اذهب الي المحتوي
شرح حل مؤقت للتحميل من دومين مازاكوني نت للروابط لحين تحويل روابط المتدي ×

mazikny yaso

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كل منشورات العضو mazikny yaso

  1. جزاكى الله كل خير و جعله فى ميزان حسناتك
  2. i missed the train there's atear im eye that needs to be wiped A word that i want to cry that needs to be heard A smile on my face one that will never erase that needs to be drawn A heart which is broken that needs to be fixed A speech which is talkin that makes me ###### as it's the same speech every time i think they have to change from time to time or I'll consider that a crime Do this don't do that work hard , study blaa blaa all the same oh my god what a shame A memorized talk that have to be put in a frame And i can say withot fame i have missed the train you wonder what train it's the train of life A life that needs someone to strive and in order to survive i have to get into that train and they are tellin me sorry you've missed the train Then fine when it'll come again..................................
  3. 5ally balek heya aslan o3'naya mawgooda 3ala mobily thnx for passin!!!
  4. thanxxxxxxxxxxx motshekar 3ala eh bas??!?!
  5. mazikny yaso

    ام أحمد

    أم أحمد يا أم أحمد حوشى أبنك أحمد و داريه من العين دة العين لو صابت حجارية تقسمها اتنين خبيه و داريه يا أم أحمد من العين و ارءيه يا أم أحمد خبيه و داريه يا أم أحمد من العين و ارءيه يا أم أحمد ان خايفه عليه يا أم أحمد لتصيبه العين يا أم أحمد حوشى أبنك أحمد و داريه من العين
  6. [move]<div align="center"></div>LEFT IN FEAR<span style='font-family:tahoma'></span> this is not me who is here or there It's someone else leavin me in [shadow=black]fear[/shadow] I am prisoned in a cage & i can't find the key Who might it be with he or she or is that key with me Does the only solution for me is to flee If i did that it won't be me i used to be someone at the top now to my image i should crop All the selfconfidence i used to have then who'll act on my behalf it's the new me That walks not knowin what to do lost within her fears & terrors nothin but part of a crew for how long will that last This destroyin blast i wanna go back to the past but a question i wanna ask was the past really better or is it a curtain to hid me when i shiver............ belive me these are the first steps of becoming insane lots of struggles are within my brain I want a merciful cleanin rain to wash away all the memories that i had each one is worst than the other So why now i should bother NO, o must bother then how ill regain My position and the positive thoughts to my brain A tear in the eye that tells me come on cry NEVER be shy I feel that my brain is gonna blow and that would be aterrifyin show and if you came and saw the inner parts of my brain and how iam tryin to maintain the only standin hope to break the wall between me and the probe I am under alot of pressure from every side you can imagine My eyes are gettin wet my body is gonna sweat my hands my bones are hurtin i really don't know what's happenin to me HELP HELP but who can help me but me there's no one can leave what iam livin in My heart is scratched and every scratch is bleedin and i still can't find the cure......
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