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Gar El Amar

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كل منشورات العضو Gar El Amar

  1. تسلم ايدك يبشا بس ايه موضوع الطفله اللى اتكلمت وقالت يوم 7-7-2007 هيحصل حاج
  2. 1-ايه الكلمة اللى بتستخدمها لما بتعوز تقفل كلام مع حد؟ ثوانى وجاى ومش ارجع تانى 2- ايه اول كلمة بتقولها لما بترد على التلفون؟ اوقات السلام عليكوا اوالو 3-بتنهى كلامك ف التلفون بكلمة ايه؟ هتعوز حاجه 4-ايه الكلمة اللى بتقولها لما تندهش من حاجة؟ بجد والله 5-بتحب تكتب عادة بقلم لونه ايه؟ اى حاجه 6-جزمتك لما بتقلعها اول ما توصل البيت بتحطها فين؟ على الباب وبيحصل مشاكل بسبب كدة 7-مين دايما بيرد على التلفون عندك ف البيت؟ تلفون البيت مش بحب ارد عليه اى حد بق فى البيت بيرد 8-بترد على موبيلك بتقول ايه لما بتكون نمرة تعرفها وبتقول ايه لما تكون نمرة ما تعرفهاش؟ لو واحد صحبى بقوله ايه يافقر لونمرة غريبه مين معايا 9-لو هتشرب حاجة بعد الغدا عادة بتكون ايه؟ عصير منجه لوموجود لو مش موجود بيبسى لومشموجود يبق ميه 10-لما بتنزل تشترى حاجة من تحت بتلبس لبس خروجك العادى ولا اى حاجة وخلاص؟ لو لبس لبسخروج هنزل بيه لومش لبس لبس خروج انزل بالترنج
  3. هذا الكأن العجيب لم يعرف له اسم حتى الان ولكن ماذا يطلق عليه هل هو كلب من نوع جديد ام دوده على شكل كلب ولكننا ليس بيدنا شئ غير قول سبحان الله الخالق العظيم انظرو الى الصورة وتأملوا فيها بدقه
  4. هذه الصور المذهلة والتي تظهر كيف تقوم السمكة باخراج صغارها من فمها ! هذه السمكة فريدة من نوعها وطريقة اخراجها لصغارها تختلف عن باقي الاسماك وباقي الكائنات الحية حيث ان غالبية الاسماك تبيض صغارها. سبحان الله !
  5. عبيط ده ولا ايه تسلم ايدك يبشا
  6. يلاهوى الدنيا حصلت فيها ايه ربنا ينقم منهم بس هيا برده غلطانه انها سلمت نفسها لخوها فى الاول ربنا يصبرها بق تسلم يبشا توبك بجد مهم جدا
  7. تسلم يبشا جارى التحميل
  8. زواج صاحبي من حبيبتي مبروك عليكي صاحبي وحبيبتي بهنيك عليها بهديك احلي تحيه هاغنيى ليك وليها حاغني ليكم اغنيه...فيها حكايه......حكايه ليها بدايه...وملهاش نهايه حكايه فيها المظلوم بيجرح ويخون ....ومفيهاش ظالم بس فيها انسان حالم...............اناااا كنا اتنين عايشين راضين مكناش عارفين اننا واهمين قابلنا انسان مظلوم مهموم من الهوي محروم وكنت حاسس اني اسف للدنيا اللي كلها جارحين قلت لقيت صديق برئ نكون بعيد عن الظالمين استنا متمشيش وانتي متبكيش خليني اكمل حكايتي علشان ااقدر اعيش صاحبي حب حبيبتي وحاول يتقرب وانتي مبعدتيش بقي بيداوي جرحه بيكي وانتي راضيه وكاني انا مش ليكي بس ايدي انا اللي ضيعتك مش بايديكي وحبتيه ونسي الجرح اللي فيه وقلبه حس بيكي وبيه ولما لقاني بعيد عنك وعليه قالك بحبك ياتري رديتي انتي بأيه؟ وكل ماجي في فكركم تبعدوني بسرعه عنكم وتقولوا ده مش ذنبنا ده ذنب قلبنا......لا لا والف لا ده ذنب عايز الف اه كداب انت وهيه ولوعليكم حيرسي الذنب عليه وأكون انا الظالم والضحيه اكون انا الجارح والمجروح بايديه لا مش حاكون انا الديه لا مش حالعب الدور التاني واجي ابارك واقدم التهاني انا بقيت خلاص مظلوم وحاكون الجاني انا انظلمت وحاخد حقي بايديه انتي خلاص مش عايزك تكوني ليه استنا متمشيش استني فرحك وعيش انا حاقولكم بس كلمتين وبعدها متلزمونيش حبيبتك في يوم قالتلي بحبك واوعدك اني اكون ليك حبيبك قالي حنكون صحاب ولو كنت قريب او بعيد عليك بس خلاص مش حاقول كلام تاني ليها او ليك كلمه اخيره مبروك
  9. تسلم ايدك ياصحبى مجهود فوق الروعه
  10. Gar El Amar

    Shayen Ward

    All My Life I will never find another lover Sweeter than you Sweeter than you And I will never find another lover More precious than you More precious than you Girl you are Close to me you're like my mother Close to me you're like my father Close to me you're like my sister Close to me you're like my brother You are the only one, You're my everything And for you this song I sing [CHORUS] All my life I prayed for someone like you And I thank God that I That I finally found you All my life I prayed for someone like you And I hope that you Feel the same way too Yes, I pray that you do love me too I said, you're all that I'm thinking of Baby Said I promise to never Fall in love with a stranger You're all I'm thinking of I praise the Lord above For sending me your love I cherish every hug I really love you [CHORUS] You're all that I ever know When you smile on my face All I see is a glow You turn my life around You picked me up when I was down You're all that I ever know When you smile my face glows You picked me up when I was down You're all that I ever know When you smile my face glows You picked me up when I was down And I hope that you Feel the same way too Yes I pray that you Do love me too [CHORUS (2)] All my life I prayed for someone like you And I thank God that I That I finally found you All my life I prayed for someone like you Yes, I pray that you do love me too [CHORUS (2) (repeat 2x)] ---------------------------------- A Better Man Until the oceans all run dry Until the stars fall from the sky Even if words dont seem to rhyme Ill be addicted to your smile And if the wind