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Ma Feyye a3esh ella ma3ak - I cant live without u


i cannot live without you

i cannot be without you


the color of your eyes is what i love

for the sake of god believe what i say

my heart and my soul are yours


if they were to take you away from me,


only you would remain in my eyes

talk to me and ill listen


i cannot live without you

i cannot be without you




whatever happens, i cannot be alone

id rather be thrown in fire, for my sake do that


the color of your eyes is what i love

for the sake of god believe what i say

my heart and my soul are yours



if they were to take you away from me,


only you would remain in my eyes

Te7kili w esma3ak talk to me and ill listen


Ma fiyi 3ich ella ma3ak i cannot live without you

Ma fiyi koun elle elak i cannot be without you





ive gotten used to you and I gave you my tenderness

my soul is in your hands, my life, and my being


the color of your eyes is what i love

for the sake of god believe what i say

my heart and my soul are yours


if they were to take you away from me,


only you would remain in my eyes

talk to me and ill listen


i cannot live without you

i cannot be without you

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