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01 - Alemtny 02 - Sebtak 03 - Maknsh-Hob 04 - Aloulak-Eaih 05 - 3osha2-El-Sahar 06 - Lama-Bashofak 07 - Ala-Aih 08 - Khalas Ertaht 09 - We_Meen_Fina 10 - Bano_Bano 11 - Tefteker_Yaany Cd Cover Clip Kameliya Alemtny Clip Kameliya Sebtak
:Mazakonia (100):
:Mazakonia (100):
:Mazakonia (100): حصريا على مازاكونى فيلم الجــــزيــــرة VCD قـصـة الفـيـلـم تدور أحداث الفيلم في صعيد مصر من خلال شخصية منصور الحفني الذي يورث عن والدة السلطة والمال وأيضاً تجارة المخدرات وزراعتها في جزيرة تسود فيها قنانوة الخاص .. تجمعة قصة حب بكريمة "هند صبري" . الفيلم مستوحى من قصة حقيقة فـــــــــــــــــريق العـــــــــمــل بطولة: أحمد السقا محمود ياسين هند صبري زينة اخراج: شريف عرفة انتاج: محمد رمزي قصة: محمد دياب مدير التصوير : أيمن أبو المكارم موسيقي: عمر خيرت توزيع: النصر-اوسكار-الماسة مع العدل فيلم Rapidshare Links Download Part 1 Download Part 2 Download Part 3 Download Part 4 Or 4Shared Links Download Part 1 Download Part 2 Download Part 3 Download Part 4
:Mazakonia (100): السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتة قوانين القسم الشعبى برجاء الالتزام بها أعضاء مزكونى الأعزاء كيف تبعد نفسك عن التحذير مع العلم انهم ستت مستويات تحذير أولا ممنوع منعا باتا وضع اسامى الأشخاص الخاصة حرصا على تقديم أفضل صوت للأعضاء ومنعا للأزعاج وتقديم كل ما هوا جديد وحصرى يفضل وضع اسم الموقع واسم اليوزر المشترك فية فقط بصوت هادئ ومن يخالف هذا يعرض صاحبو لمسح مواضيعو الخاصة وتحزيرو وعند تكررها يعرض صحبها للأيقاف نهائيا ثانيا ممنوع الردود فى التوبيكات بكثرة ثالثا نـرجـو مـن الأعـضـاء الـكـرام بـرفـع أغـانــي كـامـلــة. رفـع نـمـاذج أو مـقـاطـع مـن أغـانـي غـيـر مـسـمـوح بــه بـتـاتــا و ســوف يـتـم حـذف الـمـوضـوع بـكـامــلـه إذا مـا حـصــل هــذا رابعا عـنـد رفـعـُـكـم للأغـانـي‚ الــرجـاء الـتـأكـد مـن أن الـمـلـف الـمُـرفـع يـحـتـوي عـلــى الـمـعـلـومــات الـصـحـيـحــة ‚كأسم الاغنية واسم مازكونى خامسا عـنـد رفـعُـكـم أللـبـوم بـكامـلـه ‚ الـرجـاء مـن رفـع جـمـيـع الأغـانـي فـي مـوضـوع واحـد و الـتـأكـد مـن إحـتـواء عـنـوانـيـن الأغـانـي الـمُـرفـعــة سادسا و الأهم ممنوع الكلمات الخارجه عن النص او المشاجره مع احد الأعضاء واحترام الاعضاء ومن يخلف بذلك فسيتم طردة نهائيا ===== احمد مجاهد ادارة مازكونى
كحيل العين لالالالا ما فيي لالالا ابعد عن حبك لالالالا لالالالا ما فيي لالا ابعد عن حبك لالالالا اشكي وابكي واقول يامين يامين ينسيني يامين اشكي وابكي واقول يامين يامين ينسيني يامين لله لله لله دلوني لله لله لله دلوني وين كحيل العين سنين ويام وليالي اشكي وابكي واعاني سنين ويام وليالي اشكي وابكي واعاني اشكي وابكي واقول يامين يامين لله لله لله دلوني لله لله لله دلوني وين كحيل العين ما ضنيتك تنساني تنسى حبي الغالي ما ضنيتك تنساني تنسى حبي الغالي نهواك تهواني انا ليك وانت لي لله لله لله دلوني لله لله لله دلوني وين كحيل العين لالالالا ما فيي لالالا ابعد عن حبك لالالالا لالالالا ما فيي لالالا ابعد عن حبك لالالالا اشكي وابكي واقول يامين يامين ينسيني يامين اشكي وابكي واقول يامين يامين ينسيني يامين لله لله لله دلوني لله لله لله دلوني وين كحيل العين ...................................... ليه كده ليه كده بتغير عليا ليه كده تقسى وتزعل ليه ليه حن ورق شوية طب ما انا حلوة وحعمل ايه ليه كده بتغير عليا ليه كده تقسى وتزعل ليه ليه حن ورق شوية طب ما انا حلوة وحعمل ايه طب مانا كل ما حمشي في حته كل الناس تعرفني خلاص وانت حبيبي مفيش غيرك انت بس انا ملك لكل الناس طب مانا كل ما حمشي في حته كل الناس تعرفني خلاص وانت حبيبي مفيش غيرك انت بس انا ملك لكل الناس ليه كده ليه كده ليه كده ليه كده بتغير عليا ليه كده تقسى وتزعل ليه ليه حن ورق شوية طب ما انا حلوة وحعمل ايه كل الناس دايبين بجمالي والمعجبين بية كثيير انت عمري وكل اماني وانا بحبك ليه حتغييييير ليه كده ليه كده ليه كده ليه كده بتغير عليا ليه كده تقسى وتزعل ليه ليه حن ورق شوية طب ما انا حلوة وحعمل ايه ليه كده ليه كده ليه كده ليه .............................................. انت حبيبي انت حبيبي بختي نصيبي اغلى ما عندي هواك انت حياتي وابتسماتي راضية وماشية وراك انت حبيبي بختي نصيبي اغلى ما عندي هواك انت حياتي وابتسماتي راضية وماشية وراك ده انا عمري وقلبي وروحي معاك مليش في الناس يا حبيبي سواك ده انا عمري وقلبي وروحي معاك مليش في الناس يا حبيبي سواك انت انت قلبي ارتاحلك ح يشرحلك لما ح تبعد يوم بيوم يسهر ليله يشي ويله وياما يسمع لوم قلبي ارتاحلك ح يشرحلك لما ح تبعد يوم بيوم يسهر ليله يشي ويله وياما يسمع لوم ويزيد من شوقه دايب سهران يشكي الحبايب ويزيد من شوقه دايب سهران يبكي الحبايب ده انا ده انا ده انا عمري وقلبي وروحي معاك مليش في الناس يا حبيبي سواك ده انا عمري وقلبي وروحي معاك مليش في الناس يا حبيبي سواك انت انت .... تعالى ناديني يا احلى سنيني الشوق للشوق مشتاق تعالى كفاية النار جوايا قايدة هواك يا فراق تعالى ناديني يا احلى سنيني الشوق للشوق مشتاق تعالى كفاية النار جوايا قايدة هواك يا فراق ده انا خايفة تفوت ليالي من غير حبك يا غالي ده انا خايفة تفوت ليالي من غير حبك يا غالي ده انا عمري وقلبي وروحي معاك مليش في الناس يا حبيبي سواك ده انا عمري وقلبي وروحي معاك مليش في الناس يا حبيبي سواك انت انت حبيبي بختي نصيبي اغلى ما عندي هواك انت حياتي وابتسماتي راضية وماشية وراك انت حبيبي .............................................. شمالي والي يال رايح لبغداد هاي امي حييها يال رايح لبغداد هاي امي حييها اتمنى انا اليوم ارجع وارد ليها يا يوما بغداد ارض العز وبكل معانيها يا يا يا ربي يا رب يا رحمان ترجع ماضيها ويرجع ابو نواس ينور لياليها ويبقى عراق الحب اول والتالي يا يا يوما شمالي والي بويا اسم الله شمالي والي بويا اسم الله متعذبة بدنيايي يابايا شمالي و والي متعذبةبدنيايي والله شمالي و والي بطة وصيديتي صدق الله بطة وصيدتي صدق الله بين الجروب والمي يابايا بطة وصيديتي بين الجروب والمي يابايا بطة وصيديتي يوما يا يوما يا يا يا يوما دلوني دلوني ليوما دلووووني يا يوما يا حبيبة يا يا يا يا ويلي يا ويلي يا يا يا ويلي يا حبية يا يوما ياالما ريدتني حسبي الله ياالما ريدتني حسبي الله تكسر جناحي ليش يابايي يا الما ريديتني تكسر جناحي ليش يابايي يا الما ريديتني شمالي ووالي يا يوما اسم الله شمالي والي حبيب اسم الله متعذبة بدنيايي ياباياشمالي و والي متعذبة بدنيايي ياباياشمالي و والي ياااا يوما شمالي والي يا يوما .............................................. تخيل تخيل لو امر جمبك اشوفك كاني ما عرفك تخيل لو قسيت في يوم وصرت انا سبب جرحك تخيل لو امر جمبك اشوفك كاني ما عرفك تخيل لو قسيت في يوم وصرت انا سبب جرحك لا يجمعنا نظر ولا عيون ولا احساس بهالكون لا يجمعنا نظر ولا عيون ولا احساس بهالكون تناديني اصد عنك تناديني اصد عنك تخيل موقفك ش كووووون تخيل تخيل ادمعت عينيك وقلبك صار بايدينا تخيل ادمعت عينيك وقلبك صار بايدينا تقدملي حاشا قلبك كل هذا وانا هنا تقدملي حاشا قلبك كل هذا وانا هنا لا يجمعنا نظر ولا عيون ولا احساس بهالكون لا يجمعنا نظر ولا عيون ولا احساس بهالكون تناديني اصد عنك تناديني اصد عنك تخيل موقفك ش كووووون تخيل كانك ما انت في بالي ولا انت فقلبي غالي كانك ما انت في بالي ولا انت فقلبي غالي اشوفك مثل باقي الناس شخص واقف قبالي اشوفك مثل باقي الناس شخص واقف قبالي لا يجمعنا نظر ولا عيون ولا احساس بهالكون لا يجمعنا نظر ولا عيون ولا احساس بهالكون تناديني اصد عنك تناديني اصد عنك تخيل موقفك ش كووووون تخيل تخيل تخيل تخيل تخيل تخيل تخيل تخيل تخيل .............................................. كان زمان خادنا الكلام نسينا اوام كل اللي كنا نقوله زمان فاتنا اوام قبل الاوان اتاري اللي كنا نقوله كلام خادنا الكلام نسينا اوام كل اللي كنا نقوله زمان فاتنا اوام قبل الاوان اتاري اللي كنا نقوله كلام وشربت دمعتك صدقت كذبتك شربت دمعتك صدقت كذبتك وعشت دنيتك ولا انت هنا ولا انا هنا ولا انت هنا ولا انا هنا ومن خلالي صدقت كذبتي من كذبتك لالا يا حبيبي كان زمان كان زمان لك في قلبي مكان فينك يا زمان ضاع اوام خلص الكلام يازمان يازمان كان زمان لك في قلبي مكان فينك يا زمان ضاع اوام خلص الكلام يازمان وشربت دمعتك صدقت كذبتك شربت دمعتك صدقت كذبتك وعشت دنيتك ولا انت هنا ولا انا هنا ولا انت هنا ولا انا هنا ومن خلالي صدقت كذبتي من كذبتك لالا يا حبيبي كان زمان .............................................. لما رايتو لما رايتو لمارايتو ليه هويته ورحت بيته في ثواني ما تقولي مالك ايه جرالك خلي بالك من حب ثاني لمارايتو ليه هويته ورحت بيته في ثواني ما تقولي مالك ايه جرالك خلي بالك من حب ثاني خايفة لبكرة تشكيلي منو يا قلبي وتبكيلي خايفة لبكرة تشكيلي منو يا قلبي وتبكيلي وتقولي راح ورماني لمارايتو ليه هويته رحت بيته في ثواني مالي ومالك يا هوى حالفة عمري ما اناديلك جرحي ومش لاقية الدوى دمعي وخلص مناديلك مالي ومالك يا هوى حالفة عمري ما اناديلك جرحي ومش لاقية الدوى دمعي وخلص مناديلك انا قلبي عليك دنه دنه قلبي ع النار بايديك اه يايا قلبي خايفة لبكرة تشكيلي منو يا قلبي وتبكيلي خايفة لبكرة تشكيلي منو يا قلبي وتبكيلي وتقولي راح ورماني لمارايتو ليه هويته رحت بيته في ثواني ياما قسيت بغرامي وياما سهرني ليالي ياما تسمعلي كلامي واما 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Thanks Ya AYman Bahsa:)
