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My Favorite Songs

السمعه بالموقع

0 محايد

عن العضو electraheart

  • الرتبه
  1. thank you so much!!
  2. Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that the song 'Habit Keteer' is not complete, indeed it suddenly cuts before the actual run time is over, you guys might wanna upload it again, xx
  3. The mediafire link is working again, grazie!!
  4. Hello, it appears that the album Ehessas got deleted from all three links.
  5. Last time I checked that page, the links weren't working, so thank you for updating them. Rabena ykhelik.
  6. Hello everyone, I would really appreciate it if someone could share late 90s/early 2000s lebanese pop icon Katia Harb's albums in original HQ CD quality. The albums in question are Al Baab Al Ali, Bayeani, Mandallah and her self titled Katia album from 2003. Thank you in advance and have a good day
  7. Omg thank you so much, that's a treasure right there!!
  8. Hello everyone. So here's my request; I'd really appreciate it if someone could share the following singles in HQ 320 quality: Aline Khalaf - Baadak al bal Aline Khalaf - Farhat einaya Nelly Makdessy - Ya Arab Nelly Makdessy - Ya Dada Nelly Makdessy - Ya Nar Nari Nelly Makdessy - Yaeech el hob Please bear in mind I already have this in low, youtube-to-mp3 quality and am looking for the original single quality. Thank you in advance.
  9. is not really good to be honest 'الكواليتي تبع الالبومين 'جاني تاني' و 'على مين
  10. Thank you so much king!! Only 'ياشويقي' is missing ♥
  11. Thanks!! ? دايمن انت لوحدك بتشتغل على الفروم في مشكلة برابط ارشيف النجوم... بعض الالبومات ممحية.... البومات جوانا ملاح كلها انمحت و يوجد فقط البومين.... يريت باقي الاللبومات تبع جوانا بترجع على الفروم... و بردو البومات كاتيا حرب... هناك فقط واحد و الباقي انحدفو.... Sorry my arabic is not very good, I hope you understand what I mean, xx
  12. Hi everyone, Is it possible to have the following Howayda Youssef albums in original sound quality? Album 'ناري' album 'اغراب' and album 'ياشويقي' And thanks in advance, xx
  13. Hi everyone, Is it possible to have the following Howayda Youssef albums in original sound quality? Album 'ناري' album 'اغراب' and album 'ياشويقي' And thanks in advance, xx
  14. Hi, can someone please post Clauda Chemali's discography in CD quality? I couldn't find them anywhere... She is such an icon, but she always seems to be ignored on this forum and everywhere else.... Anyway, thanks in advance ☺️
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