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Asalah Nasri - Asfa (I'm Sorry)



1. English Font


Asfa, shouf lak gheiri

Moush hat7amel ta3abi ma3ak,

Inta 3ayez lak 7ad eda7i,

Mahma ebta3mel feih weyak.



Asfa, shouf lak gheiri

Moush hat7amel ta3abi ma3ak,

Inta 3ayez lak 7ad eda7i,

Mahma ebta3mel feih weyak.


We ana garabt da kolo ma3ak,

Da3eft o do3fi ma3ak awak,

Bas lemta 7afdal ada7i,

We ouli lemta 7ab2a malak.



Asfa, shouf lak gheiri

Moush hat7amel ta3abi ma3ak,

Inta 3ayez lak 7ad eda7i,

Mahma ebta3mel feih weyak.


7abeit hawak le7doud aktar men el mafroud,

We inta wala 2adart,

3alamt 2albi 5ala9 ewafer el e5la9,

Minnak ana t3alemt.


7abeit hawak le7doud aktar men el mafroud,

We inta wala 2adart,

3alamt 2albi 5ala9 ewafer el e5la9,

Minnak ana t3alemt.



Asfa, shouf lak gheiri

Moush hat7amel ta3abi ma3ak,

Inta 3ayez lak 7ad eda7i,

Mahma ebta3mel feih weyak.


We ana garabt da kolo ma3ak,

Da3eft o do3fi ma3ak awak,

Bas lemta 7afdal ada7i,

We ouli lemta 7ab2a malak.



Asfa, shouf lak gheiri

Moush hat7amel ta3abi ma3ak,

Inta 3ayez lak 7ad eda7i,

Mahma ebta3mel feih weyak.


Shouf 2ad eih weyak ta3ebt,

Ou 2ad eih seket we t7amelt.

We 2ad eih...

We 2ad eih...

Wel 3omr feih kam 2ad eih?



2. Translated into English


I can't bear anymore of this suffering,

You want someone who sacrifices all they have

No matter what you do to them.



I'm sorry, find someone else,

I can't bear anymore of this suffering,

You want someone who sacrifices all they have

No matter what you do to them.


And I tried all of that with you,

I grew weak,

And my weakness strengthened you,

But how long will I continue to sacrifice?

And tell me how long can I remain an angel?



I'm sorry, find someone else,

I can't bear anymore of this suffering,

You want someone who sacrifices all they have

No matter what you do to them.


I loved you beyond reason,

But you never acknowledged it,

I taught my heart

This I learned from you.


I loved you beyond reason,

But you never acknowledged it,

I've taught my heart to give up on loyalty,

This I learned from you.



I'm sorry, find someone else,

I can't bear anymore of this suffering,

You want someone who sacrifices all they have

No matter what you do to them.


And I tried this with you,

I grew weak,

And my weakness strengthened you,

But how long will I continue to sacrifice?

And tell me how long can I remain an angel?



I'm sorry, find someone else,

I can't bear anymore of this suffering,

You want someone who sacrifices all they have

No matter what you do to them.


See how much you've made me suffer.

And how much I tolerated and withstood.

And how much...

And how much...

How many times can I say "how much" in one lifetime?

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