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قام بنشر


Stirb nicht vor mir / Don't die before I do


The night opens her lap

The child's name is loneliness

It is cold and motionless

I cry softly into time

I don't know what your name is

But I know that you exist

I know that sometime

someone will love me


He comes to me every night

No words are left to say

With his hands around my neck

I close my eyes and pass away


I don't know who he is

In my dreams he does exist

His passion is a kiss

And I can not resist


I wait here

Don't die before I do

I wait here

Don't die before I do


I don't know who you are

I know that you exist

Don't die

Sometimes love seems so far

I wait here

Your love I can't dismiss

I wait here


All the houses are covered in snow

And candle light in the windows

They lie there together

And I

I only wait for you


I wait here

Don't die before I do

I wait here

Don't die before I do


I don't know who you are

I know that you exist

Don't die

Sometimes love seems so far

I wait here

Your love I can't dismiss


Don't die before I do



! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


Zerstören / Destroy


I want to tend to my things

and reduce the rest to rubble

Ripping, bashing

Crushing, picking

I go along the garden fence

And feel the urge again

I must destroy

But it can't belong to me

I must destroy

But it can't belong to me




I'll take your belongings

I'll annihilate them

Sawing, stripping

Not asking, smashing

And now the supreme discipline

Pulling the head off a doll

Hurting, tearing, corroding


But it can't belong to me

I must destroy




I would like to destroy something

But it can't belong to me

I want to be a good boy

But the desire overtakes me

I must destroy

But it can't belong to me




Ripping, bashing

Crushing, picking

Chopping and stealing

Not asking, smashing

Tearing, hurting

Burning, then running

Sawing, stripping

Breaking, avenging


He met a girl that was blind

Shared pain and like-minded

Saw a star go from the sky

And wished that she could see


She opened her eyes

And left him in the same night



! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


Hilf mir / Help me


I was all alone at home

Both of my parents were out

There before me I suddenly saw

a little box, nice to look at


Oh, I said, how pretty and nice

That must be a splendid toy

I strike a match

Like mother often did


Every time that I'm alone

I'm pulled to the fire

Why is the sun round

Why don't I get healthy


It reaches for me, I don't resist

Jumps with claws to my face

It bites hard, it pains me a lot

I jump around the room


Oh no, the flame touches my dress

My jacket burns, it glows far

My hand burns, my hair burns

In fact my whole body is burning


Every time that I'm alone

I'm pulled to the fire

Why is the sun round

Why don't I get healthy

The fire loves me

Help me

The fire loves me not

The fire loves me


I have been totally burned

Everything is burned completely

From the ashes, all alone

I climb up to the sunshine

The fire loves me

The fire loves me not


Help me



! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


Te quiero puta / I love you,


Hey friends


Go ahead friends


Come on, come on, my love

I really like your flavor

Not not not not your heart

Really really like your lemon

Give me your fruit

Come on, my love

I love you,

I love you,

Oh, so good


Oh, so good, one, two, three

Yes, I want you once again

But not not not your heart

More more more of your lemon


Give me your fruit

Give me your fruit

Come on, my love

I love you,

I love you,

Oh, so good


Between your legs I'm going to cry

I'm going to be happy and sad

I'm going to be happy and sad


More, more, more, please

More, more, more, yes, yes, sir

More, more, more, please

More, more, more, yes, yes, sir

Don't be afraid of me

I'm not going to eat you

More, more, more, please

More, more, more, yes, yes, sir

Yes, yes, sir


I love you,

I love you,

Give it to me, give it to me

I love you,



! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


Feuer & Wasser / Fire & Water


It's beautiful when she swims the breaststroke

Then I can see into her core

Not that the breast is what's beautiful

I just swim after her

Sparking dust flows from the center

A firework shoots from her crotch


Fire and water don't come together

Can't be bound, aren't related

Sunken in sparks, I am aflame

and am burned in the water

Burned in the water


It's beautiful when she swims naked

then I want to see her from behind

Not that the breasts are attractive

Her legs open like scissors

Then from its hiding place, the flame

glows hotly from her thigh-angle


She swims past and doesn't notice me

I am her shadow, she stands in the light

There is no hope and no confidence


Fire and water don't come together

Can't be bound, aren't related

Sunken in sparks, I am aflame

and am burned in the water

Like this, the blood boils in my loins

I grab her with wet hands

Smooth as a fish and cold as ice

She won't waste herself on me

I know


Fire and water never come together

Can't be bound, aren't related

Sunken in sparks, I am aflame

and am burned in the water



! .. BuTCher .. !


قام بنشر


Ein Lied / A Song


Whoever does good will be forgiven

Therefore be good in all your journeys

Then you'll soon have visitors

We'll come with the song book


We were born for music

We are the servants of your ears

Whenever you're sad

We play for you


If you live without sin

And give each other a hand

If you don't squint into the sun

a song will be played for you


We are the servants of your ears

We were born for music

Whenever you're sad

we play for you


Whenever you can't sleep

May you be treated to a song

And heaven cracks

A song falls softly from the light of heaven


We are the servants of your ears

We were born for music

Whenever you're sad

We play for you



! .. BuTCher .. !


  • 3 weeks later...
قام بنشر

thnx aloot ya man

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