'' MEGO '' قام بنشر May 19, 2011 قام بنشر May 19, 2011 Bizarre Friday the 13th Superstitions If you pass a funeral procession on Friday the 13th, you will die the next day. If you cut your hair on Friday the 13th, it results in the death of a family member. Ships setting sail on Friday the 13th will encounter disaster Starting a business on Friday will result in a disaster. If you were born on Friday the 13th, your entire life will be plagued by bad luck. Consulting an astrologer on Friday the 13th is a very bad idea If you leave the calendar on Friday the 13th, a witch will kill you the next day. If you change your bed on Friday the 13th, you will have bad dreams all night. Starting a trip on a Friday will bring misfortune Cutting your nails on Friday the 13th brings you very bad luck 5alaweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees :blush: 1
mo2aaa قام بنشر May 19, 2011 قام بنشر May 19, 2011 eh el youm el na7s da :blush: tslm edk ya 7obe عندما لا نبكى فهذا لا يعنى أننا فقدنا الإحساس بل أحزاننا كثرت علينا فلم نجد دموعاً تعادلها فإكتفينا بالصمت
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