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!! Mr Lonely !!

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عن العضو !! Mr Lonely !!

  • الرتبه
  • تاريخ الميلاد 18 يول, 1989

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    In Ma Own Wor!d !!!
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    ........................ Wat Do U Think !!

اخر الزوار

3,714 زياره للملف الشخصي
  1. lo0o0o0o0l ya 7awl elaah ya raaab 7ata el erood ba2t ar3aa :D bs amoor el erd daa :D teslm eedek ya sookar nice post :)
  2. sob7aaan alaaaaah bgd teslm eedak ya nash2at :0
  3. teslam eedek ya soookar nice topice walahy we fe3lan el brood el 3atefy daah beyeb2a moshkela :D teslam eedek ya sookar
  4. woooow nice Lyric we law ba2at oghnia ha tekaser el donia :D
  5. kesa gamda awy awy .... ya reet el nas kolaha te2raha...... thanks nice topic
  6. [move] i hope to be enjoyed with this poem You came into my life unexpectedly, and everything took a turn for the better. Your warm eyes, your laugh, the sincere way you speak, and the kindness you showed me, all became a part of my life. As you unfolded yourself to me, I discovered more and more beauty. I have never seen so much gentleness in one person. Without even knowing it, you were slowly making a place for yourself in my heart. It used to seem so hard at times to feel so close in a relationship. But it’s so easy to feel close to you. I can’t tell you how nice that feels. I realize now that I had never known what it meant to be loved until I was loved by you
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