blows out the sun Ill still believe you are the one No matter what we're going through I'll plan to spend my nights with you I promise you my heart wont fade I swear to you my soul always It isnt hard to understand You're making me a better man Baby my love will say it all I'll always catch you when you fall And if the hard times get too much I'll still be craving for your touch I promise you my heart wont fade I swear to you my soul always It isnt hard to understand You're making me a better man I dedicate my world I dedicate my all For every moment Your leaving me breathless I dedicate my touch Forevers not enough I wanna hold on I just wanna hold on to you I promise you my heart wont fade I swear to you my soul always It isnt hard to understand You're making me a better man It isnt hard to understand, your making me a better man ------------------------------ Back At One It's undeniable That we should be together It's unbelievable How i used to say that i'd fall never The basis you need to know If you don't know just how i feel Then let me show you now That i'm for real If all things in time Time will reveal Yeah One, you're like a dream come true Two, just wanna be with you Three, girl it's plain to see That you're the only one for me Four, repeat steps one through three Five, make you fall in love with me If ever i believe my work is done Then i start back at one So incredible The way things work themselves out And all emotional, once you know what it's all about babe And undesirable For us to be apart Never would have made it very far Cause you know that you've got the keys to my heart Cause One, you're like a dream come true Two, just wanna be with you Three, girl it's plain to see That you're the only one for me Four, repeat steps one through three Five, make you fall in love with me If ever i believe my work is done Then i start back at one Say farewell to the dark night I see the coming of the sun I feel like a little child Whose life has just begun You came and breathed new life Into this lonely heart of mine You threw out the life line Just in the nick of time One, you're like a dream come true Two, just wanna be with you Three, girl it's plain to see That you're the only one for me Four, repeat steps one through three Five, make you fall in love with me If ever i believe my work is done Then i start back at one -------------------------- I Cry You said goodbye I fell apart I fell from all we had To I never knew I needed you so bad You need to let things go I know, you told me so I've been through hell To break the spell Why did I ever let you slip away Can't stand another day without you Without the feeling I once knew I cry silently I cry inside of me I cry hopelessly Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again I cry Cause you're not here with me I cry Cause I'm lonely as can be I cry hopelessly Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again If you could see me now You would know just how How hard I try Not to wonder why I wish I could believe in something new Oh please somebody tell me it's not true (oh girl) I'll never be over you Why did I ever let you slip away Can't stand another day without you Without the feeling I once knew I cry silently I cry inside of me I cry hopelessly Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again I cry Cause you're not here with me I cry Cause I'm lonely as can be I cry hopelessly Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again If I could have you back tomorrow If I could lose the pain and sorrow I would do just anything To make you see You still love me I cry silently I cry inside of me I cry hopelessly Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again I cry Cause you're not here with me I cry Cause I'm lonely as can be I cry hopelessly Cause I know I'll never breathe your love again ---------------------------------------- Next To Me Feels like the first time for me One touch and you set me free You got me trippin' And it feels like a shock to my system Didn't think it existed And now I know that it's true Yes I do And now I'm on a mission Because you made me see That it's not impossible That someone just like you Could be with me Yes you could [CHORUS] Feels like the first time for me One touch and you set me free It's like you're out of my league And though I'm trying To keep my cool It's hard you see When you're next to me Baby it was you that was missing I never knew the truth 'Til my heart told me That something was different So I listened for the first time Yes I did It's a new kind of feeling You take me to a place That I ain't been When you touch me It's magic When you