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Hello everyone. So here's my request; I'd really appreciate it if someone could share the following singles in HQ 320 quality:

Aline Khalaf - Baadak al bal

Aline Khalaf - Farhat einaya

Nelly Makdessy - Ya Arab

Nelly Makdessy - Ya Dada

Nelly Makdessy - Ya Nar Nari

Nelly Makdessy - Yaeech el hob

Please bear in mind I already have this in low, youtube-to-mp3 quality and am looking for the original single quality. Thank you in advance. 

قام بنشر

Omg thank you so much, that's a treasure right there!!

قام بنشر
20 hours ago, electraheart said:

Omg thank you so much, that's a treasure right there!!

No thanks on the duty


Lord Of MuSic






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