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[move]<div align="center"></div>LEFT IN FEAR<span style='font-family:tahoma'></span>


this is not me who is here or there

It's someone else leavin me in [shadow=black]fear[/shadow]

I am prisoned in a cage & i can't find the key

Who might it be with he or she

or is that key with me

Does the only solution for me is to flee

If i did that it won't be me


i used to be someone at the top

now to my image i should crop

All the selfconfidence i used to have

then who'll act on my behalf

it's the new me

That walks not knowin what to do

lost within her fears & terrors


nothin but part of a crew

for how long will that last

This destroyin blast

i wanna go back to the past

but a question i wanna ask

was the past really better

or is it a curtain to hid me

when i shiver............


belive me these are the first steps of becoming insane

lots of struggles are within my brain

I want a merciful cleanin rain

to wash away all the memories that i had

each one is worst than the other


So why now i should bother

NO, o must bother then how ill regain

My position and the positive thoughts to my brain


A tear in the eye

that tells me come on cry

NEVER be shy


I feel that my brain is gonna blow

and that would be aterrifyin show

and if you came and saw

the inner parts of my brain

and how iam tryin to maintain

the only standin hope

to break the wall between me and the probe


I am under alot of pressure

from every side you can imagine


My eyes are gettin wet

my body is gonna sweat

my hands my bones are hurtin

i really don't know what's happenin to me



but who can help me but me

there's no one can leave what iam livin in


My heart is scratched

and every scratch is bleedin

and i still can't find the cure......

تم تعديل بواسطه ! Sweet Girl

U sHoulD aPpreciate my sEnSe oF Style




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