أولا تسلم ايدك يا أجمل اخت فى الدنيا على التوبك الجامد دا 1- الإسم أحـــــــــــــــــــــمد مجـــــــــاهد 2- تاريخ الميلاد 2/8/1988 3-المهنة ســــــوبر مود مازكونى 4 - التخصص متخصص ضربات جزاء :Mazakonia (100): 5- الهواية كـــره قدم وانترنت 6- حكمتك المفضلة مش مهم انك تحب المهم انك تتحب 7- أكلتك المفضلة مكـــــــــــــرونة اندومى 8- مشروبك المفضل مــــــــــــــانجو 9- أجمل أيام الأسبوع الخمــــــــــيس 10- أمنيه تمنيتها وتحققت مفيش 11- أمنيه تمنيتها ولم تتحقق كتير أوى بس انما للصبر حدود 12- أجمل رحله قمت بها رحـــــــلة القاهرة مع زميلى كانت احلى رحلة فى حياتى 13- خبر فرحت بسماعه صـــــــــــفر المونديال 14- خبر حزنت لسماعه وفــــــــــاة 3 زميلى فى حادثة عربية 15- عضو أو عضوه ترتاح له كل التيم بتاع مازكونى بلا استثناء 16- عضو أو عضوه حزنت لفراقها بـــسبوسة زورو كاسبر ويارا 17- أجمل هديه حصلت عليها أى هــدية بتبقا بالنسبالى اجمل هدية 18- موقف محرج أو مضحك مر عليك كتير 19- ماذا تحب بالدنيا كتير 20- ماذا يحزنك أن حد يجيب سرتى فى غيابى ويقول عليا كلام محصلش 21- ما أجمل اسم من الاناث أيةوأليـــــسا 22- ما أجمل اسم من الذكور يوسف واحمد 23- لونك المفضل أحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــمر 24- أجمل شهور السنة شهـــــــــ 8 ــــــــر 25- أجمل فصول السنة الشتاء 26- ما أجمل مراحل عمرك الثانوية العامة 27- أين نجد أسرارك جـــوايا 28- لمن تشكي همومك لأقرب الناس ليا 29- كلمة أخيره لا الة ألا الله محــــــــمدا رســـول الله 30- نصيحة لا أمان للبـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــشر 31ما رأيك بمنتدى مزاكونى انتو تحكمو 32ما رأيك بأعضاء منتدى مزاكونى أحـــــــــــــلى اعضاء
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"Comin' Down" I'm comin' down, comin' down, It took so long for me to come around, They tell you, it smashes brain, Drain you of all the blood you've left in your veins. If you spare me a brew and a double bed, You might give me the time to clear my head tonight, With these stones you cast so fast, Makes me think that we will never last. I hear it, do you hear that sound, Hear that now aloud, it's comin' down. I'm not eager to be mean, I'm eager to be anyone I want to be. If you spare me a brew and a double bed, You might give me time to clear my head tonight, With these stones you cast so fast, It makes me think that we never last. "Superstar Tradesman" Superstar tradesman Stand at the bar Get a trade son You will go far You have a house in the ferry And a new guitar that's never been played before And it never will Never been played before And it never will The weather is sunny You're locked inside The weather is sunny Oh yes Ive tried and ive tried To keep me sane to keep me sane To keep me sane to keep me sane I don't want money I want a thing called happiness I don't want cash you know I'd quite like memories To keep us on track Lets never look back To keep us on track Lets never look back What would you do If I asked you What would you do If I asked you To sail away to see some sights Sail away with me to see some sights Superstar tradesman Stand at the bar Get a trade son You will go far You have a house in the ferry And a new guitar that's never been played before And it never will Never been played before And it never will "Same Jeans" I've had the same jeans on for four days now I'm gonna go to a disco in the middle of the town Everybody's dressing up I'm dressing down Life's one big circle And it doesn't end When it ends Will you still be my friend? I'm not making a fool of myself Oh tell me I'm not making a fool of myself So When you look in the mirror Reflecting back at you someone that you don't know Oh That's just made your head spin around So get yourself together Get your feet back on the ground I've had the same jeans on for four days now I'm gonna go to a disco in the middle of the town Everybody's dressing up I'm dressing down I take my hats off to the busker man When they drown all the sorrows singing songs Now everything has worked out to plan But believe me it started as long as it can So When you look in the mirror Reflecting back at you someone that you don't know Life's just made your head spin around So get yourself together Now put your feet back on the ground I've had the same jeans on for four days now I'm gonna go to a disco in the middle of the town Everybody's dressing up I'm dressing down My minds not perfect but it's sincere You'd be amazed at what you can achieve in a year And you try so hard But your hearts on a switch And I know you try so hard But your hearts on a switch So When you look in the mirror Reflecting back at you someone that you don't know Life's just made your head spin around So get yourself together Get your feet back on the ground So When you look in the mirror Reflecting back at you someone that you don't know Life's just made your head spin around So get yourself together Get your feet back on the ground Same Jeans on for four days now Everybody's dressing up I'm dressing down I'm not making a fool of myself Now believe me lady I can't tell Same Jeans on for four days now Everybody's dressing up I'm dressing down Im not making a fool of myself Now believe me lady I can't tell "Don't Tell Me" I don't know what I have done, But I'm sure I will in the next five seconds, You see I have a telephone, When people call they don't stop ringing for me, Last night was as mystery, So the words can create a picture for my mind to see, Pictures seem to make me sweat, Something in the morning my sisters told me I would regret. Refuse to believe what you just told me, Refuse to believe till you tell me slowly, Or bring me down gradually. Aremsee he under-stands, He's not afraid to tell me about my late night shenanigans, See I was put here for the world to see, You can't tell me where I'm going or tell me who I'd like to be, I don't intend to stop my drinkin', I know I should and it's clever thinkin', But don't tell me... I don't know what I have done, but I'm sure I will, In the next five seconds, You see I have a telephone, And when people call they don't stop ringing for me. Things they change as you get older, No longer a devil on each shoulder, But please, please, please... don't tell me. "Skag Trendy" Skag trendy thought he new just what to do, He was only seventeen and he was out screwing the brew, He thought that parents were too old and teachers told him what to do, He's master skag trendy 'n' he'd like to talk to you. He told his mother what he was all about, She didn't acknowledge the cry for help, She just chucked him out, Now he's broke sitting outside, sitting on the floor. Nothing else to think about except another score, But before he gets this he has to go and steal something. That's not something that he really wants to do, But you see since his mother chucked him out, She signed him off the brew, I wish somebody would love him, He doesn't have a hope, I wish somebody would love him, He doesn't have a home. He'd like to speak to his old school friends, But he needs ten pence for his phone. He had a girlfriend she was very, very, very nice, Walks by him now, won't look at him twice, She liked his dress sense and his cheeky, cheeky grin, But you see since he's been chucked out, He's lost all of them, he's got none. So he writes another sad song, he's got none. So he writes another sad song. I'm master skag trendy thought I knew just what to do, I was only seventeen and I was out screwing the brew, I thought that parents were too old and teachers told him what to do, I'm master skag trendy and I'd like to talk to you. I wish somebody would love me, *** I don't have a home. I wish somebody would love me, *** I don't have a home. I'd like to speak to my old school friends, but I need ten pence for the phone. One thing would happen to someone in this situation, That is complete and utter social deterioration, Should have clicked on when he was out pawning his playstation, Just a young man looking for some variation. He made a mistake; he was looking for some variation, He made a mistake; he was looking for some variation. "The Don" Thinking of poems of poverty Sitting with a tight clenched wrist, thinking how to gain authority Oh what a soft touch of a boy He'd wander with pride to sell and keep visions to his self Visions to his self We'd talk of treasures, and over-rated games We'd steal the milk bottles, sneaking through the back round Jimmy's way. What we loved most of all, was sitting round the shop, while this poor boy was sitting all alone, Sitting all alone Pondering times of sanctuary He was sitting taking his piano lessons, we were on half an E Invested life in medicine, had so much vulgar language not allowed going on. Convinced he'd never win. Convinced he was a sin. We'd speak of women and cheaper carryouts We'd turn up to all the festivals, trying to bring down the touts, What we love the most of all was sittin' at the shop, while this young boy was sittin' all alone, Sittin' all alone We'd talk of treasures and overrated games We'd steal the milk bottles, sneaking through the back round Jimmy's way. What we loved most of all, was sitting at the shop, while this poor boy was sitting all alone, Sittin' all alone He couldn't find none of his own kind, he didn't have none of his own kind You should take interest in his mind, not spend all of his time wastin all his money and time What we loved most of all was hanging round