touch me Yes it is [CHORUS] Feels like the first time for me One touch and you set me free It's like you're out of my league And though I'm trying To keep my cool It's hard you see When you're next to me Baby Next to me Baby Come on Feels like the first time Every time that you look at me And I have to try And get a grip on reality People say this and they say that But baby it's hard to see When you're next to me Baby come on [CHORUS] Feels like the first time for me One touch and you set me free It's like you're out of my league And though I'm trying To keep my cool It's hard you see When you're next to me baby Next to me baby come on [CHORUS] Feels like the first time for me One touch and you set me free It's like you're out of my league And though I'm trying To keep my cool It's hard you see When you're next to me baby Next to me Baby Come on ---------------------------------------- Hey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love. Every time you're near I feel like I’m in heaven, feeling high I don’t want to let go, girl. I just need you to know girl. I don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight, No promises. Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms Here tonight Hey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love. Everytime you're near I feel like I’m in heaven, feeling high I don’t want to let go, girl. I just need you you to know girl. I don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight, No promises. Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms I don’t want to run away, I want to stay forever, thru Time and Time.. No promises I don’t wanna run away, I don’t wanna be alone No Promises Baby, now I need to hold you tight, now and forever my love No promises I don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight, No promises. Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms I don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight, No promises. Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your arms Here tonight. ----------------------------------- Some One To Love Finally She came along Broke the spell And set me free Push aside What use to be All the broken hearted man that once was me I never gave it up I always believe When shes in my arms i no what i achieve So hear my lonelyness Im giving up on you I dont need you anymore Ive found what i been lookin for So hear my emptyness Ive got no room for you Ive finally found what ive been dreamin of Someone to love Heyyy Cos i was lost I was down and out Untill that day I knew what my life was all about Still wonder how She came my way Shes the reason im smiling here today So hear my lonelyness Im giving up on you I dont need you anymore Ive found what i been lookin for So hear my emptyness Ive got no room for you Ive finally found what ive been dreamin of Someone to love To hold To be my inspiration Someone to touch, to cherise for life So hear my lonelyness Im giving up on you I dont need you anymore Ive found what i been lookin for So hear my emptyness Ive got no room for you Ive finally found what ive been dreamin of Someone to love Someone to love Oh baby So hear my emptyness Ive got no room for you Ive finally found what ive been dreamin of Ive finally found what ive been dreamin of Someone to love Someone to love ----------------------------- Something Worth Living For I dont wanna leave you here all by yourself I just wanna let you know i'm there for you like noone else I dont wanna drift off to another place I just wanna lay here in your arms with your hand on my face So lets not ever tell the moon about the sun I'll keep hearing love songs, hoping every wrong's undone Its foolish but we've only just begun I dont wanna stop this, all my walls are caving in I wanna give you something worth living for I wanna tell you this and so much more Your my everything My universe Im so mesmerised by your serenity Hopefully you'll take me there inside your dreams Just like all the leaves im falling over you Its so unbelieveable the airs so true --------------------------------- Stand By Me Nothing's impossible Nothing's unreachable When I am weary You make me stronger This love is beautiful So unforgetable I feel no winter cold When where together When were together [chorus] Will you stand by me Hold on and never let me go Will you stand by me With you I know I belong When the story gets told When day turns into night I look into your eyes I see my future now All the world and its wonder This love wont fade away And through the hardests days I'll never question us You are the reason Why only reason Will you stand by me Hold on and never