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كل منشورات العضو casper_ghost

  1. ma kont ertadeth we malo :d looooooooool thnx
  2. tab hwa eah aslo mesh rady yshta3'al
  3. soba7n allah wasa3t ra7mth kol she2 teslm eadk ya qamar
  4. nas fadya 7az eah we bta3 eah :p :d teslm eadk
  5. heeeeeeeeeeeeh ana awel wa7d harod loooool bosy bqa ya sety 1-أي قصة حب قرأتها أو شاهدتها سينمائيا وتتمنى أن تعيشها؟ qest film a7lam 3omrna 2-ماهي مواصفات فارس/فتاة أحلامك؟ ftaty tebqa damha 5afef we 3ala 5oloq we feha she2 men elgamal :d mesh lazem gamil awy y3ny we law feah gamila mesh ydor looool 3-كم مرة حبيت بحياتك؟ mesh 3aref :D 4-أكثر صفة تكرهها ولا يمكنك تحملها في الفتاة/الرجل ؟ akter sefa el5yana 5- أكثر صفة تحبها في الفتاة/الرجل الذي تحب؟ el7nan 6-شخصية فنية أو سياسة أو أدبية تشبه فارس/فتاة الأحلام؟ lesa mesh la2etha 7-هل يدق قلبك حاليا ولمن؟ ah bydo2 bas lesa mesh l7d 8-أكثر هدية تحب أن تهديها لمن تحب؟ ay 7aga tes3edha isa 7yaty 9-أكثر هدية تحب أن تتلقاها ممن تحب؟ elseqa 10-أغنية تتمنى أن تهدى إليك؟ kelmt b7bk _ gnat 11-أغنية تتمنى أن تهديها لشخص ما؟ 12-هل تؤمن بأن الشخص يحب لمرة واحدة فقط بحياته؟
  6. mawdo3 sa3b el2yam de bas ana 3an nafsy tab3an hakaml m3a el2nsana de we 3omry ma hat5ala 3anha l2n hya 3andy a3'la men el2tfal we kol mnaya eny as3edha we da qda2 we qadar we rabena 3ayz keda
  7. mawdo3 sa3b el2yam de bas ana 3an nafsy tab3an hakaml m3a el2nsana de we 3omry ma hat5ala 3anha l2n hya 3andy a3'la men el2tfal we kol mnaya eny as3edha we da qda2 we qadar
  8. wallahy mesh 3aref bas 7ases enha hatebqa mesh most7aba bas howa men 7a2ohm we methaya2ly hate5talf men bent lwald
  9. <div align=\"center\">hey all this one called my love for Justin Timberlake -in his album - Einstazel If I wrote you a symphony, Just to say how much you mean to me (what would you do?) If I told you you were beautiful Would you date me on the regular (tell me, would you?) Well, baby I've been around the world But I ain't seen myself another girl (like you) This ring here represents my heart But there's just one thing I need from you (say "I do") [Chorus] Yeah, because I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach, our toes in the sand I can see us on the countryside Sitting on the grass, laying side by side You could be my baby, let me make you my lady Girl, you amaze me Ain't gotta do nothing crazy See, all I want you to do is be my love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love Ooooh, girl My love My love Now, if I wrote you a love note And made you smile with every word I wrote (what would you do?) Would that make you want to change your scene And wanna be the one on my team (tell me, would you?) See, what's the point of waiting anymore? Cause girl I've never been more sure (that baby, it's you) This ring here represents my heart And everything that you've been waiting for (just say "I do") [Chorus] Yeah, because I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach, our toes in the sand I can see us on the countryside Sitting on the grass, laying side by side You could be my baby, let me make you my lady Girl, you amaze me Ain't gotta do nothing crazy See, all I want you to do is be my love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) My love (So don't give away) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love Ooooh, girl My love My love [T.I.'s rap] Shorty, cool as a fan On the new once again Still has fan from Peru to Japan Listen baby, I don't wanna ruin your plan If you got a man, try to lose him if you can Cause your girls real wild through your hands up high Wanna come kick it wit a stand up guy You don't really wanna let the chance go by Because you ain't been seen wit a man so fly Friend so fly i can go fly Private, cause I handle mine Call me candle guy, simply because I am on fire I hate to have to cancel my vacation so you can't deny I'm patient, but I ain't gonna try You don't come, I ain't gonna die Hold up, what you mean, you can't go why? Me and you boyfriend we ain't no tie You say you wanna kick it with an ace so high Baby, you decide that I ain't your guy Ain't gon lie ,Me in your space But forget your face, I swear I will Same mark, same bullet anywhere I chill Just bring wit me a pair, I will I can see us holding hands Walking on the beach, our toes in the sand I can see us on the countryside Sitting on the grass, laying side by side You could be my baby, let me make you my lady Girl, you amaze me Ain't gotta do nothing crazy See, all I want you to do is be my love (Love) My love (Love) My love (Love) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love (Love) My love (Love) My love (Love) Ain't another woman that can take your spot, my love Ooooh, girl My love My love</div>
  10. feah 7agat momken tetnesy fe 7agat mabttnsesh bardo elwa7d mahma meshy eltare2 mabynthesh
  11. tab3an hya mesh dyana wala ay 7aga we fe3lan dol aqal men enna netkalm 3alehom
  12. 1.هل شعرت يوما أنك تعيش بين الناس كالملاك بينما أنت فى حقيقتك شيطان؟ la2 el7amdullah 2.هل بقيت يوما فى غرفتك وحيدا تتألم فى صمت؟ kter gedan b3dd eldmo3 elly nzaltha 3.هل فكرت يوما ان تفقد ذاكرتك وترحل الى عالم لا يعرفه فيك احد؟ aked tab3an de omnyt 7yaty Mazakonia (91): 4.هل طلبت منهم ألا ينسوك فاعتبروك من الاموات؟ ll2asf ah 5.هل جلست يوما فى مكان يملؤه الفرح وانت لا تستطيع حتى ان تبتسم؟ ah bas mesh kter kter gedan bas : :Mazakonia (100): 6.هل أحسست يوما ان مثلك لايستحق الحياة؟ ah feah 7.هل بكيت يوما بلا دموع؟ ah kter we 5sosan elfatra de 8.هل فارقك صديق لانه قد تاب الى الله وعزم على ألا يعصيه؟ la2 9.هل فكرت يوما أنك تحتل مكانا ليس من حق أمثالك؟ la2 bas nas hya elly me7tala amaken mesh men men 7a2 amthalhom 10.هل تشعر انك ظلمت نفسك بقراءة موضوعى؟ la2 mawdo3 gamil gedan we teslm eadk
  13. ll2asf elly geh dah goz2 so3'ayr men el7a2e2a
  14. tab3an mesh mwafe2 we la geh hawal3 feah we fe elsite we fe elragel elly qa3d dah esmk eah e5ras 5ales 3ashet el2samy looooool
  15. teslm eadk ya angoltna gr8 work
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