the shop What we loved most was sitting round the shop What we loved most was standing at the Dryburgh shop, What we loved the most was hanging round the shop while he was all alone "Face For The Radio" You have a face for the radio, But I know you'd like to see it in a show, Claiming to be the next best everything, Which way will you go? You're a little smarter than most of us, You run so fast sometimes it's hard to see you for dust, Finding some time for you, it tortures me, Which way will you go? Wages on a Friday, Spent on a Saturday, Lend me a fiver, Won't do that again, Oh your trust is not to strong. Your arrogance in a bag, Won't spare you a ######, Superstar wannabe, Says it comes naturally, Cemented in your own feeble way, He watches trainspotting, fifteen times a week, Thinking it's making him oh so unique, PC on summer nights and football in the rain, Doesn't matter how far he is, He always has money for the train, Nothing against you, love in my heart, You're really a nice lad, I've known it from the start, Your conscience in eager, to know where you lie, Pushing your limits, give it up and remember you can cry. Wages on a Friday, Spent on a Saturday, Lend me a tenner, Won't do that again, Oh your trust is not to strong. You're arrogance in a bag, Won't spare you a ######, Superstar wannabe, Says it comes naturally, In your own feeble way. "Wasted Little DJs" They told me if I write this song for them. That they would cut my hair for free. But that's not me no liberties. They're in to all the coolest bands And knowing that they're going to the gigs as fans Entitles me to some decency. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae They're the cleverest blonde weekend. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae I WISH everybody danced like them. Split visions of a talkative therapy It makes me bend away it gives me E Seems hard to say, its insanity. The same record for the 16th time Exact same set you did the last time round Doesn't bother me we're in harmony. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae They're the cleverest blonde weekend. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae I WISH everybody danced like them. No low emotions rolling tonight Young heavy hopefuls staying the night So stick around and wait for the day. Craziness kills lazyness N happiness Takes bad bets no one gives a vulgar language not allowed U see we're all out of our little heads. Craziness kills lazyness N happiness Takes bad bets no one gives a vulgar language not allowed You see we're all out of our, All out of our, All out of our little vulgar language not allowed heads Doo doo doo doo... Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae They're the cleverest blonde weekend. Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae I WISH everybody danced like them. Can anybody dance like them Can U tell me Does anybody dance like them Can U tell me Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae Astedwae ittlae ejaysdae "Gran's For Tea" There's a mile long queue at the chippy I wish I was at my Gran's for tea These people call me their friend, but they don't think the same as me Are you fed up chasing your tail round this housing scheme Drinkin' your drink now And staying up too early in the morning I wander through the streets of Dundee Mum said you shouldn't walk them alone A fight's a fight, 'n' that's quite alright But please leave the tools at home You lower standards and expectations of love You never aim for people that you think are levels above You're always chasing the same skirts round Round the local pub Where were you when I needed you? Up the posh end of town You're supposed to protect and serve You're out for a perve just driving around "Dance Into The Night" I met a girl at the Cambel town bar You know the one that plays the guitar 'Yes' she said some things that you shouldn't say Wonder if she remembers She was wasted anyway It's the next day Who remembers what No-one knows Everybody's too afraid to talk about it anyway These particular times everyone's out of line It makes no change it's so strange Everybody's walking around so deranged She asked me to play her that song everyone likes She said she'd listen as the day is long and dance shed dance into the night We talked of dreams, romance and excess Something inside of her tells me she climbs to be the best This you have to respect Stuck in her dead in job And yes she said, some things that she should not say She wonders if I remember I was wasted anyway It's the next week We stop and speak Happens all the times It's like a trend and it totally drives me round the bend These particular times Everyone's out of line it makes no change It's strange Everybody's walking around so deranged I felt I was one with you, You probably didn't see, Oh I'm a nervous one, My pain it comes easily. Should I revolve my world around you, Should I revolve my light around you, Claudia, Claudia, You're taunting you're teasing, You know I have feelings too, They're all for you, Claudia, Claudia, Provoking my heart, And I still haven't broken the code, To your heart now, oh no, I blame it on your upbringing, You were made around the side of a van, You call me the trusting one, Trust it comes easy man, Should I revolve my world around you, Should I revolve my light around you, Claudia, Claudia, You're taunting you're teasing, You know I have feelings too, They're all for you, Claudia, Claudia, Provoking my heart, And I still haven't broken the code, To your heart now, to your heart now, whoa whoa whoa "Street Lights" Take your like in your own hands Walk down the street looking over your shoulder Who will you meet? An it's a big crowd tonight Look at the street lights It's a big crowd tonight Look at the street lights Look at the street lights, what a pretty sight You say that you love me You say that you don't You try to get me to jump through that hoop But I won't I'd like to move city I'd like to move town *** all you ignorant people, you're bringin me down "Wasteland" This is the wasteland, we call this the wasteland, Where fewer little posh boys can't believe we treasure beer cans. Where'd you get those fans, Found them at the shop man, Peculiar place to find them but they're dedicated View fans. You think it's cynical to this home a miracle, It's not a miracle; we're just so strangely typical, Initiate in one gang, initiations tough man, Imprisonment is on the cards, We're heading for the quick sand. Sign on the brew, coz there's nothing to do, Nothing to do, but listen to you, Not listening to you my parents told me not to, This is the wasteland, our idealistic wasteland, Regurgitated circle of a seven hour shop stand. So steal a car chief, the police are off the beat thief, They'll find it funny when they see insurance relief, Sign on the brew, coz there's nothing to do, Nothing to do, but I listen to you, I'm not listening to you my parents told me not to, Think you're a hard ######, something quite sadistic, No you weren't sadistic when he'd done you with the brick vick, Your land is boring, so very, very boring. Wouldn't dream to wonder if it's raining or it's snowing. This is the wasteland, wasteland
"It's Alright" [Verse 1:] Woo, Uhh, Mims! I came to blow a grip You know I don't care Grab a couple stacks Throw the money in the air Drive the black car Open up the bar Shut tha club down Leave with a couple broads You're vulgar language not allowed with a star You can see the glow I'm pushing 40 stacks for a 10 minute show word not allowed do the math I'ma need a bath Cause I'm filthy rich making money out the I am the silly one!! My little cousin told me, This is my year, I won't stop till a word not allowed shuttin down Times Square, yeah! I do this for the block, no lies So I can drop the top on the 645 See, until you're on top niggas don't show respect [Hook:] My name Mims, aka cut the check, see I keep it so hot but I never bust a sweat, I used to play the bench, but now I'm on deck When I'm hopping off the jet, niggas face look upset, But I'm quick to tell them [Chorus:] It's alright Woahhh I'm so quick to tell them It's alright Woahhh [Verse 2:] Now you know your vulgar language not allowed popping when the chick you just met, got your name tattooed on the I am the silly one!! and the neck all the ladies love me, I'm their favorite MC word not allowed true definition, "P.I.M.P." There ain't a place I ain't been Every strip, every scene Like my word not allowed B.I.G. said, "It was all a dream" Now I'm sitting in the Beam, inside money green, word not allowed all about the cash you can tell how I lean Keep your eyes on the beam like I told you in the Hot song, It's all about the cake, being