let me go Will you stand by me With you I know I belong When the story gets told I am blessed To find what I need In a world loosing hope Yuor my only belive You make things right Everytime after time Will you stand by me Hold on and never let me go Will you stand by me With you I know I belong When the story gets told [Repeat chorus] Stand by me No more darlin I want you by my side I want you hear with mee ----------------------------- That's My Goal You know where i come from You know my story You know i’m standing here, tonight Please don’t go Don’t be in a hurry I’m here to make you plead Make you ride Well i know i’ve acted foolish But i promise you no more I’ve finally found that something Worth reaching for (chorus) – shane ward I’m not here to say i’m sorry I’m not here to lie to you I’m here to say i’m ready Cause i’ve finally thought of you I’m not here to let you’re love go I’m not giving up, oh no I’m here to win you’re heart that’s all That’s my goal (verse2) – shane ward Please don’t go You know that i need you I can’t breathe without you, Leave without you, Breathe without you Well i know i’ve acted foolish But i promise you no more No more (chorus) – shane ward I’m not here to say i’m sorry I’m not here to lie to you I’m here to say i’m ready Cause i’ve finally thought of you I’m not here to let you’re love go I’m not giving up, oh no I’m here to win you’re heart that’s all That’s my goal (verse3) – shane ward When i won’t stop believing that we will be leaving together And so when i say i love you i mean it forever and ever, ever and ever (chorus) – shane ward + backing I’m not here to say i’m sorry I’m not here to say i’m sorry I’m not here to lie to you I’m here to say i’m ready Cause i’ve finally thought of you I’m not here to let you’re love go I’m not giving up, oh no I’m here to win you’re heart that’s all I’m here to win you’re heart that’s all That’s my goal That’s my goal -------------------------- What About Me There's a little boy waitin' at the counter of the corner shop He's been waitin' down there Waiting half the day We never ever see him from the top He gets pushed around Knocked to the ground But he gets to his feet and he says... What about me It isn't fair I've had enough now I wasnt my share Can't you see I wanna live But you just take more then you give There's a pretty girl standing at the counter of the corner shop She's been waitin' back there Waitin' for her dreams Her dreams walk in and I begged 'em to stop Well she's not too proud To cry out loud She runs to the street and she screams: What about me It isn't fair I've had enough now I wasn't my share Can't you see I wanna live But you just take more then you give So take a step back and see the little people They may be young But they're the ones who make the big people big So listen As they whisper What about me Now I'm standing on the corner all the world's gone home Nobody's changed Nobody's been saved And I'm feeling cold and alone I guess I'm lucky I smile a lot But sometimes I wish for more Then I go... What about me It isn't fair I've had enough now I wasn't my share Can't you see I wanna live But you just take more what about me It isn't fair I've had enough now I want my share Can't you see I wanna live But you just take more You just take more You just take more then you give What about me What about me What about me ------------------------------------- You're Not Alone She's getting out of bed At half past ten She starts to comb her hair Just an ordinary day She looks at her reflection Off the wall Why do I care at all Just an ordinary day An ordinary day That's hurting you Don't hide out inside yourself If you only let the sunshine on you I promise you You're not alone When the lights go out at night When you're feeling lost inside You're not alone You're not alone When your world is falling down I will be the one around You're not alone You're not alone She's waiting for the bus it's 12.59 She's sitting on her own Just an ordinary day She's looking at the people Passing her by It could be you and I They would never dream Of slowing down To see if she's alright Don't hide out inside yourself If you only let the sunshine on you I promise you You're not alone When the lights go out at night When you're feeling lost inside You're not alone You're not alone When your world is falling down I will be the one around You're not alone I'm hurting She's hurting I'm hurting, she's hurting I'm so alone When the lights go out at night When you're feeling lost inside You're not alone I will be the one around
  11. Gar El Amar

    Mariah Carey

