go ask the one who is alone and wounded, all remedies of no avail pained and not telling what pains him and in his memory recur nights of childhood. O bird who carries the color of trees in which there's nothing but boredom and waiting with the sun's eye I wait on coldness of stone the hands of reparation shake me and I am troubled. I beseech you by your teachers which are equal to my days I beseech by the thorn-rose and the wind if you are going toward those whom I love and were love to erupt again take me even for one minute and return me.
!! Vampire !! قام بنشر April 21, 2007 قام بنشر April 21, 2007 Woooow Great Topic Thanx Alot My Little Angel 4 Da Topic & $ Ur Great Effort With Us U R The Best My Dear Game Over Mubarak Democracy Now
LoVe AnGeL قام بنشر April 21, 2007 الكاتب قام بنشر April 21, 2007 ميـــــــــــــــرسي يا حبيب قلبي نورت يا احلى اخ وميرسي على كلامك الحلو ده من بعض ما عندكم وبعدين محدش بيست غيرك بقى بث خلاث
casper_ghost قام بنشر April 21, 2007 قام بنشر April 21, 2007 teslm eadk ya angoltna gr8 work ** яemёмъer ** .ıl.lıl. .ıl.lıl. ♬ ♪ ♩.ıl.lıl. .ıl.lıl.
LoVe AnGeL قام بنشر April 23, 2007 الكاتب قام بنشر April 23, 2007 Thnx ToooT & M7md NWrtooooo :Mazakonia (83):
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