broke ain't an option Haters in the hood, with the heat, trying to pop strong I'ma quick grip when they see me with the rock song [Hook:] My name Mims, aka cut the check, see I keep it so hot but I never bust a sweat, I used to play the bench, but now I'm on deck When I'm hopping off the jet, niggas face look upset, But I'm quick to tell them [Chorus:] It's alright Woahhh I'm so quick to tell them It's alright Woahhh [Verse 3:] I'm the freshest muthafucka on the scene, A grand on the jeans sitting on some ice cream, I represent New york, big city of dreams, where we ride on 10's, but you know we keep it clean See I lay my game down, Flip a few styles, ten times out of ten you gone like the way it sounds, you know I get it in, and if you don't like it, it's fine So get yours 'cause I'ma definitly get mine [Hook:] My name Mims, aka cut the check, see I keep it so hot but I never bust a sweat, I used to play the bench, but now I'm on deck When I'm hopping off the jet, niggas face look upset, But I'm quick to tell them [Chorus:] It's alright Woahhh I'm so quick to tell them It's alright Woahhh "Where I Belong" [Verse 1:] (Where I belong) Is in a place with no racial barriers And we all ride high in chariots Where love means love When we all have the finer things So we don't gotta buy you diamond rings just to marry us Instead I'm where they livin for bling And people manage to sing over the material things Where hip hop...it's no longer just a lyrical thing Tell me God where did I go wrong? This ain't (where I belong) It's in a place where bad souls never get in Instead I'm in hell's kitchen It's sickenin...to my stomach I'm runnin 100 mile but still can't escape from it I pray you show me the light It's only right These lonely nights I call on my momma to hold me tight Show me right from wrong This road I'm on, I passed my turn But please, don't allow me to crash and burn Just give me a chance...watch how fast I learn [Chorus:] I'm tryna keep my head up to the sky Cuz I'm stuck in this life until I die Lord stop me from being crucified As soon as I (Where I belong) [x2] [Verse 2:] Is somewhere, in someone's memory Where we're all friends, and ain't no enemies And there ain't no one minute you're wrong, next minute you're gone So I hope that, by the end of this song, I am (where I belong) Where fathers don't leave when you're born And every page in the book ain't torn And everyday that you lookin, they gone And you wishin they came You see I know I aint from here I'm wishin I had remain (where I belong) No followers, no leaders No burners and heaters No dimes, no divas... it's pure No... cancer AIDS, God leave us a cure No more violence, no need for police to appear No schools to drop out No snitches to cop out No drugs to sell, meanin no fiends to knock out I'm talkin a perfect place where we all get along That's why I know that this ain't the place (where I belong) [Chorus:] I'm tryna keep my head up to the sky Cuz I'm stuck in this life until I die Lord stop me from being crucified As soon as I (Where I belong) [x2] [Verse 3:] Is in a place where women don't trade money for sex So cops harass you in front of your steps Where...taxes don't equal a half your check Where people give respect in order to have respect (No gold diggers) tryna figure how much cash I get (No speed limits) so it wont matter how fast I went (Take the time to think) no decisions is ? ? vulgar language not allowed No alcohol so drunk niggaz wont crash their whips (Where I belong) The same place where Big and Pac's at The same place they buried hip hop at...right there Me and my mom reunite there Then it's off through the, pearly gates to sit down in that white chair Ray Charles, Marvyn Gaye...Barry White did Carry Mims Senior, Joanne ? right there I dont need money, all I need is a mic there I can see it so clear, I be there in the light yeah [Chorus:] I'm tryna keep my head up to the sky Cuz I'm stuck in this life until I die Lord stop me from being crucified As soon as I (Where I belong) [x4] "Cop It" [Woman:] Cop it Object Put it in the pot Then rock it Put it out Look how I profit Haters tryna knock it But I won't stop Cuz they know I'm about to blow [Verse 1: Mims] Yes it's me The underestimated MC So, ill with the flow I need a M.D. Somebody call a doctor I make 'em all sick when I hop out the phantom of the opera Oppo-site to what I call a failure I am the reasons y'all can't look in the mirrors But don't worry I see vulgar language not allowed a lil' clearer Go ahead and act funny but you ain't stackin' money And therefore we ain't here for the best Matta fact, homey I can't hear y'all I'm deaf I spit it in sign language, mob language Keep me around bread like a sandwich Dammit The plane done landed The plan unveiled Now, gimme some space, I'm outta this world Some niggas say they just tryna get a nut That may be true, but, I'm a very big squirrel Y'all niggas get in some vulgar language not allowed and just bail I'm at the precinct like vulgar language not allowed it it's just bail Me, I'm a very big deal with some very big work on a very big scale [Chorus: Woman] Cop it Object Put it in the pot Then rock it Put it out Look how I profit Haters tryna knock it But I won't stop Cuz they know I'm about to blow [Verse 2:] I heard it was, squeeze first ask questions So which one of y'all is the next to ask? Be the same one of y'all, up next to blast I suggest you raise up, like Exxon gas You bullshittin', I'm talkin' what I could do Mims is hotter than some cooked food I'm a good dude, so usually I chill But if you look close enough, you can see my steel Yes, I'm concealed Yes, I'm the vulgar language not allowed You think his paper long, you should see my deal I'm Microsoft Mims, I rock wit' Bill Gates First week, shipped a mill out the gate And I ain't tryna brag, I just set the record straight My vulgar language not allowed push 4, I'm just tryna move 8 You tryna catch up with me, ya too late All you do is lose weight IIIIII move weight Driiiiive through states Push [?] like every day was a Tuesday Wow, that's real Y'all, iced grill I'm laughin' on my way to the bank wit' a nice meal [Chorus: Woman] Cop it Object Put it in the pot Then rock it Put it out Look how I profit Haters tryna knock it But I won't stop Cuz they know I'm about to blow [Verse 3: Mims] I'm a Range Rove rapper Plain-clothes rappers Need to stop actin' like the thang won't clap ya I am not a killer, nor do I defend 'em I don't swing at dudes, I am not a pendulum I don't write laws or rules, word not allowed I bend 'em I don't start careers when I beef, word not allowed I end 'em You don't want it with me, I can see clearly You match up with I? Please, barely Dog, I'm nearly as high as it gets I get weary in the sky when I fly like this I'm so high, it's gettin' kinda hard to top it So imagine when the album drop, I'ma make y'all [Chorus: Woman] Cop it Object Put it in the pot Then rock it Put it out Look how I profit Haters tryna knock it But I won't stop Cuz they know I'm about to blow "Big Black Train" Ugh Ugh Ugh [Chorus:] Shortie Wanna Ride Dont Worry Bout A Car Cus U Can Take A Ride On My Big Black Train Ill Scoop You Up Wherever That You Are From Under Your Mans Arm Hes Just That Lame And We Gon Be Rollin Rollin Choo Choo Chooin Ny Atl La Houston Now All The Lil Shorties Like He Got Game They Beggin For A Ride On My Big Black Train [Verse:] Now Some Like Whips And Some Like Chains But Her She Got A Thing For That Big Black Train Not Just A Metaphor To How Im Ridin On Tracks From Up North To Down South Wit Niggas Ridin In Lack's Since I Dropped I Got The Whole World Ridin Ma Back To Much Chit Chat Is He Back Pack Or Is He Gimmicky Lyricaly Hes Sick He Know The Ring Of Remedys Jealousy Breathes Envy Got Alot Of Enemys Shorties I Probly Wife I Keep Alot Of Those Too ###### All In My Pockets I Know Alot Of Hoes Too Ill Yellin All Aboard They Takin Off They Clothes Too You Tryna Figure Why And I Already Told You Most Chicks Is Infatuaed With All My Vocals Niggas Hate In The Hood Cus Im No Longer Local All Around The World Got Ladies Screamin Ma Name And For What They Lookin For A Ride On My Big Black Train [Chorus:] Shortie Wanna Ride Dont Worry Bout A Car Cus U Can Take A Ride On My Big Black Train Ill Scoop You Up Wherever That You Are From Under Your Mans Arm Hes Just That Lame And We Gon Be Rollin Rollin Choo Choo Chooin Ny Atl La Houston Now All The Lil Shorties Like He Got Game They Beggin For A Ride On My Big Black Train [Verse:] I Aint Got Spinners Im A Winner By Nature I Cant Stand A Broad Thas Just Into Ma Paper You Find Me In The Club Sippin Henny No Chaser If I Dont Hit It Now I Bet Im Hittin That Lata See When I Swing Thru The Bling I Bring