    Against All Odds How can I just let you walk away? Just let you leave without this face? When I stand here taking every breath With you, hmm hmm You're the only one Who really knew me at all How can you just walk away from me? When all I can do is watch you leave 'Cause we shared the laughter and the pain And even shared the tears You're the only one Who really knew me at all So take a look at me now 'Cause there's just an empty space And there's nothing left here To remind me Just the memory of your face So take a look at me now When there's just an empty space And you're comin' back to me Is against all odds And that's what I've got to face I wish I could just make you turn around Turn around to see me cry There's so much I need to say to you So many reasons why You're the only one who really knew me at all So take a look at me now 'Cause there's just an empty space And there's nothing left here To remind me Just the memory of your face So take a look at me now Still there's just an empty space But to wait for you Is all I can do And that's what I've got to face Take a good look at me now 'Cause I'll still be standing here And you comin' back to me Is against all odds It's the chance I've got to take... Hey yeah Take a look at me now ------------------------------- My All I am thinking of you in my sleepless solitude tonight If it's wrong to love you then my heart just won't let me be right Cause I've drowned in you and I won't pull through without you by my side. I'd give my all to have just one more night with you I'd risk my life to feel your body next to mine Cause I can't go on living in the memory of our song I'd give my all for your love tonight Baby can you feel me imagining I'm looking in your eyes I can see you clearly, vividly Emblazoned in my mind and yet you're just so far, like a distant star I'm wishing on tonight I'd give my all to have just one more night with you I'd risk my life to feel your body next to mine Cause I can't go on living in the memory of our song I'd give my all for your love tonight. I'd give my all to have just one more night with you I'd risk my life to feel your body next to mine Cause I can't go on living in the mem'ry of our song I'd give my all for your love tonight Oh, I'd give my for your love tonight I'd give my all for your love tonight ------------------------- Bliss Touch me baby it feels so amazing and you stimulate me and you make me want you more and more what do I do what do I say does it feel good to you this way I wanna be all that you need boy what's your fantasy? better hold on, ready or not baby my love aint gonna stop take it down low make me get high Chorus: ooh my love goes on and on and on and on and on my love goes on and on and on and on and on (x2) see, all my love's for you baby don't u rush me, no you got to take it slow just let the feeling grow until it overflows anyway you want it now just gotta tell me how to give you everthing you've even dared to dream isn't it a bliss tell me right now don't be subdued say it out loud ain't it a sweet luscious delight when your immersed in my ocean of love coming on strong baby i've been waiting so long revel inside of paradise Repeat Chorus: so gimme some pure delectable love like I'm gonna give you keep coming around 'cause I won't run out I can't enough of you My love goes on REPEAT CHORUS All my love goes on
  12. حرام عليك************ ********* * ************ ****** ياقلبى حرام عليك انساة وريحنى وامسح دمعة عنيك دمعك بيجرحنى بعد ما باعك يا قلبى عايزنى ارحلوا لية بعد اللى شفتوا منوا مستنى يقولك اية لية كل ما اقولك انسى ترجع وتحن لية راجع كل اللى فاتك هتحس الغدر فية يا قلبى حرام عليك ابعد وريحنى وامسح دمعة عنيك علشان تفرحنى حاول تنساة وعيش ابو قلب ميتنسيش وبلاش تندم يا قلبى على قلب محبنيش واكيد هيجيلوا يوم مجروح شايل هموم والدمع هيملا عينو علشان ترجعلوا يوم وهيجى بشوقوا ليك ويقول انا بين ايديك وسعتها يا قلبى انت هتقولوا خسارة فيك ************ ********* * ************
  13. جرالك اية ************ ********* ************ ****** جرالك اية ما تتكلم وقول كل اللى على بالك ومش هندم ولا اتالم مدام الجرح يحلالك انا قلبى فى هواك سلم مجاش ولا مرة على بالك صحيح الدنيا بتعلم ووحدة قلبى بقيلك مكنتش راضى تسمعنى ودايما كنت تلاوعنى وقلبى يقولى اية يعنى مدام من تانى رجعالك كلامك لية كلوا وعود وبعدك عنى كان مرفوض وجى بتقولى مش موجود فى قلبى الحب علشانك طب قولى فين وعدك ليا فين الامان والحنية بعد اما عشت سنين ادويك دلوقتى لية بتجرح فية جرالك اية وقول مالك انا اللى بقاسى احوالك عتبنى وقولى اية جرالك وقلبك لية بيظلمنى عيشت قلبى كتير فى عذاب وسبت قلبى بدون اسباب يلعن حبك اللي كان كداب لية قلت انك حبتنى ************ ********* * ************ ******
  14. تسلم ايدك ياقمر توبك هايل
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