Thru Brightin Up The Room Turnin Everything Blue And Everything New Is Everything New Cant Choose To And Everything You Aint Used To Now Have You Eva Seen A word not allowed Lay His Game Down Hop Off The Leer Jet Come Thru And Bring The Train Round Im Just Playin With The Game See Its A Shame Now They Say Im Cocky Since Industry Know My Name Now But Now Its Back On Board See Off To My Train We Go Check A Id Make Sure That This Thing Legal She Gave Me Head Crack And I Aint Talkin Bout Cee-Lo I Hit Her Same Day Man Thats Word On Ma People [Chorus: x2] Shortie Wanna Ride Dont Worry Bout A Car Cus U Can Take A Ride On My Big Black Train Ill Scoop You Up Wherever That You Are From Under Your Mans Arm Hes Just That Lame And We Gon Be Rollin Rollin Choo Choo Chooin Ny Atl La Houston Now All The Lil Shorties Like He Got Game They Beggin For A Ride On My Big Black Train Ride On Ma Big Black Train Big Black Train They Beggin For A Ride On Ma... They Beggin For A Ride On Ma Big Black Train "They Don't Wanna Play" [screwed up:] They talkin big baby They they talkin big baby They talkin big baby They they talkin big baby [Chorus:] They don't wanna play They don't wanna play They don't they don't they don't wanna play They don't wanna play they talkin big baby They don't wanna play They don't wanna play They don't wanna u can get the vulgar language not allowed up out of trill niggas way [Verse 1:] Say u a killa killa Say u bout that skrilla skrilla Watch out wen them bullets spray (braaaaaaaaaaaaaaat) Jus might get fill up fill up Mr. Potatoe Head U gone make me kill this word not allowed U claimin yo flow is sick? Yea well mine is illa illa Catch me in that dirty dirty Feed up in that villa villa So live I'm the 05 thrilla in manilla Come thru with the triple village Straight from the bottom to the top of the buildin word not allowed I'm about my bread!!!! My flow is yo ceilin ceilin word not allowed pop off Finna get popped my word is booooorn Wanna shoot the head up Meet me in the ring lets go it's ooooon Ain't affraid wut u niggas got to offa Got killas in the mit that'll off ya Yawl niggas ain't on the same level Pull up pull off in the vocsha One day in my life it el cost ya Look away look back I lost ya I ain't a killa main But I will thats word on my son and my up boan daughter You meet me by the creek by the crawler I'm the on sippin weight cruch the balla You niggas is hustlin backwards (they talkin big baby) [Chorus] [Verse 2:] I tried to told em not to act up But he didnt listen Now his colla bone and rib cage Out of position I'ma big dude Trapped in a lil word not allowed body word not allowed I ont know karate but ill body ya whole party He ain't see vulgar language not allowed all he seen is a shottie Next he seen jesus Pick up the putisis I'm the vulgar language not allowed mattafact in shiesest Don't make me show u wut a beast is word not allowed get on ya grind stoop ya Slackin on ya day to day U know wut time it is and I ain't flava flave But ima new york word not allowed spittin razor blades Ill leave u hurt like u label paid U was tough last wee but u soundin real gay today So get the vulgar language not allowed up out of trill niggas way Man I will lean u like a kick stand Rock u like a wristband Cut chu then I switch hands (they they talkin big baby) [Chorus] [Verse 3:] Now all u ###### niggas vulgar language not allowed boys snitches and hoes Make way for the trill slammin cadillac does Represent for pop trunkers Wit the trues and the voes Chunkin deuces out the roof ###### up the side shows From the pros to begginners L 7's to the winners Southern course steakas To the chicken dinnas And grind all the binnas And need to get it out Find a tight trap And then I said it out Bet cha bout them dolla On the best cause I'm back I'm the true and certified who resieded pimpin back Fat joe is cood coke and the crack and the flesh Young jeezy the snow man But I pack is the best So wen u see the 8 and the A Put the hatin away Joey is back and we been waitin to play Trigga finga waitin to spray Leavin ya punchured And u ont wanna see any trill niggas at a conjuction (they talkin big baby) "Like This" Uh, You know what it is what it is When we do what we do Uh, Yea Look If good girls get down on the floor Tell me how low will a bad girl go She probably pick it up drop it down real slow Look at that she's upside down on the pole That's when I grab the knot throw it up in the sky Let it come down slow watch it all fly Front to the back Then side to the side Can we head back to my crib for the night That's how it goes down All night long She whisper in my ear says she loves my song This is Why I'm Hot, she got it on her phone Top ring download number one ring tone I'm in my zone Tell me what's good, what it be Can't say I'm whatcha want I got whatcha need All night, it's alright We can dance, but ya gotta keep it up a lil somethin' Like this [x8] Baby do you want it Like this [x7] Girl tell me if you want it like this If you want to you can back it up You say you like it rough won't you let me smack it up Calm on you I am the silly one!! that's if you let me touch I don't care 'bout your breast You can be an A cup I know what I like And baby that's below the waist I'm a baller baby I'll hold us safe I got about ten lawyers to blow the case So we don't gotta worry 'bout those who hate I'm like the 2007 nino Dropped a few G's Imma shape like Gino Homey don't act like you know what I mean Oh see I'm the freshest ###### on the screen oh Back of the club All night long Grand Monea pop a case till the dawn Shortie says she love it when I let her call me Sean So if you really down baby we can get it on Like this [x8] Baby do you want it Like this [x7] Now break it down Gimme, gimme Gimme, gimme, gimme Say wha [x8] Gimme that all of that break it down Girl shake it up now drop it to the ground Girl you're way too hot Go a little lower Now baby beat it up like Rocky Balboa Yeah that's what I said Shortie go 'head Show me whatcha got Here's a little more bread You know how I shine A hundred on the wrist If you like what you see Then ya gotta keep it up a lil something Like this [x8] Baby do you want it Like this [x7] "Without You" [Letoya Luckett:] [chorus:] Nothin's been right since you walked out my life, so please come back cause i cant eat i cant sleep, and i cant go on, no just cant go on without you... [Verse 1: MIMS] See I was trynna do what I gotta (yeah) you see I been around the globe but no Im not a trotter (uh) Im just a fiend for them green for them dollars (right) So baby I dont mean what I mean when I holla (im sorry) After models, could blame it on the bottles, but the truth is, I aint into excuses The hoes love it when they see the coupe roof-less Thats why Im always on that new vulgar language not allowed Cause, when I dropped in, hoes drop in at the hotel and soon we got the clothes droppin the game- they kept callin me but no stoppin Im on the road doin shows so you can go shoppin Now, you lonely moved on me In the hood word is you got a new homie But I aint mad, do you homie Cause for me its mic check 1,2 homie.. [chorus] [Verse 2: MIMS] Up on a play on the way out, London, UK Shorty at homie cryin out 'won't you stay' (whats wrong wit you) She cant stand the fact I'll be back in 2 days Top all that I attract the groupies So she sick til her tummy hurts Honey-dip dont understand how money works She said I work too hard with no play She dont that that Im out there where them hoes stay (yeah) Or in the back of the club all in that rosay rippin that bar up End of the night Ima alcohol her Im all up in the Waldorf Historia In the suite with Miranda and Claudia Weekend love is all that I can offer her So when I get home Im more like a foreigner Im in and out from NY to Florida LA to TX then South of the Border [chorus] [Verse 3: MIMS] Baby girl, baby baby girl as soon as im back I'll take you around the world I know its whack I put ya life through hell I try to compromise with gifts babes, but still This is real til the death of me Cause you stuck around when there was nothin left of me You was there for me, plus you cared for me So forever you will always get respect from me (let's go...) [Letoya Luckett:] Baby your love means so much to me With you is where I always wanna be lovin you makes my life complete You make my life complete- oh-ohhhohhh [chorus] [Fade: MIMS] she said she said she said she said she said she said baby girl, baby baby girl... baby girl, baby baby girl "Superman" Hold up Wait Look up in the sky It's a bird It's a plane No it's me Cuz I'm fly, I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm I come through spot Stun is on the eyes Fitted to the side 20's on the ride Some say I'm fly They say I'm the best Catch me in the sky with the S on my chest Chicks call me superman Super duper lover Just in case it rain Keep the coup ville for covers Unless it rain dollars They your talking money Bein broke ain't a joke Bein rich must be funny And me I'm tryin ta laugh Count a lil cash Walk in, walk out, grab shorty with the I am the silly one!! Take her back to my pad But no not the crib I mean the helicopter Let me show you how I live See I can take you high Spend a little dough Shut them all down Take you out them plain clothes Baby I can make you fly Do it in the day So tell me if you down Baby what you got to say She said hold up Wait Look up in the sky It's a bird It's a plane No it's me Cuz I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm Hold up Wait Look up in the sky It's a bird It's a plane No it's me Cuz I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm Now tell me what ya like Cause I can make it life Them otha niggas did it wrong See I can make it right Had ya neck filled with ice Juicy Couture velour jumpsuit Princess for the night Keep ya draped in the best Blue marine dress They call me Mr. Fly I keep the S on my chest See I move faster than a bullet So I can hold ya down I could jump big buildings in a single bound That's why they call me superman Super duper lover Imagine what the boy Mims do beneath the covers I ain't 702 But you complete my stillo Look up in the sky Got you flyin in the G4 See we fly and better yet we soar And it's lonely at the top But the bottom is so boing Bottom of the pot All ###### in sole order whenever they see me like The people wind up on me like Hold up Wait Look up in the sky It's a bird It's a plane No it's me Cuz I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm Hold up Wait Look up in the sky It's a bird It's a plane No it's me Cuz I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm Call me superman super superman Hold up Wait Look up in the sky Call me superman super superman Call me Mr. Fly I keep the S on my chest Call me superman super superman Hold up Wait Look up in the sky Call me superman super superman No no no it's me Cuz I'm fly, I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm fly I'm "Doctor, Doctor" [Mims talking:] Aw man, I'm ###### up man. I think I need to see a psychiatrist. My minds playing tricks on me man. [1st verse:] I said doctor, doctor won't you help me? So many sick thoughts see my mind ain't healthy. Mad at the fact that I ain't wealthy, so I sell drugs ain't vulgar language not allowed you could tell me. When he got 10 cars and I got no car, waitin at the bus stop,I can't go far. You ain't poor you don't know what it is like to be in my shoes man and see what I live like. Now how can you live life 20 plus years old caught in a mid-life crisis. vulgar language not allowed who's the nicest. It's about coppin them new devices, Italian ices, gaugin prices, when you on top you should see how life is. So unrighteous, but it feels so good, mad at me like "he ain't no good", but I feel so good. [Mims talking:] I mean, I mean ###### doc. vulgar language not allowed is goin real good for me. I got a lot of fame now. But I don't think I could take it man. [2nd verse:] Check it out. I said doctor, doctor I need help now, ain't slept in years so I see a melt down. Either that or permanent breakdown cause my "Hypeman" ain't learnin the breakdown. I'm on tour now, my voice is tow down movin too fast but I can't slow down. Doc said to rest time to cancel the show now. Fans upset like I'm a No Show, "WOW". But I ain't do it on purpose behind the fame man I'm a regular person. But I feel worthless, the GIFT and CURSE is if I vulgar language not allowed up my voice then it ain't worth it. But I gotta give them what they purchased. If I'm the disciple then what they worship is Hip Hop not just a couple of verses. And doc hold up I'm just touchin the surface. [Mims talking:] I mean ###### doc, I can't take this no more man. I'm crackin under pressure. It's a little too much for me man. My minds goin crazy right now. [Verse 3:] Check it out. I said doctor, doctor I'm losin my mind quick. Ain't been shot but it seems like I'm HIT. Who woulda thought after all I did and all I gained I would call it quits. 5'9" but I'm tall as vulgar language not allowed and skies the limit then watch how tall I get. Wait, this is what other niggaz would call dreams but me this life meaning it was foreseen. So why am I complainin GOD blessed me man, I'm an angel in training. I done came in the game in a dash like Damon, predicted the reign man just like "Rain Man". Down in the sun on the Island of Cayman while you and your main man stood on the main land. Even real niggaz know what I'm saying. Yeah vulgar language not allowed changed but I ain't changin, for nobody. [Mims talking:] I mean GOD ###### doc. I been coming to you for the last 3 years and you ain't said vulgar language not allowed. Seems like I talk my way out my own problems. Sitting over here paying you all this money. I'm crazy man, I'm crazy. I'm crazy man, I'm crazy. I'm crazy man, I'm crazy. Uh, I'm crazy man, I'm crazy. I'm crazy man, I'm crazy. We goin to the next one now, MIMS, yeah. "I Did You Wrong" I did you wrong, I admit I did I did you wrong, I admit I did But I, I'm facing the rest of my life alone I did you-I did you wrong-wrong Ohh wrong-wrong I did you wrong-wrong Ohh wrong-wrong (I know) I did, I did you wrong-wrong (Mims) Ohh wrong-wrong (Push Play) But I-I-I- (There's some vulgar language not allowed I gotta get off my chest Shame on me, listen, how we gonna do this y'all) I hit it once right after I dissed her Then after that tried rap to a sister Same day, I had her I am the silly one!! in the bed y'all Same day and she giving me head y'all I don't lie, I'm a player for real I learn the game, so I'm playing the field I tell the truth, I don't fill her with lies They feel on my hair, I feel on thier thighs It's a tradeoff baby, it ain't a surprise You call me a 4, she call me a 5 That's 30 to skeet, and 30 to slide And according to me it's plenty of time, so I don't know what you tripping for We done went through this vulgar language not allowed before A few women ain't going to like this song So I apologize now cuz [1:] I did you, I did you wrong-wrong (I know I did you wrong) Ohh wrong-wrong (That's why I wrote this song) I did you wrong-wrong (I know I did you wrong) Ohh wrong-wrong (That's why I wrote this song) I did you, I did you wrong-wrong (I know I did you wrong) Ohh wrong-wrong (That's why I wrote this song) I, I, I did you wrong (But I aint' done yet, listen) I know this dame by the name of Susie Always in my ear like she ain't no groupie She like, 'We don't gotta rush tonight We can talk a lil' bit and watch a movie' I'm like 'Baby, I ain't K-Ci or JoJo' I'm trying to see where this bottle of Hypno' go I'm tyring to take this to the mo' and slide You show a lil' thigh, I show a lil' mojo I admit, I had to hit her with game But as soon as I hit it, I SPLIT! Now she sitting back mad, throwing dirt on my name Upset like 'He ain't vulgar language not allowed' I don't know what you tripping for We done went through this vulgar language not allowed before A few women ain't going to like this song So I apologize now cuz [Repeat 1] It was Keisha, Pam, Tina and Stace Mary, Kay, Elena and Faith Sheena from 8th, Talia, Tamia Shia, Tia, Juanita, Rasheeda Beth, Tisha, Ruby, Judy Oh, vulgar language not allowed her, she never gave me no booty I kicked her out, sent her back to her crib Cuz she was running her mouth about me eating her coochie Let's not forget about Michelle She tried to max out my cards like Blue Cantrell Some 'Hit 'Em Up Styles' vulgar language not allowed She was my down ###### Until she heard I was vulgar language not allowed some out of town ###### I don't know what you tripping for We done went through this vulgar language not allowed before A few women ain't going to like this song So I apologize now cuz
Brianstorm Some old track... or brian strom Brian, Top marks for not tryin' So kind of you to bless us with your effortlessness We're grateful and so strangely comforted And I wonder are you puttin' us under Cause we can't take our eyes off the t-shirt and ties combination Well see you later, innovator Some want to kiss some want to kick you There's not a net you couldn't slip through Or at least that's the impression I get cause you're smooth and you're wet And she's not aware yet but she's yours She'll be sayin' use me Show me the jacuzzi I imagine that it's there on a plate Your rendezvous rate means that you'll never be frightened to make them wait for a while I doubt it's your style not to get what you set out to acquire The eyes are on fire You are the unforecasted storm (Brian) Calm, collected, and commandin' (Top marks for not tryin') You made the other stories standin' With your renditions and jokes Bet there's hundreds of blokes that have wept cause you've stolen their ...thunder Are you puttin' us under Cause we can't take our eyes off the t-shirt and ties combination Well see you later, innovator ----------------------------- Teddy Picker Despair to the point till they provoke The punchline before they have told the joke The sheer desperation to be scene/seen Staring at the television screen Despair to the point where they provoke You to tell the vulgar language not allowed punchline before you have told the joke Sorry sunshine it doesn't exist It wasn't in the top 100 list And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder, Don't be surprised when you get bent over, He told ya, that you were gagging for it She saw it and she grabbed it and it wasn't what it seemed The kids all dream of making it, whatever that means Another variation on a theme A tangle on the television and the magazine D'you reckon that they do it for a joke? D'you reckon that they make 'em take an oath? That says "we are defenders Of any poseur or professional pretender around" When did your list replace the twist and turn? Ah the fist, replaced the kissed-on concern And if you're bothered, I don't want your prayers Save it for the morning after And it's the thousandth time and it's even bolder, Don't be surprised when you get bent over, He told ya, that you were gagging for it Lets have a game on the Teddy Picker Not quick enough can I have it quicker? Already thick and you're getting thicker Lets have a game on the Teddy Picker Not quick enough can I have it quicker? Already thick and you're getting thicker Asuming that all things are equal, Who'd want to be men of the people When there's people like you? ----------------------------- D Is For Dangerous He knew what he wanted to say But he did not want to word it The dirty little Herbert Was thinking an escape But the place was well guarded The guiltyness that started Soon as the other part had stopped D is for Delightful And try and keep your trousers on I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare D is for... Desperately trying to stimulate what it was that was alright 3 quarters of an hour ago That had led him to be in a position And every compromission Another freak episode He's nearing the brink but he thinks first The parallel universe perhaps could be the perfect scene He's nearing the brink but he thinks first The parallel universe perhaps could be the perfect scene He's nearing the brink but he thinks first The parallel universe perhaps could be the perfect scene He's nearing the brink but he thinks first The parallel I think you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare D is for delightful and try and keep your trousers on you should know you're his favourite worst nightmare ----------------------------- Balaclava Running off over next doors garden Before the hour is done It's more a question of feeling Than it is a question of fun The confidence is the balaclava I'm sure you'll baffle 'em good Will the ending reek of salty cheeks And runny makeup alone Or will blood run down the face Of a boy bewildered and scorned And you'll find yourself in a skirmish And you wish you'd never been born And you tie yourself to the tracks And there isn't no going back And it's wrong wrong wrong But we'll do it anyway cause we love a bit of trouble Are you pulling her from a burning building Or throwing her to the sharks Can only hope that the ending is a pleasurable as the start The confidence is the balaclava, i'm sure you baffle 'em straight And its wrong wrong wrong, she can hardly wait That's right, he won't let her out his sight Now the shaggers perform And the daggers are drawn Who's the crooks in this crime? That's right, he won't let her out his sight How the shaggers perform And the daggers are drawn Who's the crooks is this.... Crime! That's right, he wont let her out his sight That's right, he wont let her out his sight That's right, he wont let her out his sight You'll be able to post any day of the most ?? For the sights of all time You knew that it'd be trouble right before the very first kiss Quiet and assuming but you were that they were the naughtiest She pleaded with you to take it off But you resisted and fought Sorry sweetheart, i would rather keep on the balaclava. ----------------------------- Fluorescent Adolescent You used to get it in your fishnets Now you only get it in your night dress Discarded all the naughtiness for niceness Landed in a very common crisis Everything's in order in a black hole Nothing seems as pretty as the past though That Bloody Mary's lacking in Tabasco Remember when he used to be a rascal? Oh the boy's a slag The best you ever had The best you ever had Is just a memory and those dreams But as daft as they seem As daft as they seem My love when you dream them up... Flicking through a little book of sex tips Remember when the boys were all electric? Now when she's told she's gonna get it I'm guessing that she'd rather just forget it Clinging to not getting sentimental Said she wasn't going but she went still Likes her gentlemen not to be gentle Was it a Mecca dauber or a betting pencil? Oh the boy's a slag The best you ever had The best you ever had Is just a memory and those dreams But as daft as they seem As daft as they seem My love when you dream them up Oh, where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go? Woah. Falling about You took a left off Last Laugh Lane You were just sounding it out You're not coming back again. Falling about You took a left off Last Laugh Lane You were just sounding it out You're not coming back again. You used to get it in your fishnets Now you only get it in your night dress Discarded all the naughtiness for niceness Landed in a very common crisis Everything's in order in a black hole Nothing seems as pretty as the past though That Bloody Mary's lacking in Tabasco Remember when he used to be a rascal? ----------------------------- Only Ones Who Know In a foreign place, the saving grace was the feeling, That it was a heart that he was stealing, Oh he was ready to impress and the fierce excitement, The eyes are bright he couldnt wait to get away, I bet the juliet was just the icing on the cake, Make no mistake no, And even if somehow we could have shown you the place you wanted, Well I'm sure you could have made it that bit better on your own, And I bet she told a million people that she'd stay in touch, Well all the little promises they dont mean much, When theres memories to be made, And I hope you're holding hands by new years eve, They made it far too easy to believe, That true romance cant be acheived these days, And even if somebody could have shown you the place you wanted, Well I sure you could have made it that bit better on your own, You are the only ones who know ----------------------------- Do Me A Favour Well the morning was complete. There was tears on the steering wheel dripping on the seat, Several hours or several weeks, I'd have the cheek to say they're equally as bleak! It's the beginning of the end, the car went up the hill, And disappeared around the bend, ask anyone they'll tell you that. It's these times that it tends, The start to breaking up, to start to fall apart Oh! hold on to your heart. Do me a favour and break my nose! Do me a favour and tell me to go away! Do me a favour and stop asking questions! She walked away, well her shoes were untied, And the eyes were all red, You could see that we've cried, and I watched and I waited, 'Till she was inside, forcing a smile and waving goodbye. Curiousity becomes a heavy load, Too heavy to hold, too heavy to hold. Curiousity becomes a heavy load, Too heavy to hold, will force you to be cold. And do me a favour, and ask if you need some help! She said, do me a favour and stop flattering yourself! How to tear apart the ties that bind, perhaps vulgar language not allowed off, might be too kind, Perhaps vulgar language not allowed off, might be too kind. ----------------------------- This House Is A Circus This house is a circus, berserk as vulgar language not allowed We tend to see that as a perk though. Look What it's done to your friends their memories are pretend And the last thing they want is for the feeling to end This house is a circus, berserk as vulgar language not allowed We tend to see that as a perk though. Look What it's done to your friends their memories are pretend And the last thing they want is for the feeling to end There's a room full of trouble and there's lovers to be had Those ones who make sinners out of such lovely lads Scaling the corridors for maidens in the maze And the anomaly is slipping into familiar ways And we're forever unfulfilled Can't think why Like a search for murder clues In dead man's eyes Forever unfulfilled And can't think why Like a search for murder clues In dead man's eyes The more you open your mouth The more you're forcing performance And all the attention is leading me to feel important (maybe i'm not just completely obnoxious) Now that we're here, we may as well go too far Wriggling around in incidents you won't forget There's certainly some venom in the looks that you collect Aimlessly gazing at the faces in the queue And we're struggling with the notion that it's life not film This house is a circus, berserk as vulgar language not allowed We tend to see that as a perk though. Look What it's done to your friends their memories are pretend And the last thing they want is for the feeling to end This house is a circus, berserk as vulgar language not allowed We tend to see that as a perk though. Look What it's done to your friends their memories are pretend And the last thing they want is for the feeling to end ----------------------------- If You Were There, Beware If you were there, beware The serpent soul pinchers Three hundred and fifty no thank yous and nobody flinches Go on girl go on, give us something gruesome We require your grief, the thugs help the thieves As they're trying to rob the words from her gob and Take the source of the innocents If you were there, beware The serpent soul pinchers Can't you sense she was never meant To fill column inches And you've had enough, what you're trying to dig up Isn't there to be dug, the thieves help the thugs As they're trying be the good grace of a sweetheart Out to the point she'll comply Why leave her on her own If I'd have known then I wouldn't have said it I wouldn't have said it if I would have known Why leave her on her own If I predicted tears then I wouldn't have said it I wouldn't have said it if I would have known There's a circle of witches, ambitiously vicious they are Our attempts to remind them of reason won't get us that far I don't know what it is that they want I don't know what it is that they want But I haven't got it to give She hasn't got it to give ----------------------------- The Bad Thing Do the bad thing, Take off your wedding ring, But it won't make it that much easier, it might make it worse, Oh the nights like a whirlwind, Somebody's girlfriend's talkin' to me but its alright, She's sayin that he's not gonna slap me or try to attack me, Hes' not the jealous type, And I only need to get half an excuse and im away, But when there's no excuses that's much easier to say, I've been before, And all these capers makers too good for her to ignore, Well She's talkin but im not entirely sure, ohh Do the bad thing, Take off your wedding ring, But it wont make it that much easier, it might make it worse, Oh im stood at the bar and somebody's partner's talkin to me, But I don't know that is what she isn't she murmors things to confirm That the tragedy is true, And I knew 'how could she not she could have anyone she wants, And im strugglin to think of an immediate response, Like I don't mind, Be a big mistake, For you to wait, And let me waste your time, Really love it's fine, Really love it's fine, And then the first time it occured that there was something to destroy, I knew before the invitation that there was this ploy, Oh but she carried on suggestin, I struggled to refuse, She said "its the red wine this time, but that is no excuse" ----------------------------- Old Yellow Bricks Old yellow bricks, Love's a risk, Quite the little Escapoligist Looked so miffed, When you wished, For a thousand places better than this, You are the fugitive, But you dont know what you're runnin from, You cant kid us, And you couldnt trick anyone, Houdini, love you dont know what you're runnin away from, Who wants to sleep in the city that never wakes up? Blinded by nostalgia, Who wants to sleep in the city that never wakes up? She was enraged by the way, That the emperor put traps in the cage, And the days she being dull, Lead to nights readin beer bottles, You're such a fugitive, But you dont know what you're runnin from, You cant kid us, And you couldnt trick anyone, Houdini, love you dont know what you're runnin away from, Who wants to sleep in the city that never wakes up? Blinded by nostalgia, Who wants to sleep in a city that never wakes up? You're at a loss, Just because, It wasnt all that you thought it was, You are a fugitive but you dont know what you're runnin away from, She said I want to sleep in the city that never wakes up, And revel in nostalgia, I know I said he wants to sleep in the city that never wakes up but, Dorothy was right though ----------------------------- 505 I'm going back to 505, If its a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive, In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side, With your hands between your thighs, Stop and wait a sec, Oh when you look at me like that my darling, What did you expect, I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck, Or I did last time I checked, Not shy of a spark, A knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark, Frightened by the bite though its no harsher than the bark, Middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start, I'm going back to 505, If its a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive, In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side, With your hands between your thighs, But I crumble completely when you cry, It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye, Im always just about to go and spoil a surprise, Take my hands off of your eyes too soon, I'm going back to 505, If its a 7 hour flight or a 45 minute drive, In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side, With your hands between your thighs and a smile
:Mazakonia (99): -----:[ Suzan Tamem ]:----- Saken Albi 01.Saken Albi 02.Itlub Enyya 03.Wainoh Habibi 04.Ma Bitlahez 05.Ana Hebbak 06.La Ana 07.Ana Elly Ashaak Download Full Album Here Or Download Full Album Here Singles 01 - Nawyahalo 02 - Yes3ab-Alaya Allah Yerhmha
All Thanks Ya Nanossa Ya Amaaar :)
مروان خورى وكارول سماحة يارب انت بعدك حلوة وصرتى أحلى شو هالصدفة مافى أحلى وقلبى بيشوفك يا ما استحلى قوليلى كيفك انت انت بعدك وما بتتغير محيرلى قلبى ومحير وبعدو قلبك طفل صغير طمننى كيفك انت ماشى نتذكر عا دروب ويمرجحنا الغرام ليش بعدنا وكيف قدرنا ننسى هاك الأحلام ياليل البعدو ناطرنا عا مفارق هالايام ياربى تدوم ايامنا سوى ويبقى عا طول جامعنا الهوى ياربى تدوم ياربى تدوم يارب تعيد هالحب اللى كان احلى بكتير من الماضى كمان ياربى تعيد يا ربى تعيد هند عمرى الباقى وبعدلك عين ترجعلى وتتعذر على النسيان ومثلك يا خسارة فية اضيع عمرى الباقى رغم ما ضعت وضيعنى بغرامك يهوت بطارى فراقى مع قلبى اجى شايل غلاك بداخل الوجحان وشوفك نفس كل مرة اجى وترد اشواقى عليك الله مايكفى ظلمت بقلبك الخوان مشاعر قلبى تحرقها تهز بجرحك أعماقى حبيبى لية تهدمنى وقدرى فى عيونك هان وأنا من كثر حبى لك رفعتك لاخر افاقى وعليتك واغليتك حسبتك للأسف انسان كفاية وابتعد عنى وجرب لذة فراقى امل حجازى نفسى تفهمنى حبيبى نفسى تفهمنى انت قاصد تجننى غيابك طال ولا مرسال فى ليل البعد طمنى جملك حبى مو معقول بحسنك شو سحرت اقول وبيدك لو عذابى يطول اريدك لو تعذبنى اريدك جنبى تواسينى تفرحنى تحمينى تقوينى على الأيام عيونك اجمل اشعارى جنونك ضحكة نهارى بدونك اكتوى بنارى ترى بعادك يدوبنى يطول بغربتك ليلى ادوق بفرقتك ويلى ولا برتاح حياتى جراح حبيبى وانت هاجرنى اشوفك فارس احلامى تداوى بضحكة الامى تقول اشعار تطفى النار بنظراتك بتسحرنى حبيبى طول غيابك انا روحى على حسابك عيونى فداك وانا بهواك وانت فى روحى حابحنى فرقة جيتار سكر وحالى سكر ودالى شاغلى بالى طول الليالى فكرى معاة شاغلنى حبك خلانى احبك ادام بقربك وامشى وراة قلبى وروحى وروحى وعقلى وكل شى بعمرى يبية فرحى بقربة وفى غربة فرجى ذبحنى اشـتياقى الية كلامى لة دايم احلى كلام وكلامة لى كلة حب وغرام والله والله انا اموت فية ياللى انت كلك احبك ووصلك ي يصحى بقلبى هواه روحى لروحك وروحك لروى نعيش المحبة سوى كلامى لة دايم احلى كلام وكلامة لى كلة حب وغرام والله والله أنا اموت فية عادل المختار تزوجت العذاب خلاص وياى صغيت الحساب وسكرتى فى وجهى ألف باب تزوجتى وطابت لك حياتك وانا بعدك تزوجت العذاب وشللى ذكرك بعد الغياب وجيتينى بعد ماجرحى طاب ضميرك انبك ولا مراحك تريدينى عذاب فى عذاب انا قلبى ترك حبك وتاب محال يعود لك شوق وعتاب عرف انة الهوى ظامية يشرب سراب سراب فى سراب نور قدرى انا بنكسر أنا بنكسر وكل يوم انا بابقى اضعف من اللى قلبة وبقيت بخاف من بكرة خايفة حتى اقابلة أيوة بخاف من بكرة ييجى وأشوف عينيك أيوة بخاف أضعف وتانى أحن ليك وبقيت أخاف من كل شئ يربطنى بيك فى كل مكان شايفالك سامعاك وكانى لسة معاك حسك لمساك مش قادرة يوم انساك وشريط سنينى بيعدى من قدام عنيا حبك بقلبى بيعلن العصيان عليا بقى مش كفاية اللى عملتة حرام عليك